User talk:George Chernilevsky/Archive/Archive War 2022 2

Latest comment: 1 year ago by George Chernilevsky in topic 12.25.2022 - 305th day of the war

Article in The Signpost

George very kindly gave his permission for a copy of his "War diary" to be posted in The Signpost. It is essentially a copy of every word George has written on this page, in a similar format (well I tried), with almost all the comments by others left out. Thank you very much George - for everything. Sorry to the folks who've commented on this page - the story is already a bit long for The Signpost. Everybody should feel free to add their views in the comments section there. Smallbones (talk) 14:50, 28 March 2022 (UTC)

Thanks! -- George Chernilevsky talk 15:42, 28 March 2022 (UTC)
It is very effective in the The Signpost! Krok6kola (talk) 17:24, 28 March 2022 (UTC)
This is an excellent idea ! Good to keep there George’s news. Jebulon (talk) 17:53, 28 March 2022 (UTC)
Great idea to let as many people as possible read these reports from George. Thank you! --Cart (talk) 20:48, 28 March 2022 (UTC)



Today i got in touch with a friend of mine who had been missing for several days. Near Kyiv, the settlement of Rudnitskoye was liberated. She was there. Here are her personal impressions, quote:

Since we still have problems with light and communication, i can only tell you now. The orcs were hitting our positions with artillery for a long time. Ours also smoked them for a long time with mortars, artillery and hailstones outside the village. We have already learned to distinguish these terrible sounds. This morning we woke up from explosions and from the fact that tanks were coming in from all sides. It was scary when I saw tank in my garden 30 meters away, but then I noticed that the blue ribbons on the guys (they came in cheerfully, shouted something, sang) combed every yard and asked if there were orcs. Our fellow villagers warmly welcomed them. Then there were fights in the old part of the village, because the orcs remained there. Orcs fired back from machine guns, but our troops quickly bombarded them with mines. The whole day our guys combed every centimeter of the village (empty yards, farm, forest belts, etc.). The village is heavily mined, so they said that they had several days ahead of work to clear it.
Unfortunately, there is no school or church in the village anymore.
People in the old part of the village suffered greatly. From the constant shelling, the wave knocked out the windows and tore off the slate from the roofs. We also have a couple of holes from fragments on the roof, such large pieces flew in. One stray bullet shattered a window and lodged in the ceiling.
Personally, today i talked with the guys from the Georgian Legion who came to fight for Ukraine. There were also Belarusians there who are fighting for Ukraine under their white-red-white flag.
After the cleansing of Lukyanovka 4 days ago, all the orcs moved here, but this did not save the enemies.

-- George Chernilevsky talk 19:23, 28 March 2022 (UTC)


Patriotic graffiti in Vinnytsia, Ukraine during the war 2022

There is little news in Vinnytsia today. Only the evening is very rich in air raid sirens. Bombs fall on Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnepr, Odessa just now.

I have prepared a short review about the church's fifth column in Ukraine. Initially, the theme of the church was greatly inflated in the Russian media.
The most popular religion in Ukraine is Orthodoxy. After the collapse of the USSR, new states were formed on the territory of the former country, but the Orthodox Church remained united with the center (Patriarchate) in Moscow. Orthodoxy in Ukraine, even after the start of the war, retained its subordination to the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP). There is also the Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate (UOC-KP), but the unification of Orthodoxy within the framework of the state in Ukraine did not happen.
In Soviet times, there was a shameful practice of recruiting or infiltrating KGB agents among priests. The same practice was continued by Russia on the territory of Ukraine. Agents in church attire were on standby until the war began.
With the outbreak of the war, the UOC-MP became more active as an anti-Ukrainian center of sabotage.
In the district center of Khmilnyk near Vinnytsia, the priest offered armed resistance to the police, but could not escape and was captured. During a search, they found a whole warehouse of weapons and ammunition. He had a center for the coordination of saboteurs at home.
The community in the village of Sosonka near Vinnytsia expelled the priests because they campaigned in favor of the enemy during sermons. Now the priests of the Kiev Patriarchate conduct services there. And there are many such cases. Arms depots have been found in very many UOC-MP churches throughout the country, even in western Ukraine. Now all over Ukraine there are checks of Moscow priests.
On April 30, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine registered a bill to ban the UOC-MP.
Very many church communities even earlier began to move from the Moscow Patriarchate to the Kyiv Patriarchate. Such a transition was made in 2019 by the main cathedral in Vinnytsia.
In general, there is a strong split in the UOC-MP in Ukraine now. 15 bishops stopped mentioning the Moscow Patriarch Kirill. Many are moving to the Kyiv Patriarchate.
Summing up, i see no future for the Russian Church in Ukraine.

More related links

-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:25, 31 March 2022 (UTC)

Another large group of Russian agents is the party Opposition Platform — For Life (OPZZh). Now it has become clear that this party was originally conceived and financed by the Kremlin. The party has been banned since March 20 in Ukraine. Representatives of this party become Russian commandants in the occupied territory. And it was they who were offered the role of a puppet regime if Kyiv were captured. Some rank and file members got into this party through stupidity and left it themselves. Many small district and city cells of the OPZZh disbanded on their own. In Vinnytsia, the well-known sportsman, boxer Vyacheslav Uzelkov, was in the OPZZh (i hope it was just a stupid mistake ). And at the highest level - Boyko, Medvedchuk, Rabinovich.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:42, 31 March 2022 (UTC)

Thanks for the news. I like the photo of the graffiti. Shocking about the sedition from that church. Stay safe! -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 17:01, 1 April 2022 (UTC)


Today Vinnytsia was awakened by the sound of sirens at 4:00 am.

However, the main news today comes from the liberated territories. During the first days of April, the ZSU liberated more than 30 settlements. Investigations of the crimes of the Russian army against the civilian population are now beginning. This is a real shock. Thousands of civilians were tortured and killed. Corpses with their hands tied have been found in mass graves, in sewer shafts and just on the streets. About 300 shot inhabitants were found in only one burial in Bucha. There is evidence of the killing of children and the rape of women and underage girls by Russian soldiers.

Putin did not personally rape anyone in Ukraine, did not torture anyone, did not personally shoot in the back of the head. He did not personally bomb Ukrainian cities, did not fire rockets. He probably did not even give direct orders: wipe out such a city or village from the surface of the globe along with all the inhabitants, kill so many children, rape, rob, steal, loot.

All this was done by ordinary Russian soldiers, ordinary Russian people.

If you have the courage, check out the photos at the links below.

-- George Chernilevsky talk 13:58, 3 April 2022 (UTC)

Dear George, since you have the courage to live through this we must have the courage to look and witness these horrible war crimes. The only thing we can be sure of, is that there will be a day of reckoning for this and they will be judged. Severely.
It all started with Putin, but like a decease, this evil has spread from the top down to the troops through misinformation, brainwashing and propaganda. It's like Heart of Darkness all over again, on a new stage.
I was really proud of our Swedish military commander, when a few days ago he answered a question from the press. We are sending weapons and supplies to Ukraine and the reporter wanted to know if there wasn't a danger to reducing our arms depots this way. The answer was: "Yes there is, but the weapons are put to better use in Ukraine." Stay safe, --Cart (talk) 18:16, 3 April 2022 (UTC)
I'm thinking of you and your family, George. Thanks so much for the update! Stay safe, --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 16:05, 4 April 2022 (UTC)
Still on your side, dear George. We have seen on tv the results of massacre of Bucha. Horror. Jebulon (talk) 19:29, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

04.04.2022 - 40th day of the war

More and more details of atrocities, torture and murders in the occupied territories appear in the press.
In Irpin, on Lermontov Street, the bodies of women and girls were deliberately driven over with tanks to hide the details of their torture and murders. Now were found new group graves where they tried to burn the bodies.
After the liberation of other territories, we will learn many new terrible details of the crimes of the Russian army.

