Category:Catalogue 22

Undertaken by Jaclyn Squizzato, Vanessa Haddock and Chris Cormier at the Azrieli School of Architecture at Carleton University, Catalogue 22 aims to provide a database of student work to further communication between the Masters, Bachelors and PhD programs.

The goal of the database is to provide a searchable platform where designer, location, project status and date of project completion can easily be researched. By creating a map of the projects Catalogue 22 also hopes to reduce ‘Site Analysis’ times, and encourage dialogue between students who share project sites. We also hope that this platform will be used by students in the Bachelors, to discover common themes between their work and the Masters / PhD research.

For a complete project description please go to Catalogue_22.

Media in category "Catalogue 22"

The following 75 files are in this category, out of 75 total.