User talk:Sarang/simpleSVGcheck/sandbox.js

Latest comment: 2 years ago by Sarang in topic User existence check
see also(link) to P-check, P-cleanup (u); S-check, S-cleanup, S-x-cleanup.

User existence check edit

	//	* ============================================================
	//  The page for a specified user often does not exist, causing a redlink. 
	//	It is possible to avoid it and link instead to an existing page:
	//	template:Uc checks whether User talk, user~commonswiki or -talk exists; 
	//	in the worst case up to four checks are necessary - each time when the file description is displayed. 
	//	But page existence check is an expensive access. 
	//	Template:Uc bears the advantage that it will show dynamically the "nearest" substitute valid at run time. 	
	//	When the expensive selection is done by the script, future accesses become static: 
	//	the link to a not-existing page is replaced by a valid link.
	//	A disadvantage of this method against T:Uc is the lack of dynamics - when missing pages are generated later. 
	//	* it is very unlikely that a ~commonswiki talk page will get later its user page.
	//	* ~commonswiki must never be changed to a correspondent non~commonswiki page (it is another user)
	//	* but the creation of a missing user page may occur at any time.
	//	Only in the last case the access to the substituting talk page is not any longer the best choice:
	//	it is not really wrong, but e.g. author can only be a user and not his talk page.
	//	It remains the task of a global replacing tool to comply with such changes. 
		function pageexist( pagename, callback ) {					// version with Asynchronous JavaScript+XML
		$.ajax( mw.util.getUrl( pagename ),							// recommended by  ExE Boss
		{	method: 'HEAD',
			success: function () { callback( true ); },
			error: function ( xhr ) { callback( xhr.status === 404 ? false : null ); }
			} );

	//	* ============================================================
 			if (ns === 'U' && lang === '')							// user existence check
			{	alert(link);					{ ns =
				pageexist("User:" + link, (existU) =>	
				{	if (existU)		{ns = 'U'; alert('0='+ns);	}	// the user page exists
					else if (existU == null)	// CommonsMaintenanceBot issue 
									{ns = 'Uf';alert('0='+ns);	}	// invalid user ID 
					else			{ns = 'Un';alert('0='+ns);	}	// no page - continue
				});	} alert('1='+ns);				

	 			if (ns === 'Un')				{ ns =				
	 				pageexist("User talk:" + link, (existT)	=>
	 			{	if (existT)		{ns = 'Ur'; alert('0='+ns);	}	// the user talk page exists
	 				else			 ns = 'Un';});	alert('2='+ns);	}

				if (ns === 'Un')				{ ns =				
					pageexist("User:" + link + '~commonswiki', (existW)	=>
				{	if (existW)		{ns = 'Uw';alert('w='+ns);	}	// ~user page exists 
					else			 ns = 'Un';});	alert('3='+ns);	}	

	 			if (ns === 'Un')				{ ns =				
	 				pageexist("User talk:" + link + '~commonswiki', (existX) =>
	 			{	if (existX)		ns = 'Uwt'; 					//  ~user talk page exists
	 				else			ns = 'Un'; });	alert('4='+ns);	}		
	//	* ============================================================

For testing, "link" got the following pseudo IDs :

pseudo id ns ok  
Username U existing user ID
UserTalkTest Ut × only talk, but was true as user
Essjay Uw existing ~commonswiki user ID
HandigeHarry Uwt × only ~talk, but was true as ~user
not_a_user Un result correct (after 4 checks)
[@*!] Uf invalid ID

but when the alert-dialogs are suppressed the results are 'undefined'
Due to my very poor JS knowledge, code may be written too complicated, or may be illogical.
In my believe it would be much easier when the function gets not only the id, but also the ns-value for successfulness,
and the ns-value when not successful (can also be fixed 'Un' for this usage), to return instead of the Boolean results. -- sarang사랑 11:19, 27 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Changes edit

The function for general existence check became embedded into the special user page existence
with appropriate return values. This simplifies drastically the repeated usage.