I heard a comment from a Ukrainian veteran who personally saw results of similar crimes by Russian troops in two Chechen wars: "The Russian army always does this in occupied territories."

-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:06, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

Nazis, that's what Putin and his collaborators are. Stay safe! Ikan Kekek (talk) 02:28, 5 April 2022 (UTC)
Just seen the pictures send by Pdt Zelensky to the UN Security Council. Awful ! But not surprising. Obvious war crimes. I don’t think it is necessary to qualify Putin and friends as « nazis »… They are just what they are ! I hope Ukrainian forces will be strong enough to resist in Donbass and un southern Ukraine. This is the next challenge. Take care, you and family. Jebulon (talk) 17:29, 5 April 2022 (UTC)
The newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws writes: Rusland gebruikt mobiele crematoria om bewijzen van oorlogsmisdaden uit te wissen, translated: Russia uses mobile furnaces to wipe out war crimes (this is not the first time newspapers come with this information. Looks like the Nazis are back. Lotje (talk) 13:59, 6 April 2022 (UTC)
@Lotje: They are back and there's no matter if the mobile crematoria are true or fake. --A.Savin 22:43, 6 April 2022 (UTC)
I have read in french newspapers that it is a fake. Jebulon (talk) 17:16, 6 April 2022 (UTC) Jebulon (talk) 17:18, 6 April 2022 (UTC)
I don't think the use of mobile crematoria is fake. Russia used mobile crematoria during the war in Donbas since 2014. At that time, Dmitry Medvedev officially recognized the existence of six mobile crematoria in the Russian army. Two such crematoria were seen in the city of Rostov-on-Don, it was the logistical center of the war in the Donbass. Around 2014, there was a video of the burning of a human body in such a crematorium (now it has already been deleted on YouTube). Site of the manufacturer of crematoria is According to insiders, stationary crematoria in Belarus and Crimea operate non-stop with killed Russian soliders. -- George Chernilevsky talk 19:25, 6 April 2022 (UTC)
Well, the french article explains this, especially the story of 2014 in Rostov etc… I have seen videos of the Tourmaline website, but they are 2014 old and burn other things than bodies. Anyway, no matter. What important is : how are you ? How do you feel the new strategic situation ? What about the future, soon and late ? What do you think ? Please take care ! Jebulon (talk) 19:48, 6 April 2022 (UTC)
I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that citizens will be able to flee the country on time. News has it that Germany tapped Russian chatter on Bucha killings. News on Bloomberg. Lotje (talk) 15:23, 7 April 2022 (UTC)

04.07.2022 - 43th day of the war

I answer the question Jebulon: What important is : how are you ? How do you feel the new strategic situation ? What about the future, soon and late ? What do you think ?

I'm OK.
How do i see the future? Today is a good day, and i see reasons for restrained optimism. The Lend-Lease Act is a month late, but it's still great news. Today, Ukraine needs seven times more military assistance than it receives. I understand that after the signing of the law on Lend-Lease, a considerable period of time (probably a month) must pass, after which Ukraine will actually receive the required weapons. This is the time for management and delivery. But now the outcome of the war is already a foregone conclusion.

Take a look at Russia's losses

Total losses of the Russian army 02.24.2022 - 04.07.2022:

  • Aircrafts 150
  • Helicopters 135
  • UAV operational-tactical reconnaissance 111
  • Ships and boats of the Navy 7
  • AFVs 1891
  • Tanks 698
  • Trucks 1358
  • Railway tanks with fuel 76
  • Guns 332
  • Multiple launch rocket systems 108
  • Air defense vehicles 55
  • Special engineering vehicles (pontoons etc.)25
  • Launchers of operational-tactical missile complexes (Iskander, etc.)4
  • Over 18,900 military killed
  • About 1000 prisoners.

Now think about this: there is no war with one-sided losses. The Ukrainian army also suffers heavy losses. Our proud Sparta bleeds too. I personally know several families who have already lost their men at the front. Today, the online lessons at my granddaughter's school began with the whole class expressing sympathy for her classmate. Their family received the official message "Killed in action."

The mobilization of men in Ukraine takes place in several stages. A few days ago, the fourth stage began. Previously, the military commissariat refused to appoint me to the army because of my age, but now my eldest son and I meet the criteria for this stage of mobilization. The fourth stage is the last one. After him, only the elderly, women and children will remain in the rear.

At the same time, Putin, having already lost 20,000 killed and captured, is ready to throw cannon fodder all over Ukraine. He is ready to kill another 100,000 of russian soldiers, but hold his favorite parade on May 9th. Therefore, there will still be very difficult battles ahead.

Personally about myself: I am not afraid to be at the front. Yes, it is very dangerous, but i have good preparation. From the age of 11, my "toys" were hand grenades, TNT and detonators. And i was regularly trained in shooting from infantry weapons, i thank my father for this, an honest officer and a very good person. In addition, i served two years as a soldier in the Soviet army. The Ukrainian army is very close-knit, there i will not be alone, but in a circle of friends. And most importantly, Ukraine has no right to lose, otherwise the entire Ukrainian people and the entire country will repeat the fate of Bucha.

The future is still unsettling, but i believe that everything will be fine -- George Chernilevsky talk 22:03, 7 April 2022 (UTC)

My thoughts are with you and the entire Ukranian people. Stay safe. Miracles happen now and then, and little me is actually praying for one right now. Lotje (talk) 05:59, 8 April 2022 (UTC)
Again horrible news today about Kramatorsk’s train station… At least 40 dead. How is it possible ? Very concerned about Severodonetsk. And Marioupol of course. It appears the mobile crematoria are in the city. Not for russian soldier’s bodies, but for ukrainian civilians. Jebulon (talk) 11:59, 8 April 2022 (UTC)
Are there drones, satellites zooming in? Lotje (talk) 12:47, 8 April 2022 (UTC)
As for mobile crematoria: they are really hard to find. Outwardly, it is an ordinary truck with a van, painted in the green color of the Russian army. Its purpose can only be known if the contents of the van are examined from a close distance (less than 100 m). -- George Chernilevsky talk 20:40, 8 April 2022 (UTC)
That means witnesses will take photos of them. Hope the Ukrainian citizens welcomed the news brought by Ursula von der Leyen yesterday. Stay safe Lotje (talk) 05:01, 9 April 2022 (UTC)

04.08.2022 - 44th day of the war

Russia dealt a senseless and brutal blow to civilians who were waiting for an evacuation train at the Kramatorsk train station. The strike was carried out by a Tochka-U missile with a cluster warhead. The death toll has risen to 52. Perhaps the number of victims will still increase. 38 died on the spot, 14 more died a few hours later in hospitals. Among those killed were 5 children. Of the 98 wounded who were taken to medical facilities, 16 were children, 46 women and 36 men.
The tail section of a rocket was found near the station. On it, in handwritten paint, was written "for the children." published shocking photos from Kramatorsk.

