Commons:Graphic Lab/Software/scn

This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Graphic Lab/Software and the translation is 42% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Graphic Lab/Software and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Li prugrammi siguenti, foru etichittati dâ Commons community li 5 stiddi di l'elabburazzioni di mmàggini:

Logo Nomu Discrizzioni Sist. opirat. Download Example
Inkscape Prugramma di gràfica vitturiali, sìmili a Adobe Illustrator e a Corel Draw.

Sarva comu SVG, esporta e mporta un nùmmiru bonu di furmati.

Linux; macOS; Windows
(see more...)
GIMP Edituri di mmàggini d'àuta qualità, Open Source, assai sìmili a Photoshop.

Sarva comu XCF, esporta e mporta un nùmmiru granni di furmati, comu JPG, PNG e GIF animati.

Linux; macOS; Windows; and others
hugin Funni chiù viduti nta na mmàggini panuràmica ùnica e curreggi li lìnii cunvirgenti. BSD; Linux; macOS; Windows
Blender Crea e cancia mmàggini 3D Linux; macOS; Windows; and others
Dia Create and edit diagrams and graphics that only require basic shapes. Supports exporting to vector (SVG) and various raster file formats. Linux; macOS; Windows