Category:Construction of the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

Notice If possible, images in this category should be sorted by date taken, from earliest to latest date. This is done by adding a sortkey like |2009-05-17 to this category on filepages.

Schema: [[Category:Construction of the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge|YYYY-MM-DD]]

English: Construction of the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge (Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge) took place from early 2005 until its official opening in October 2010 (October 16 for pedestrians, October 19 for regular traffic).

Media in category "Construction of the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge"

The following 105 files are in this category, out of 105 total.