

These are images uploaded daily during my #100wikicommonsdays adventure during the period of September 29, 2017 through January 7 2018. I did a lot of international travel during these days, which accounts for why their time stamps aren't always within 24 hours. I made "19th-century women" my personal challenge as (1) it hasn't been done before and (2) these women are deserving of the attention. Many of the images are poor quality as they date to the 19th-century. But I didn't let image (or article) quality dictate which pictures would be included. In the future, I hope someone with the appropriate skills will take an interest in improving their quality. For now, I hope you enjoy reviewing the gallery and when you can, take time to read the articles associated with these women. Thank you.

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October 17th was Day 19, but I mistakenly duplicated Day 18.

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