Category:Michael (ship, 1969)

ENI info
ENI info
Information about the vessel may be found at ENI 04307230.
A ship can change name and flag state through time, but the ENI number remains the same through the hull's entire lifetime. As a result, it can be useful to identify a ship by using the ENI number.
Deutsch: Rheinfähre Michael, Baujahr 1969. Schiffswerft: Janssen/NL. Länge: 52,00 m. Breite: 13,30 m. Motor: Volvo D9, 3 MAN D2866E. Antrieb: 4 Voith -Schneider-Propeller. Kapazität: 32 PKW, 260 Personen. Gewicht: 260 t.