-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:44, 8 April 2022 (UTC)

Come on, dear ! Jebulon (talk) 00:22, 12 April 2022 (UTC)

04.13.2022 - 49th day of the war

Wow! Today, two Ukrainian Neptune missiles hit the Russian cruiser Moskva, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. There is a big fire on the cruiser, and a storm at sea. After the shelling of Vinnytsia with Kalibr naval missiles, i feel hatred for this warship as a personal enemy.

A Ukrainian regiment of marines was able to break through to Mariupol to help the defenders of the city.

According to recent data, 13 mobile crematoriums operate on the outskirts of Mariupol, they burn the bodies of civilians, they hide the crimes of the Russian military. In addition, the bodies are collected and taken to stationary crematoria.

-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:23, 13 April 2022 (UTC)

All russian warships, go f* yourself! So many people want to buy this new stamp, the Ukrainian postal service website has crashed. --Cart (talk) 22:12, 13 April 2022 (UTC)
Gosh Chernilvesky, glad to see y're back   I was worried. Lotje (talk) 08:33, 14 April 2022 (UTC)


Yesterday i received terrible news. My youngest son was killed during the bombing of Kyiv. He stopped communicating, and i searched for him for many days and i hoped for a miracle. But yesterday i got a notice from the police that he was dead. The police are very busy with such requests. I will be able to get detailed information only on Monday, for this I will go to Kyiv for two days. I couldn't sleep last night, i just listened to the rain outside my window.

My youngest son was only 25 years old. Now i will have to replace the father for his daughter, my granddaughter, so that she grows up a good person and can be happy. --George Chernilevsky talk 20:02, 21 April 2022 (UTC)

Oh no! That is the worst news a father could get. I am so sorry for you and your family. Crying, thinking of you and praying for you. This is too cruel. --Cart (talk) 20:10, 21 April 2022 (UTC)
I can only echo what Cart said. You are in my prayers. -- Colin (talk) 21:09, 21 April 2022 (UTC)
George, das sind fürchterliche Nachtrichten! Mein aufrichtiges Beileid! Ich bin sprachlos und wünsche Dir von ganzem Herzen, dass Deine Reise nach Kiew erfolgreich ist und Du unbeschadet wieder nach Winnyzja zurückkehrst. Du, N. und der Rest Deiner Familie sind in meinen Gedanken. Alles Liebe, --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 03:34, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
Reading that was schocking to me. George, I'm so sorry for you and your family. I cannot imagine the pain you must feel now. My thoughts are with you. Poco a poco (talk) 09:33, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
Dearest George, no words can express the pain. My deepest sympathy. May a thousand guardian angels accompany you on your journey. Lotje (talk) 04:55, 23 April 2022 (UTC)
This is terrible news indeed. Thank you for sharing your grief with us. I'm so glad that your granddaughter has you there. She has a good man for a grandfather. Please try to get some rest now, for yourself and your family. Love and prayers from Australia. --99of9 (talk) 12:50, 24 April 2022 (UTC)
Dear friend, I am very sorry for you and your family. My thoughts are with you. Yann (talk) 13:14, 24 April 2022 (UTC)
SO SO sorry to hear this George - my thoughts and wishes are with you. Herby talk thyme 11:12, 26 April 2022 (UTC)
  • Dear George, Colin told me about this terrible news. What a nightmare, I can not quite grasp what you are going through with the sudden loss of your son. My best wishes to you. -- Slaunger (talk) 21:16, 29 April 2022 (UTC)
  • Прийми мої співчуття! I'm so sorry to hear about this terrible news. I hope you and your beloved ones are safe! --Albinfo (talk) 12:44, 1 May 2022 (UTC)
  • Oh my God, that’s horror. I feel so sorry for you, George, and your family. My thoughts are with you. God bless you, --Aristeas (talk) 19:24, 1 May 2022 (UTC)
  • I hadn't checked here for a while and wanted to see how you were managing. This is just about the worst thing that could have happened. I'm so sorry! -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 18:12, 2 May 2022 (UTC)

04.24.2022 - 60th day of the war

Today is the day of Orthodox Easter - this is one of the main religious holidays in Russia and Ukraine. However, at the front it's just another day of the war.

Again, strikes are being made on peaceful cities. Air raid sirens sound again in Vinnytsia.

--George Chernilevsky talk 19:18, 24 April 2022 (UTC)

The whole world will suffer for this war. I wish those in power would wake up. I am so sorry. Krok6kola (talk) 00:09, 25 April 2022 (UTC)
Some Paska for you, my friend. Stay safe! You're in my thoughts. --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 02:24, 25 April 2022 (UTC)

A trip to Kyiv

Most importantly, we found the body of our son in the morgue. Many of the preliminary data were inaccurate or not correct at all.

My wife and i left on Monday. The journey by train instead of three hours according to the schedule took seven. On this day there were air raids on the railway just along our route. In Vinnytsia, they boarded the train to the sound of an air raid siren. There were very long stops just away from the stations. Then they learned in the news that there were air strikes on Zhmerynka and on Koziatyn in the Vinnytsia region. Five killed and eighteen wounded. We were just in Koziatyn at that time.

Kyiv looks very unusual. Shop windows and signs have disappeared, there are few people on the streets, but many checkpoints, anti-tank hedgehogs and shelters, the first floors of buildings are protected by sandbags.

The police department prepared all the documents for us. The most painful was identification by photographs. I did this myself to save my wife. These were shots after death. I was able to recognize my son's face in only one of the three shots, his head was smashed. But there was also a picture of a hand with a tattoo, so that killed any hope that maybe it was just a mistake. I asked why they didn't tell us why we could only find our son through unofficial channels. Answer: “Our police officers went to the front line, to checkpoints and to patrol. There are just no people for work." With the date of death, there is also confusion in different documents. The protocols were drawn up with a great delay, the police simply physically could not fill out everything at once. Therefore, there are four different options for the date of death. March 19 is the biometric identification date, so it was dropped. Then the police consulted among themselves and decided that the most likely date was March 4th. This date was eventually included in the documents, but we understand that this may not be accurate.

Things and documents were not found near the body, so identification was carried out by fingerprints. Ukraine has long introduced biometric European-style passports; fingerprints are taken upon receipt of the document.

According to a preliminary police report, the son had already been buried. With all subsequent questions, we were sent to the morgue, it’s good that at least they knew which one. We just hoped that this was an individual grave, and not a common burial.

The mortuary is a place of great human sorrow. A heavy cadaverous smell can be heard for a hundred meters. There are several large refrigerators in the yard - trailers without tractors, they are connected by cables to a power substation. At the morgue, we found out that there was an order to bury, but it was literally canceled at the last minute, they just found additional refrigerators. The queue for paperwork on death is about a day and the queue for receiving the body is two or more days. This is despite the fact that the morgue operates around the clock.

We spent the night in the apartment where I lived while I worked in the Kyiv office. The heating was turned off, it was cold, but these are trifles, it just no one has been here for a couple of months.

Not far from the place where we lived, there is a high-rise residential building with a large hole from a missile. Five floors were broken, but in the evening the lights came on in some of the surviving apartments of this house. People live there too.

The body had to be taken later. We were warned that all the bodies are in poor condition, so only on-site burial in a closed coffin or cremation is possible. It is technically impossible to transport the body to Vinnitsa, even commercial funeral companies refused to do so. However, after the cremation, we will be able to pick up the urn with the ashes and bury it at the Vinnytsia cemetery, so we chose this option.

