Commons:Batch uploading/Bembo Visconti Tarot

Bembo Visconti Tarot edit

  • Source to upload from:
    • Do the media URLs follow a pattern? No. All 74 images should be linked from the index page above. Use the links ending in ".jpg", not the low resolution previews. Skip the links ending in ".RES.jpg". Please verify that there are exactly 74 such images, I haven't done that.
    • Does the site have an API? It's just plain HTTP.
    • What else could ease uploading? (is the site valid XHTML, do they use a WCM…?)
    • Did you contact the site owner? No.
  • Describe the works to be uploaded in detail (audio files, images by …):

A card in Visconti Sforza tarot deck, beautifully drawn in the mid XVth century by Italian artist Bonifacio Bembo for the Visconti and Sforza dukes of Milan. Four cards (out of seventy-eight) are lost from the deck (the fifteenth and sixteenth major arcana—respectively the Devil and the Tower—, the Knight of Coins, and the Three of Swords), thus seventy-four cards remain.

The card images were scanned by David Madore and published on the internet in 2003-09. They are scans of a fac simile version printed by AGMüller in Switzerland, though US Games Systems also seems to be somehow part of the editing process, which David bought in 2003-08 from an online store (broken link).

Category: Category:Pierpont Morgan-Bergamo Visconti-Sforza Tarot

  • Which license tag(s) should be applied?

{{PD-old-auto-1923 |deathyear=1480 }}

  • Is there a template that could be used on the file description pages? Do you think a special template should be created?

Not necessary.

b_jonas 13:44, 5 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Opinions edit

Uploaded them. No bot was needed. – b_jonas 01:11, 17 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Assigned to Progress Bot name Category