This is Eloquence's upload bot, written in Perl. You need a recent distribution of Perl to run it.

1. Create a user account of the form "File Upload Bot (Username)" for your bot first.

2. Copy the script below into a file called ""

3. Run the file with "perl dirname", where "dirname" is a directory containing the files to be uploaded, as well as a file named "files.txt" which contains description (see sourcecode-comment below for format).

4. Change $username and $password accordingly to match the new user account created in #1.


E-Mail Eloquence if you have problems with the operation of this bot. This page is protected for security reasons - if you would like to suggest changes to the script, please comment on the talk page. (edit this intro)


If you are attempting uploads to another MediaWiki (besides Commons) you might want to look at an offspring of Eloquence's script which includes configurable site addresses and downloads (for copying between two wikis):

# Upload script by Erik Möller - moeller AT scireview DOT de - public domain
# Developed for the Wikimedia Commons
# Note: Before usage, create an account on 
# following this naming schema: "File Upload Bot (Username)", for example,
# File Upload Bot (Eloquence). This way, these bots can be easily 
# identified and associated with a specific user.
# Set the username and password below:

$username = "File Upload Bot (Username)";
$password = "";

# Then run the script on the command line using
# $ perl dirname
# where dirname/ is the name of a directory containing the files to
# be uploaded, and a file named files.txt in the following format
# What you write                Explanation
# @{{GFDL}} [[Category:Dog]]    This text is appended to every description.
# °Dog photo by Eloquence       This text is used when no description exists.
# >Dog01.jpg                    Name of a file in the specified directory.
# German shepherd dog           Description (can be multi-line).
# >Dog02.jpg                    File without a description (use default)
# The "@" and "°" lines are optional, and must be in one line. They can
# occur multiple times in a single file and are only valid until they
# are changed. As a consequence, description lines cannot start with "@"
# or "°".
# Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing.

# We need these libraries. They should be part of a standard Perl
# distribution.
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Response;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use Encode qw(encode);
use warnings;

$docstring="Please read for documentation.\n";
my $dir=$ARGV[0] or die "Syntax: perl directory\n$docstring";

# Make Unix style path

# Remove trailing slashes
$sep=$/; $/="/"; chomp($dir); $/=$sep;

# Now try to get the list of files
  or die "Could not find file list at $dir/files.txt.\n$docstring";

$stx=0; $dtx=0;
while(<FILELIST>) {
	if($line=~m/^@/) {
	elsif($line=~m/^°/) {
	elsif($line=~m/^>/) {

		# New file, but last one doesn't have a description yet -
		# add current default.
		if($currentfile) {
			# If there's been a change of the default or standard
			# text, we need to apply the old text to the previous
			# file, not the new one.
			$dx= $dtw? $dtx-2 : $dtx -1;
			$sx= $stw? $stx-2 : $stx -1;			
			if(!$desc_added) {			
		# Abort the whole batch if this file doesn't exist.
		if(!-e "$dir/$line") {
			die "Could not find $dir/$line. Uploading no files.\n"
	}else {
		# If this is a header comment,
		# we just ignore it. Otherwise
		# it's a file description.		
		if($currentfile) {

# Last file needs to be processed, too
if($currentfile) {		
	$dx= $dtw? $dtx-2 : $dtx -1;
	$sx= $stw? $stx-2 : $stx -1;
	if(!$desc_added) {

my $browser=LWP::UserAgent->new();
  my @ns_headers = (
   'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0',
   'Accept' => 'image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, 
        image/pjpeg, image/png, */*',
   'Accept-Charset' => 'iso-8859-1,*,utf-8',
   'Accept-Language' => 'en-US',

$browser->cookie_jar( {} );

@ns_headers, Content=>[wpName=>$username,wpPassword=>$password,wpRemember=>"1",wpLoginAttempt=>"Log in"]);

# After logging in, we should be redirected to another page. 
# If we aren't, something is wrong.
if($response->code!=302 && !$ignore_login_error) {
"We weren't able to login. This could have the following causes:

* The username ($username) or password may be incorrect.
  Solution: Edit and change them.
* The Wikimedia Commons software has been upgraded.
  Solution: Go to
  and get a new version of the upload script.
* You are trying to hack this script for other wikis. The wiki you
  are uploading to has cookie check disabled.
  Solution: Try setting \$ignore_login_error to 1.

Regardless, we will now try to write the output from the server to 
	open(DEBUG,">$dir/debug.txt") or die "Could not write file.\n";
	print DEBUG $response->as_string;
"This seems to have worked. Take a look at the file for further information or
send it to moeller AT scireview DOT de if you need help debugging the script.\n";
	exit 1;

foreach $key(keys(%file)) {
	print "Uploading $key to the Wikimedia Commons. Description:\n";	
	print $file{$key}."\n" . "-" x 75 . "\n";
	if($eckey ne $key) {
   		wpUpload=>"Upload file",
  	push @responses,$response->as_string;
	if($response->code!=302 && $response->code!=200) {
		print "Upload failed! Will try again. Output was:\n";
		print $response->as_string;
		goto uploadfile;
	} else {
		print "Uploaded successfully.\n";

print "Everything seems to be OK. Log will be written to $dir/debug.txt.\n";
open(DEBUG,">$dir/debug.txt") or die "Could not write file.\n";
print DEBUG @responses;