Before receiving the body, i once again had to go through identification, but not by shots, but in real. Again i went to the identification alone. I didn’t recognize face at all, but I saw a familiar tattoo on my arm, our son invented it for himself and drew a sketch in Photoshop. So there were no mistakes. This is a wild state, when the hope arises in the soul several times "but what if everyone was mistaken?".

Farewell was in a closed coffin, the funeral was at the Baikove Cemetery. There were only my wife and I near the open doors of a car adapted for a hearse.

After the funeral, the coffin was taken to the crematorium.

The urn with the ashes will be given out somewhere after May 10, it will be necessary to go to Kyiv again.

We saw only one of the morgues (there are six in Kyiv). And Kyiv is a relatively prosperous city. The situation in Kharkov is a hundred times worse - there are 22-25 shelling and bombing of the city per day. And Mariupol has generally turned into a lunar landscape of craters.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 19:37, 1 May 2022 (UTC)

Dear George, I don't know what to say, except that this very personal report of the horrors of this war should be read by every leader in the western world. And to think that thousands of Ukrainians have similar stories to tell. It is overwhelming. --Cart (talk) 20:16, 1 May 2022 (UTC)
George, I'm glad you found your son! It's hard for me to imagine what your wife and you are going through. I lack words… so, this is just to let you know that I'm thinking of you every day. My deepest condolences! --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 02:16, 2 May 2022 (UTC)
Thanks for sharing your heartbreaking experience with us, George, I can to some extent feel what you feel as I also had to bury a very close person last Saturday, it was a sudden death and it's going to be hard in the near future. All the best to you and your family Poco a poco (talk) 07:10, 2 May 2022 (UTC)
I'm speechless. Condolences to both of you and to your wife, George. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 18:17, 2 May 2022 (UTC)

A titre personnel je te dois déjà beaucoup. Mais ta dignité dans le malheur est un exemple hors du commun. Nous pensons à toi et à ta famille. Nous en parlons autour de nous… pour qu’on n’oublie jamais. --Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 19:45, 2 May 2022 (UTC)


Thank you all, friends.

I saw a lot of grief because of the war in other Ukrainian families. Yes, the story of our family is the most ordinary in this terrible time. There are families that have endured much more suffering.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:12, 2 May 2022 (UTC)

05.03.2022 - 69th day of the war

Air raid sirens and air defense claps were heard in Vinnytsia today. Two cruise missiles were shot down near Vinnytsia. Russian missile strikes were also on Lviv, Kirovohrad Oblast and for the first time since the beginning of the war on the Zakarpattia Oblast. Railroad trains are running late again.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 19:51, 3 May 2022 (UTC)

05.05.2022 - 71th day of the war

Today, captured Russian armored vehicles were brought to Vinnytsia for display. These are heavily damaged and charred vehicles that are no longer suitable for use in the army. Just an exhibition about modern warfare.
And again air raid sirens in Vinnytsia just now.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 18:20, 5 May 2022 (UTC)

05.09.2022 - 75th day of the war

May 9 is the day of celebration of the victory in World War II in the USSR and now in Russia. Traditionally, it should be celebrated in Russia on a very large scale. However, this year's victory day was sad and dull. I personally watched the full broadcast of this enemy parade. So, how was it different from a similar frenzy a year ago?

Some such equipment was captured as trophies in good condition and is already being used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Also, aviation was completely canceled at the parade. Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed 199 planes and 158 helicopters by this day. Also typical, after the military parade, there should have been a demonstration of the civilian population with posters “1941-1945. We can do it again!" "To Berlin!", but not in 2022. However, in 2022 there is not even a hint of jubilation in Russia. No posters, no joy. Also, I did not see anywhere a new Russian swastika in the form of the letter "Z".

After the parade, Putin laid wreaths at the monuments of the Second World War. And at the same time, air raids on the cities of Ukraine began again. Now Russia uses very old Kh-22 missiles (1962 development), with very low accuracy and very poisonous liquid fuel engine. Seven explosions in Odessa just now. Air raid sirens also sound in Vinnytsia.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:20, 9 May 2022 (UTC)

Stay safe! -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 21:51, 9 May 2022 (UTC)
Just want to say that I'm thinking of you. This should not be happening at all. I really don't know what else to say. Stay safe. KaraLG84 (talk) 08:26, 12 May 2022 (UTC)


Hello George Chernilevsky, having been told Ukranian people started calling the Russian soldiers Russizis (or something similar), meaning a combination of Russian and Nazi, I was wondering if this replaces de orka's. Also, if the information is correct, wondering how it is spelled. Thanks and above all: stay safe. Lotje (talk) 12:33, 10 May 2022 (UTC) Lotje (talk) 12:33, 10 May 2022 (UTC)

Yes, that's right.

"Рашизм" - Rashizm - Russian Nazism as a political phenomenon.
"Рашист" - Rashist is a Russian soldier, or a Russian Nazi.
"Русня" - "Rusnya" as a synonym for Russian soldiers.

The first two words appeared back in 2014 -- George Chernilevsky talk 14:28, 10 May 2022 (UTC)

Below is a link to the lyrics of the song Rashizm (2014) in Russian and the translation, you can see two tabs with text on the page. Songwriter is Sevastyanov Boris Oleksandrovich, composer and musician who lives in Kharkov.

You can listen to the original song here

or here

-- George Chernilevsky talk 16:02, 10 May 2022 (UTC)

  • Good to hear from you again George, and that you for this explanation. However, posting the lyrics to a song, even on a talk page, is not unproblematic on Wiki-projects due to copyright issues. I have seen things like this being removed per guidelines at Wikipedia:Lyrics and poetry. You might want to copy the lyrics to another place online and simply post a link here. Just giving you a tip in case this text is not free. All the best, --Cart (talk) 16:05, 10 May 2022 (UTC)
Thank you very much George. I read the article, but what strikes me: Ruscism (Q15975478) does not show an article in the Russian language. Wondering if that has to do with censure. Lotje (talk) 17:33, 10 May 2022 (UTC)
Hello George, only me again, wondering if you one is aware of Ukrainian question Lotje (talk) 17:44, 10 May 2022 (UTC)
Yes. This is similar to Final Solution -- George Chernilevsky talk 18:01, 10 May 2022 (UTC)


Hi George,

I hope that you are doing well. I was wondering whether we have your permission to publish this recount of your talk page in The Signpost?

Thanks, EpicPupper (talk) 05:31, 29 May 2022 (UTC)

Hi EpicPupper,
yes, i give my permission to publish this talk page in Signpost.
With best regards, George Chernilevsky talk 05:38, 29 May 2022 (UTC)


06.03.2022 - 100th day of the war

Air raid sirens sounded twice in the city today. Hot summer weather and the first thunderstorms came to Vinnytsia. A lot of refugees from the east of Ukraine settled in the city. These people heard explosions and shelling in their hometowns, so even the media warned: "Don't be afraid of the sound of thunder, it's just weather, not war." -- George Chernilevsky talk 20:51, 3 June 2022 (UTC)

Attack on Vinnytsia

There recently was a Russian missile attack on Vinnytsia with 20 killed etc. [1] [2] George is safe, but the internet is currently not really working there. Regards --A.Savin 11:30, 14 July 2022 (UTC)

Thanks Alexander.
Yes, after yesterday's attack, the Internet cable was broken. I was able to call Alexander only. --George Chernilevsky talk 11:49, 15 July 2022 (UTC)
I'm relieved you're alive! I heard about this atrocity. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 19:06, 15 July 2022 (UTC)

Today in the Vinnytsitsa region was a day of mourning. Only numbers:

  • 23 people died, including 3 children.
  • The bodies of 11 adults and 2 children have not yet been identified.
  • 82 wounded, including 4 children, are being treated in hospitals.
  • A total of 183 people applied for medical help.
  • 18 people were missing, not even their bodies were found.

