Category:Islands of Anzoátegui


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These islands include: Islas Borrachas (La Borracha, El Borracho, Los Borrachitos), Islas Chimanas (Chimana del oeste, Chimana Grande o Puinare, Chimana Sur, Chimana Segunda, Chimana Chica, El Burro, Morro Pelotas), Isletas de Píritu (Píritu Afuera, Píritu Adentro), Islas Picuda (Picuda Grande, Picuda Chica), Quirica, Cachicamo, Isla de Plata, Isla de Monos o Guaracaro, and Tiguitigue.


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.

Media in category "Islands of Anzoátegui"

The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.