Category:PAC solids with direction colors; vertex figures; rendered

This category is an image set. It should contain only images that have the same style, and should have a parent category that is purely topical.
Snub cube and its vertex figure ― The second image shows that the normal of the plane through the neighbouring vertices goes through the central vertex.

These images have been created with the same POV-Ray source as the main images. A transparent plane through the neighbouring vertices was added, and the camera location was changed to a multiple of the central vertex. (Also light from the direction of the camera was added, while the main light was deactivated.) E.g. the following code was added to the source of the snub cube:

#include ""
#local NormDist = PlaneNormDistFromPoints(P[5], P[2], P[7]);
#local Norm = <NormDist.x, NormDist.y, NormDist.z>;
#local Dist = NormDist.t;
plane{ Norm, Dist   pigment{color rgbt <1, 1, 1, .2>}  }

#local CameraLocation = P[10]*12;
    location CameraLocation
    right    x*image_width/image_height
    angle    13
    look_at  <0, 0, 0>
light_source{ vnormalize(CameraLocation)*300 color White*0.9 shadowless}

(It is seen from vertex 10. Compare this file with the index numbers.)

Media in category "PAC solids with direction colors; vertex figures; rendered"

The following 24 files are in this category, out of 24 total.