People bring flowers and children's toys to the scene of the tragedy... --George Chernilevsky talk 20:04, 15 July 2022 (UTC)

Only once have I stopped in a public place and started to cry from sheer relief, and that was when I heard on the radio that Pinochet had been arrested and was to stand trial. I hope to experience this soon again when they arrest Putin. --Cart (talk) 22:00, 15 July 2022 (UTC)
Take care User:George Chernilevsky, I hope you are healthy! Tournasol7 (talk) 16:03, 16 July 2022 (UTC)

Additions to the news from Vinnytsia July 16:

  • Another person died of wounds in the hospital, 24 killed total.
  • Rescuers pulled three living people out of the rubble.
  • 55 multi-apartment residential buildings were damaged, 17 of them were seriously damaged.
  • Destroyed 2 trams and 40 cars.

The shelling of the civilian population in the cities of Ukraine is a new Bucha, which the Russians are making with their missiles. There are no safe cities in Ukraine. Missiles fall every day on different cities. We no longer say "stay safe", but we say "we will be brave" and "we will take revenge on the Russian military". --George Chernilevsky talk 18:45, 16 July 2022 (UTC)

My personal review of the Russian army

My sources for information:

  • I have lived and traveled in Russia for many years. I personally saw how people live in hundreds of cities, towns and villages. The last time i was in Russia was in 2003.
  • Until recently, i had acquaintances from Russia from different regions with whom i spoke personally.
  • Since 2014, i have been a volunteer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and have the opportunity to communicate with Ukrainian soldiers.
  • My cousin has been in combat since 2014.
  • Since February 24, the Security Service of Ukraine and Intelligence of Ukraine have been publishing hundreds of wiretapped telephone conversations of Russian military personnel, as well as conversations with captured Russians.

For all the information below, you can find confirmation in open sources

Russian Empire

Formally, Russia is called the Russian Federation, but this is not correct. Russia is the Moscow empire, and its vast territories are captured colonies. Life in the imperial centers and in the colony is very different. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other big cities, it is an opportunity for office clerks to go to work in huge glass offices and get big salaries. In the imperial centers there is a large number of services and entertainment. Almost all the money from the sale of oil and gas accumulates here. And there is Siberia, where gold, diamonds, oil, gas, and nickel are mined. In Siberia, wood and red caviar are also harvested, but the people live in poverty in barracks. If you drive just 20 minutes from the border of Moscow or St. Petersburg, you can see the appalling poverty. What is poverty in the provinces of Russia - is the lack of opportunity to earn a living. There are almost no enterprises, there is no opportunity to get a job. There are no schools or hospitals. More than 20,000 schools have been closed in Russia's provinces over the past 20 years. I can give an estimate of income at the exchange rate in foreign currency before the start of the war, since now the Russian ruble is no longer a convertible currency. Thus, an income of about 400 dollars a month at full employment was considered the level of good prosperity, almost wealth in the provinces. Many earn as little as $180 a month full-time, but even that isn't the worst. People in the provinces live in barracks, partly without communal amenities. On the streets, instead of asphalt, there are fetid puddles with sewage and heaps of garbage. Tens of millions of people in the provinces have not even seen a flush toilet. The toilet is a wooden building with a hole in the plank floor above the stinking pit. Every year 120-180 Russians drown in these toilets. The inhabitants of the provinces are people humiliated and robbed by the empire. In addition, not ethnic Russians live on the outskirts of the empire, but people of various other small national groups. Understanding that Russia is an empire is very important for assessing the Russian army. During the war with Ukraine, the imperial centers continue to live as before, and soldiers from the poor provinces are sent to the front. This war does not concern the inhabitants of Moscow personally.


The Russian orc hordes is very heterogeneous in composition, i will describe some of the most notable parts of it.

Battle Buryats

Buryatia is a republic in Siberia about 8,000 km from Ukraine. The poverty of the inhabitants here forces them to join the army for contract service, although there are many natural resources in this territory. The Buryats are the cruel executioners of Bucha and other territories of Ukraine. In relation to the Buryats themselves, the Russian authorities are carrying out a covert genocide. The Buryats are gradually forgetting their culture, their traditions, they study only according to the Russian program and have little knowledge of their native language. There is a gradual depersonalization and transformation into Russians of this people. A similar attitude in Russia can be seen towards all small nationalities. Buryats are a minority among the population of Russia, but they rank second in terms of the number of occupiers killed in this war. Because of the cruelty and desperation in battle, they received the nickname "Battle Buryats" from the Ukrainians.

National Guard of Russia

The National Guard, so called Rosgvardiya are heavily armed special police units, similar to the gendarmerie. The National Guard was created to disperse demonstrations and protests inside Russia, it even has armored vehicles in service. These are soulless and ruthless people, but they often show themselves not in battle, but when establishing their own order in the occupied territory.

Tik-tok troops of Ramzan Kadyrov

Chechnya fought two wars against Russia for its liberation from the empire, but now they are troops loyal to Putin. The Kadyrovites are like National Guard, which was formed in Chechnya and took the oath personally to Razman Kadyrov. Kadyrovtsy terrify Russian soldiers. In addition to deliberate cruelty against the civilian population, the Kadyrovites constantly come into conflict with the Russian military of other nationalities. There are known cases of military clashes between the Kadyrovites and the Buryats due to the division of the looted trophies, as a result, the Buryats won, although there were losses on both sides. In addition, the Kadyrovites sold the exact coordinates of the location of military facilities of ethnic Russians to the Ukrainian army for cryptocurrency. In the course of the war against Ukraine, the Kadyrovites almost never went on the first attack. They prefer to be in the second tier. Very often, the Kadyrovites are placed as barrier troops in order to force the first line to go on the attack. Kadyrovites do not feel pity for the Russian troops of other nations and are ready to shoot them. Because of their love to create and upload videos with frightening content on the Web, the Kadyrovites got the nickname "Tik-tok troops" from the Ukrainians.

Military units of ethnic Russians from economically depressed regions

As a rule, these are people who have not received a good education. All their lives they were humiliated, and now they take out their anger for a worthless life on Ukrainians, whose standard of living was much higher. Motivation: Russian propaganda and the opportunity to rob. One of the problems of Slavic warriors in Russia is mass alcoholism, as well as indifference to someone else's and to one's own life. I was surprised that these warriors often abandon their wounded. In addition, the wounded themselves provide first aid. Their comrades will simply watch, but will not help to apply a bandage to the wound.

Private military companies (PMCs) Wagner Group and others

These are professional mercenaries, soldiers of fortune. War is just business for them. The rest of the Russian soldiers are jealous of the high salaries of mercenaries. They often achieved success in their sectors of the front, and one could get into their ranks only after a strict selection. However, now the situation has changed. Due to heavy losses, they do not have enough people. Now even people in Russian prisons are being recruited into PMCs. They are offered amnesty if they sign a contract. It is noteworthy that one of the Russian pilots shot down in the sky of Ukraine was also registered as a member of the Wagner Group.

