Commons:Ús d'un llenguatge neutral en el gènere

This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Use of gender neutral language and the translation is 36% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Use of gender neutral language and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

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La comunitat Commons es compromet a proporcionar un entorn acollidor. Tret que hi hagi una necessitat específica del contrari, s'espera que les pàgines oficials, directrius i ajuda de Commons estiguin escrites en un llenguatge neutral en el gènere. S'ha d'evitar l'ús de pronoms de gènere i altres expressions que facin afirmacions innecessàries sobre el gènere.

Aquesta política només s'aplica en l'idioma de les pàgines de política oficial i d'ajuda de Commons. No s'aplica a cap pàgina de discussió ni llocs de discussió d'usuaris, fins i tot si el seu propòsit és proporcionar ajuda als usuaris i no s'intenta regular el llenguatge utilitzat en aquests llocs per editors individuals.

En alguns idiomes, evitar pronoms de gènere pot ser molt difícil. Aquesta política s'aplica al text en anglès; les pàgines en altres idiomes haurien de complir aquesta política en la mesura que sigui lingüísticament raonable.


"If you want to use a photographer’s picture, please ask her permission first." *Avoid. This makes an unwarranted assumption that the photographer is identifiable as female.

"If you want to use a photographer’s picture, please ask his permission first." *Avoid. This makes an unwarranted assumption that the photographer is identifiable as male.

"If you want to use a photographer’s picture, please ask his or her permission first." *Avoid. This makes an unwarranted binary assumption that the photographer identifies as either male or female. This is considered to be non-gender neutral and can appear unwelcoming to readers who identify as neither.

"If you want to use a photographer’s picture, please ask their permission first." *Fine. The "singular they" is sometimes controversial, but is now generally accepted.[1]

"If you want to use a picture, please ask the photographer for permission first." *Best. In most cases it is possible to recast the sentence to avoid using pronouns entirely.

"If you want to use Steve McCurry’s picture, please ask his permission first." *Fine. Here, the pronoun “his" is being used to refer to a specific photographer who is known to identify as male.

Useful sources

(Not part of the policy)


  1. Peters, Pam (2004) The Cambridge Guide to English Usage, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 978-3-125-33187-7.