Category:Grave Paul Otto Röthig at Friedhof Ohlsdorf

Familygrave of Hamburg merchant Paul Otto Röthig at Hamburg cemetery Friedhof Ohlsdorf, map R7,174-9 (above Althamburgischer Gedächtnisfriedhof).
The three-part marble stele of 1940 with bas-reliefs shows a rosebundle (lefthand), a pilgrim (in the middle) and merchant symbols such as Winged helmet and Caduceus of Hermes (righthand).
Details see bei Barbara Leisner, Heiko K. L. Schulze, Ellen Thormann: Der Hamburger Hauptfriedhof Ohlsdorf. Geschichte und Grabmäler. Hans Christians, Hamburg 1990, page 170, Kat. 1209.

Media in category "Grave Paul Otto Röthig at Friedhof Ohlsdorf"

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