Forcibly mobilized Ukrainians from the occupied territories

In the occupied territories, the Russian authorities hunt down all men under the age of 65 and threaten them by force to send them to fight. These soldiers have no military training and no motivation. They are used as consumables, sending them on a suicide attack. The purpose of such an attack is to reconnoiter the location of firing points in the location of the Ukrainian army.

Problems of the Russian army

The main problem is that once in the Russian army, the soldiers remain humiliated and embittered people. The army is a reflection of life in the poor provinces.

Poor uniforms and shoes

Almost all Russian soldiers are very poorly dressed. They have almost no body armor. Shoes are very often of low quality, made of ersatz materials, felt or rubber. At the beginning of the war, about half of the Russian soldiers received frostbite on their feet in the Nikolaev region.

Bad food

Going to war, Russian soldiers received a supply of food for 3-10 days. Very often, the officers responsible for supplying the army plundered and sold even these products, leaving the soldiers simply hungry.

Respect for the dead and wounded russians

All the time of the war since February 24, the Russians almost do not take their dead soldiers, leaving them to rot on the battlefields. One of the reasons is indifference to consumables. Another is the desire to hide your losses. And there is a financial reason - if the corpse is not registered as "killed in action", then his relatives will not receive financial compensation from their state. Many military experts are sure that the wounded sailors were not rescued from the cruiser Moskva. This is a russian way to hide the large number of victims on the ship. Sailors from the cruiser are documented as "missing".


The problems described above are the causes of the crimes that the Russian army commits en masse.

Theft, robbery, looting

I understand why hungry soldiers rob shops and the population for food. But they go much further, taking away washing machines, kitchen appliances and even small things like frying pans, T-shirts, socks and underwear. Here is not only a desire for profit, but also a desire to vent their eternal humiliation on those who, until recently, lived better than they did.

Murder and torture of civilians

A lot has already been said about this, and we will learn even more when we liberate the whole of Ukraine. Tragedies similar to Bucha have been committed in many other settlements. Some of our people who were taken prisoner spoke about torture with electricity and beatings in the filtration camps.

Sexual abuse

The terrible side of the behavior of the Russian army, there are many similar cases. The victims were not only women, but also children, including those from the age of one year, and also elderly men and women. Some of the children died because of such executions. And only in Bucha it is known about 9 pregnant Ukrainian women after rape.

Destruction of the corpses of Ukrainians

The Russian troops are trying to destroy the bodies of people tortured and killed in the occupation in order to hide the traces of their crimes. The most striking example is Mariupol, where residential buildings are being destroyed in order to bury the dead civilians among the rubble forever. Crematoriums and mass graves are also used for this.

Killing and eating dogs

This is done not only because of the lack of food, but also to humiliate and intimidate the occupied population. There are several cases when the invaders killed and ate domestic dogs, and it could be a large Alabay or a small Yorkshire Terrier.

What is terrible about all crimes is that in telephone conversations, relatives of soldiers from Russia, their wives and mothers encourage such crimes and call for even more torture, rape, murder and robbery. The moral level of a significant part of the Russian population remains very low.
I don't think any civilized country wants to see such a horde of orcs on its territory.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 21:49, 16 July 2022 (UTC)

It is sad to say, but the leaders in that particular part of the world (an all other parts of the globe where the population has limited access to knowledge) are all to blame, each and everyone of them. That is what happens if a population does not have the possibility to learn and educate (themselves). Still living in the 19th century. Instead of giving the good example and being a leader who could have entered the history books as the one who learned his people to live in a modernized world, Putin will enter the books as the leader who catapulted his people back in history. Another two generations lost. But who cares? Putin must think, if I go (to hell), the others can go too...
Wonder how Muslim communities feel about this (eating dogs) Lotje (talk) 10:10, 17 July 2022 (UTC).
We always put our own cultural "do and don't" on food, and are appalled by deviations from it. Commons is multi-cultural and we have the Category:Dogs as food. I'll always remember a nature documentary made by a Swede. Visiting a rainforest tribe in Central America, he had a hard time seeing them eating guinea pigs. However he was delighted to find crayfish in the river, cooked them and ate them. The tribe people looked at him in disgust and asked if he ate spiders too. --Cart (talk) 10:57, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
@W.carter: you got a very interesting point there. I do realize that every culture has it's specific "food culture" (like for example in China it is not unseen eating the brains of a monkey during a wedding party,... and the history of COVID-19 is another example), but I was referring to the humiliation and intimidation. If that is the main reason for the killing and eating dogs, to me that gives a totally different dimension to food. That in imho is not tolerable. To me, mutual respect is the first step towards civilization. Dogs in religion could be interesting to readers not being familiar with this. :-) Lotje (talk) 11:39, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
Yes, the peoples of the Far East have traditions of cooking and eating dogs. But in this situation, they eat a pet, a friend, and actually a family member. However, this barbarism is just a minor violation compared to the rape and murder of children. -- George Chernilevsky talk 11:48, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
Of course I understand the situation here and the overall bigger issues. I was merely making an observation. --Cart (talk) 12:03, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
Hello George and all visiting here, coming across this image, I wanted to share with you.
...Many people feel helpless. This is a reminder: you can help. Donate to charities, create artwork or music, write to politicians, buy things made in Ukraine, attend rallies, and voice your opinions. Where I grew up in Canada, there was a significant Ukrainian immigrant population, and Ukrainian community centres. If there is such a place around you, ask how you can help them – since they would certainly be involved in humanitarian aid in some way. We are doing the same with a Ukrainian cultural center here in Varna, though our funds are limited. We hope to do more car-loads of supplies soon, thanks to the incoming donations. ::::::Back to photography for a moment: this image was taken with a new macro lens that has yet to be announced. It’s pretty solid. I’ll mentioned more about it when I can. There are a lot of projects happening behind the scenes over here that I can’t walk about just yet, some may be a long ways off. Stay tuned for future updates, and more blue & yellow imagery. ::::::P.S. As I conclude this post, I hear the unmistakable sound of fighter jets overhead; they were likely Bulgarian MIG-29s. Bulgaria has been cut off from Russian natural gas, which amounted to 95% of the national supply. Additional supply from the United States as well as a new pipeline to Greece alleviate the problem, but Russian aggression is not simply limited to Ukraine. Finland and Sweden are likely to join NATO in the immediate future, and tensions between NATO and Russia are rising. We are safe, happy, and healthy – but we also realize that so much is at stake. While the Ukrainian people are fighting for their sovereignty right now, they are also fighting for all of us. They have my unending respect...
Lotje (talk) 13:49, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
Well, surely there are lots of things to blame on ethnic Russians, but the only verified cases of eating cats or dogs I ever know of, was the Siege of Leningrad. Not speaking for Chechens or Buryats, though. Regards --A.Savin 15:34, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
Proof link here: [3], [4]
So, in Vorzel, Russian soldiers caught, crucified and ate dogs. This was announced by the officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergey Misyura. He posted a video on his YouTube channel, where he recorded dog paws nailed to the stairs with screws. The enemy put the giblets in bags that he left nearby. Blood and animal fur are also visible on the stairs. Have a look to video at bottom parts of second link -- George Chernilevsky talk 19:01, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
What is seen in this video isn't evidence for eating (not even for merely killing) dogs; which of course doesn't mean this may not have been true at some time and place. Regards --A.Savin 01:21, 18 July 2022 (UTC)
Yes, severed dog paws are only indirect evidence of killing and eating. There are few more cases when the occupiers, in communication with relatives, reported eating dogs, and in two cases the breeds were even indicated. But there is no documentary video of the process of killing and preparing dogs.
I am not saying that it was ethnic Russians who were eating dogs. The Russian army gathered soldiers of different nationalities. But the Chechens could not do this. Chechens are Muslims, they try to comply with Halal laws. At the same time, some peoples of the Far East have traditions of cooking food from dogs. -- George Chernilevsky talk 09:05, 18 July 2022 (UTC)

