Category:Walsh spectra of 3-ary Boolean functions; families

This category is an image set. It should contain only images that have the same style, and should have a parent category that is purely topical.
examples in a simplified style   (cat)
Every binary Walsh spectrum is a row of this matrix.

Each of these files shows the Walsh spectra of all Boolean functions in the same family (N-EC).
They are labeled with the clan (NP-EC) the families belong to.

These are matrix multiplications. The factors are to the left and above the result.
The first factor is the family matrix, and the second one a Walsh matrix.

The Walsh spectra (compare Walsh–Hadamard transform) are shown by numbers.
The binary Walsh spectra are shown by the red-white background pattern of the result.
They are obtained by multiplying with a binary Walsh matrix (which is shown by the red-white background of the second factor).

odd edit

Families with odd weight have all 8 possible binary Walsh spectra.
In these images the function corresponding to the all-zeros row is chosen as first row of the family matrix.

(clan 17) clan 18 clan 9 clan 10

clan 21 (clan 20) (clan 12) clan 11

even edit

even 0 edit

clan 2 clan 1

clan 3 clan 7

even 1 edit

clan 4

clan 5

clan 6

even 2 edit

clan 8

clan 15

even 3 edit

clan 14 clan 16 clan 19