
DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumArthropoda • SubphylumHexapoda • ClassisInsecta • SubclassisPterygota • InfraclassisNeoptera • SuperordoParaneoptera • OrdoHemiptera • SubordoHeteroptera • InfraordoPentatomomorpha • SuperfamiliaPentatomoidea • FamiliaPentatomidae • SubfamiliaPentatominae • TribusDiemeniini • Genus: Aplerotus Dallas, 1851
No common name has yet been provided in this category. (No wikidata item is associated with this category)
Levenna Bergroth, 1905
Included species (for DiscoverLife,  9 January 2017):
A. grossi, A. maculatus


This category has only the following subcategory.