News 18.07.2022 , 145th day of the war

Today Vinnytsia was visited by a delegation of EU and Israeli ambassadors, in particular, diplomatic representatives of France, Croatia, Slovenia, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark and Germany. In total, about two dozen diplomats came. These diplomats were able to see the site of the missile strike, the site of the Russian terrorist attack. --George Chernilevsky talk 17:42, 18 July 2022 (UTC)


Hi George. This Signpost article was slated to be published in May, but due to technical difficulties it wasn't. Are you okay with us publishing it this issue? I don't want to open up any new wounds and I'm really sorry about your son. EpicPupper (talk) 20:41, 23 July 2022 (UTC)

Yes, i consent to the publication.
New heavy experiences gave me a missile attack on Vinnytsia. -- George Chernilevsky talk 08:27, 24 July 2022 (UTC) George Chernilevsky talk 04:31, 4 August 2022 (UTC)


Today is a special day. This is the 31st anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine. Happy birthday, Ukraine!
And today is exactly 6 months since the start of a full-scale war.
A "parade" of Russian vehicles took place in Kyiv. In the center of the city on Khreshchatyk Street, a large number of lined and burnt Russian armored vehicles are exhibited.
Today, there are especially many air raid sirens in all cities of Ukraine. Sirens sounded seven times in Vinnytsia. A Russian unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down near Vinnytsia.

Some statistics for six months of the war:

  • 13,477 killed and wounded among the civilians of Ukraine. This is only for officially registered cases, the full statistics are much worse. Including 374 children were killed, 723 were injured.
  • Approximately 3,500 missiles were fired by Russia at Ukrainian cities and facilities. For comparison, there are only about 100 missiles in Syria.
  • 9,970 air raid sirens sounded in Ukrainian cities.
  • Nearly 9 million refugees left Ukraine.
  • 6.6 million internally displaced persons.

-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:09, 24 August 2022 (UTC)

Happy Independence Day to you and your brave country! It's sad that you have to celebrate it with this horror still going on. I saw the parade online, not exactly what Putin had in mind when he started this. I'm glad you've proved him wrong.
There are a lot of military training going on here on the coast of Sweden where I live. We are close to Norway (and Nato) and I guess they are beginning to coordinate with each other. Yesterday, the air was full of airplanes and even helicopters. I didn't pay much attention to them up until six months ago, but now I think of you when I hear them, and I'm so grateful that I don't have to hear air raid sirens before I hear the planes. Hope you can celebrate this day in some way, --Cart (talk) 21:23, 24 August 2022 (UTC)
Thank you!
Yesterday there were so many sirens that a significant part of the citizens of Vinnytsia could not visit grocery stores. During the air raid, markets are closed and do not receive visitors. The night at the beginning of August 25 also passed with two air raid sirens
--George Chernilevsky talk 06:44, 25 August 2022 (UTC)
George, thinking of you and your brave country. I wish there was more that I could do personally. Be sure that you and your countrymen and women are in many hearts across the world!! Buckshot06 (talk) 17:57, 25 August 2022 (UTC)
Thank you! -- George Chernilevsky talk 19:06, 25 August 2022 (UTC)

September news

The retreat of the Russian army was so swift, a large number of trophies were captured. We now call this the new term "cascading fall of the enemy front." Over 3,000 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory liberated.
Trophies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in September 2022: 442 units of equipment, including serviceable ones, which can immediately be sent into battle 237 units. Ukrainians call these trophies "Lend-Lease from Russia".
Previously, the news channels reported on a number of trophies, indicating the types:

  • Tanks 49
  • Armored personnel carriers and armored vehicles 134
  • Special vehicles 17
  • Trucks and cars 50
  • Artillery systems 28
  • Multiple launch rocket systems 11
  • Air Defense systems 5
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles 6

A large number of Russian soldiers were captured.
In addition, many collaborators and their documentation were detained.

School teachers from Russia who arrived in the occupied territories were detained. Apparently, they are involved in the genocide against Ukrainians. In this case, genocide should be understood as the forcible transfer of children from one ethnic group to another group. Russian teachers wanted to teach Ukrainian children like Russians: according to the Russian school curriculum and with hatred for Ukraine.

Air raid sirens are still sounding in Vinnytsia. There was a power outage problem.
Traces of the war are visible on the people on the streets. Among passers-by, women with mourning black headscarves and young men with disabilities are increasingly visible.
City Telegram channels report every day about the heroes from Vinnytsia who died at the front.
My wife's nephew has not reported anything about himself for 5 days. He was on the front line, and we all hope that he simply does not have the opportunity to call.
George Chernilevsky talk 19:01, 15 September 2022 (UTC)


The death toll in Izyum may be many times higher than the Buchanskaya tragedy, said Oleg Kotenko, Commissioner for Missing Persons under Special Circumstances.
Direct speech by Kotenko: “Now we are working on the exhumation of the bodies of servicemen. Then the bodies will be handed over to experts for subsequent identification of the dead.
Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of our work here, how many locations will still be found in the de-occupied territories is not yet known, but the harsh reality indicates that the death toll in Izyum may be several times higher than the Buchanskaya tragedy."
In the de-occupied territory of the Kharkiv region, the bodies of almost 50 dead civilians were found, a mass grave with approximately 445 graves was found near Izyum.
This figure does not include mass graves, where the bodies have not yet been exhumed. These bodies have been buried since March.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 19:14, 16 September 2022 (UTC)

10.10.2022 - 229th day of the war

An air raid alert was issued today at 07:04 and there has been no cancellation so far. This day will already be remembered as the day of the most numerous missile strikes against the peaceful cities of Ukraine.
Russia uses Kh-101, Kh-22 missiles, as well as many Iranian-made Shahed-136 kamikaze drones.
Explosions occur in Kyiv and in many regional centers. Air defense works in Vinnytsia.
During the third wave of missile attacks, 47 missiles were launched from the Caspian Sea, we are waiting for their arrival right now. In the fourth attack, another 14 missiles were fired.
--George Chernilevsky talk 08:09, 10 October 2022 (UTC)

These attacks are all over media, along with horrible photos. Glad to hear from you to know you are well. --Cart (talk) 09:08, 10 October 2022 (UTC)

Today Russia launched 84 cruise missiles and 24 drones to Ukraine, 13 of them Iranian Shahed-136.
Air defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 56 targets, including 43 cruise missiles and 13 drones (including 10 kamikaze drones).
The air raid today lasted 5.5 hours.
Russia reloaded its missile carriers, warships again put to sea. We are expecting a hot evening and night. --George Chernilevsky talk 14:16, 10 October 2022 (UTC)

