Category:The Story of Bothwell Castle, Tillietudlem, Crookston, and Other Castles (1900)


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The Story of Bothwell Castle, Tillietudlem, Crookston, and Other Castles (1900) by H. C. Shelley. Illustrations by D. Small. The source book for these images contains the histories of the following castles: Bothwell, Tillietudlem, Crookston, Cadzow, Cathcart Castle (Queen Mary's stone), Newark (Port Glasgow), Mains Castle (East Kilbride), Mearns, Barr, Ranfurly (Renfrewshire), Stanely, and Hallbar Tower.

Media in category "The Story of Bothwell Castle, Tillietudlem, Crookston, and Other Castles (1900)"

The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.