Category:Zübdet-üt Tevarih (1598)

Genealogy (silsilanāma) from "Cream of Histories" (Zubdat al-tavārīkh, Zübdet-üt Tevarih). Ottoman Turkish manuscript created in Baghdad, dated 1598
Dedicated to Ottoman Sultan Meḥmed III (r. 1595-1603), copied by Abū Ṭālib Iṣfahānī, Baghdad, Iraq, dated Shawwal 1006H, May 1598. (The Chester Beatty Library, CBL T 423)
Description in (1958) The Chester Beatty Library: a catalogue of the Turkish manuscripts and miniatures (Part2), Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co, pp. 43−45

Media in category "Zübdet-üt Tevarih (1598)"

The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total.