10.11.2022 - 230th day of the war

Today is largely the same as yesterday. Again air raid sirens and many hours of air attacks from Russia with Iranian drones and cruise missiles. Two explosions were heard in Vinnytsia.
In the Vinnytsia region, there is serious destruction as a result of repeated attacks by the Russian occupiers on energy infrastructure facilities. As a result, 242 settlements in the region were left without electricity, and a regime of total electricity savings is being introduced in the region. Savings are necessary to keep hospitals and social institutions running.
In addition, today, October 11, the Russians struck critical infrastructure facilities in Ladyzhyn and Vinnytsia District.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 19:35, 11 October 2022 (UTC)

10.12.2022 - 231th day of the war

Today again morning began not with a cup of coffee, but with sirens at 05:27. This morning and evening, Russia attacked Vinnytsia with Iranian Shahed-136 drones. In the morning, two Shaheds were shot down not far from my house, about 600-800 meters away. I heard the sounds of explosions well.
In the evening the air raid lasted more than four hours and ended just now. Our Ukrainian aircraft flew over the houses at low altitude, protecting the city. Shot down another target, the sound of an explosion was heard again. And now it's quiet.
Drones Shahed-136 have already received the nickname "Moped" from the Ukrainians. These drones have a very loud internal combustion engine sound, like a moped without a silencer.
--George Chernilevsky talk 18:37, 12 October 2022 (UTC)

I wish for you to stay safe. I came here to see whether you had posted. I heard about the attacks on Vinnytsia. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 06:22, 13 October 2022 (UTC)

A small note

Hi George! Every day, I (and I guess a lot of other Commoners) check to see if you have made any edits. I constantly worry about you, your family and your country. Now with all the electricity outage we see online, I guess that it's difficult for you to get power and internet connection. So I'm just leaving this greeting here for you when you get back here to let you know that I/(we) are thinking about you. Be well my friend, Cart (talk) 14:22, 20 November 2022 (UTC)

Yes, in addition to constant air raid alerts, we have regular power outages and the Internet disconnections. Due to blackouts, I can hardly be here, and even the smartphone loses the ability to telephone. I'm having difficulty with my IT businesses. Even my fridge spoils food.
However, we are not discouraged, we even visited the theater, since it was not disconnected from the electricity. My granddaughter rejoices at the first snow, we made a snowman with her. My camera battery is still charged and I took some pictures today. Chrysanthemums in the snow look very unusual. I will upload them later. Life goes on. --George Chernilevsky talk 19:41, 20 November 2022 (UTC)
Thank you for letting us know! :-) Yes, life has a miraculous way of going on even during the most extreme conditions. Please do not feel pressed to make large edits here, but it is good to hear from you now and then. Say hello to you littler "snow angel" from me. --Cart (talk) 19:47, 20 November 2022 (UTC)

12.07.2022 - 287th day of the war

December 5 was the eighth massive missile attack on Ukraine. Two powerful explosions were heard in Vinnytsia. However, this shelling was already weaker than the previous ones. Mysterious explosions occurred at several Russian military airfields. This weakened the Russian missile attack. We all live in long blackouts, more than 10 hours without electricity and without the Internet every day.
However, life goes on. The streets are filled with the loud hum of gasoline and diesel generators. Shops, pharmacies, banks, cafes, gas stations and other services use autonomous generators. Unfortunately, bank cards do not work without the Internet, so you have to pay with banknotes.
The most difficult thing is to get Internet connection and mobile connection, however, invincibility points (Urkainian : Пункт незламності) are massively organized for the population. These are tents and dedicated public buildings where you can connect to Wi-Fi, as well as there is heat, hot drinks and you can charge yours gadgets. Tents are set up right on the streets. The stoves in the tents are heated with wood. There are also places for dispensing drinking water, items for small children, and necessary medicines. It all looks like a dark fantasy film about a post-apocalypse, but in fact, it all works and supports the population in this difficult times.
In addition to the population, IT business suffered greatly.
My granddaughter goes to taekwondo classes. It is cold in the gym, so training takes place in warm tracksuits. The hall is illuminated by battery-operated LED lamps.
School classes online are also almost impossible, so teachers send assignments for self-study.
I do not see despair or despondency in the people around me. Everyone is confident that we will overcome these difficulties and restore everything after our victory.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 20:08, 7 December 2022 (UTC)

George, to be honest, I don't know what to write below such a report. I just hope you stay safe, keep that strength and the victory day is somewhen soon Poco a poco (talk) 20:25, 7 December 2022 (UTC)
  • Dear George, thank you for this report. The courage, resilience and strength of all of you is really mindboggling! The things that are now your everyday life, I wouldn't wish on any person. (I'm not counting the orc here, they deserve the blackest pits of hell!) We can only hope this doesn't go on for a full year. Victory for Ukraine will happen. --Cart (talk) 21:56, 7 December 2022 (UTC)
Thanks for the update, George! I'm thinking of you and your family. --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 23:41, 7 December 2022 (UTC)
Dear George, supporting the Ukranian people in their fight against the tyrannie of the agressor is on our minds. We are convinced that Ukraine will overcome these black pages in history. @Frank Schulenburg: The orcs in question do not have the eternal life on this planet. The spirit of the Ukranian people does. Lotje (talk) 05:21, 8 December 2022 (UTC)
For what it's worth, we're together with you all the way. Keep up your spirit, you're gonna make it through, and with you your wonderful people. Love. Sannita - not just another sysop 12:50, 8 December 2022 (UTC)

Remember the Poet:

Минають дні, минають ночі, Минає літо; шелестить Пожовкле листя; гаснуть очі, Заснули думи, серце спить, І все заснуло. І не знаю, Чи я живу, чи доживаю, Чи так по світу волочусь, Бо вже не плачу й не сміюсь...

Доле, де ти? Доле, де ти? Нема ніякої? Коли доброї жаль, боже, То дай злої, злої! Не дай спати ходячому, Серцем замирати І гнилою колодою По світу валятись. Л дай жити, серцем жити І людей любити, А коли ні... то проклинать І світ запалити! Страшно впасти у кайдани, Умирать в неволі, А ще гірше — спати, спати І спати на волі — І заснути навік-віки, І сліду не кинуть Ніякого: однаково — Чи жив, чи загинув! Доле, де ти? Доле, де ти? Нема ніякої! Коли доброї жаль, боже, То дай злої! злої!

Бажаю удачі••Pierpao.lo (listening) 19:12, 8 December 2022 (UTC)

Thank you all for your comments and thanks for the verse in Ukrainian. However, the verse is too sad and out of time.
Now all Ukrainians most often sing a song Oi u luzi chervona kalyna. This song fills our hearts with confidence in victory and terrifies the enemy. The old song got a new popularity because of the aggression.
You can listen to this song on YouTube. In the article on the English wiki, this is reference #7
--George Chernilevsky talk 21:27, 8 December 2022 (UTC)
Blackout in Vinnytsia

12.25.2022 - 305th day of the war

Thanks everyone for the congratulations and support!

We had a fairy Christmas night with power outages, but without an air raid alert.
Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, after investigations and numerous facts of hostile actions, has been banned in Ukraine since December 1, 2022. I wrote earlier that this is indeed a Russian intelligence network.
The Orthodox Church traditionally celebrates Christmas on the night of January 6-7, but this year changes begin. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church plans to transfer the holiday calendar to the one with the majority of the Christian world, these changes will take place definitively in the coming years.
-- George Chernilevsky talk 07:30, 25 December 2022 (UTC)
Updated: just now air raid alert throughout Ukraine --George Chernilevsky talk 07:37, 25 December 2022 (UTC)

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