		function pageexists( pagename, callback ) {
		$.ajax( mw.util.getUrl( pagename ), 
		{	method: 'HEAD',
			success: function () { callback( true ); },
			error: function ( xhr ) { callback( xhr.status === 404 ? false : null ); }
		} );
	//	 * ============================================================
		function userexist( username, namespace ) 
		{	retval = 'Un';
			pageexists ( username, (boolres) => 
			{	if (boolres)	retval = namespace;
				if (boolres == null)	// CommonsMaintenanceBot issue
								retval = 'Uf'; //	else 'Un';
//				alert('p='+retval);		// does not work without 
			return retval;

// ===================================================================
 			if (ns === 'U' && lang === '')			// user existence check
			{		ns = userexist("User:" + link, 'U');				
				if (ns === 'Un')
					ns = userexist("User talk:" + link, 'Ut'};
				if (ns === 'Un')
					ns = userexist("User:" + link + '~commonswiki', 'Uw');
				if (ns === 'Un')
					ns = userexist("User talk:" + link + '~commonswiki', 'Uwt');

But the two problems mentioned above remain. -- sarang사랑 05:25, 29 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Situation at 08-08 edit

For each user specified, the existence will be checked. The "expensive" extern access may become necessary up to four times for each user. Because a user can be specified multiple times (four, six or more times), prior to the access a table is checked - when the user id is found the namespace is used from the table; otherwise the access is performed and afterwards the user id is inserted into the table. When this id occurs another time it will be taken from the table - no second access happens. Every extern access is counted and the total is displayed finally.

//	 * ============================================================
			if (ns === 'U' && lang === '')			// user existence check
 			{	let linx =  link.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + link.slice(1); // standardize user id
  				ns = Usertab[linx] ? ''+Usertab[linx] : 'Un';	// test: with prefix when from Usertab
				if (ns === 'Un')
 					ns = userexist("User:" + linx, 'U');				
 				if (ns === 'Un')	
 					ns = userexist("User talk:" + linx, 'Ut');
 				if (ns === 'Un')
 					ns = userexist("User:" + linx + '~commonswiki', 'Uw');
 				if (ns === 'Un')
					ns = userexist("User talk:" + linx + '~commonswiki', 'Uwt');
				Usertab[linx] = ns;				// new element into Usertab
	//	 * ============================================================

But the suggested async option makes problems: it seems to require ECMA script version 6 and 8, and causes other troubles. I tried to put it into another script which can be handled via export and import. But my knowledge is too poor to get this working. So I am using currently the synchronous version with a boring alert which is nevertheless faster than checking the user ids otherwise. A test with setTimeout was not successful.

	//	 * ============================================================
	function pageexists( pagename, callback ) {
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api', function () {
		( new mw.Api() ).get(
			{	action: 'query',
				prop: 'info',
				titles: pagename,
				formatversion: 2
				success: function ( response ) 
				{	var page = response.query.pages[ 0 ];
					if ( page.invalid )
						{ callback( null );}
					if ( page.missing ) 
						{ callback( false );}
						{ callback( true );}
				error: function () { callback( null ); }
	} );
 	//	 * ============================================================
		function userexist( username, namespace ) 
		{	let retval = 'Un'; 
				++tstex;							// add 1 for each one of the expensive accesses
				pageexists ( username, (boolres) => 
			{	//	await;
				if (boolres)	retval = namespace;	// ns when 'true'
				if (boolres == null)	// CommonsMaintenanceBot issue
								retval = 'Uf';		// when 'null' 
	//			else retval = 'Un';					// when 'false'
			}); 						// setTimeout ( function() {return;} , 250); 
			alert('r='+retval+'/'+username);		// does not work without that communication
			return retval;
	//	 * ============================================================

-- sarang사랑 13:55, 7 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

Tests show that the above code works well with e.g. FireFox or MicroSoft-edge (both new downloads);
but with browsers as Opera or GoogleChrom the existence is never 'true' (unknown release versions)
I do not know how to check under which browser the script is executed, so I cannot avoid the useless run under Opera or GoogleChrom.
-- sarang사랑 12:23, 28 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

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