Category:American Fiat

Poughkeepsie, New York

Due to the 45 percent duties that were imposed on imported cars, Giovanni Agnelli, managing director of F.I.A.T. since 1902, investigated the possibility of establishing a manufacturing plant to serve the American market outside of Italy; the result was the American F.I.A.T. Automobile Company, inaugurated in 1909, with its new plant constructed along the Hudson River in Poughkeepsie, New York, in 1910.

Fiat was a player in the upscale auto wars, with their American-built large models ranging from $4,000 to $6,100 in 1913. In addition to building standard large four-cylinder Types 53, 54 and 55, American F.I.A.T. built the $5,000-$6,400 Type 56, a large six-cylinder car built exclusively for the U.S. from 1912-1916; it came in Touring, Phaeton, Limousine or Landaulet forms. source of information


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