Commons:Batch uploading/ edit

Bossa Antigua
Example, play me. is a site containing a number of high quality royalty free 'library' music tracks in various genres, and styles. The music is for the most part written by the sites single contributor, and is typically licensed under a Creative Commons Attibution license, subject to some Crediting/Attribution requirements given in an FAQ here : and

  • Source to upload from: - Full list here -, links there go to indvidual entries which have the download links.

    • Do the media URLs follow a pattern?

No systemic pattern identified. Full list here -, individual pieces seem to be in a directory.

    • Does the site have an API?

No API identifed as such.

    • What else could ease uploading? (is the site valid XHTML, do they use a WCM…?)


    • Did you contact the site owner?

Site owner not contacted, would suggest a GLAM style approach from an experienced Commons admin or contributor given that all the tracks are by a single artist.

  • Describe the works to be uploaded in detail (audio files, images by …):

"Libray music" in MP3 format, in a variety of styles and genre. Intent on Mediawiki is to have a music library to support other "educational resource" development projects in audio.

There is a full list of tracks on the site here -

  • Which license tag(s) should be applied?

Majority of tracks are Creative Commons Attribution, but this is something that could be disscussed with the sites creator, by an experienced Commons contributor, license reviewer or admin.

  • Is there a template that could be used on the file description pages? Do you think a special template should be created?

No pre-existing template other than generic {{Information}} block. A special template should be created in order to acknowledge the source, Attribtion requirements and to record ISRC numbers for categorisation on the Commons dside of things. ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 20:29, 30 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Opinions edit

Assigned to Progress Bot name Category
  • 9 Dec 2017 Reviewing how filtering/mapping will work.
    • Based on this search, many of the works were previously uploaded to Commons, but were transcoded to ogg or webm or were previously available in those formats (I see some sources have vanished in the decade since upload). It's a judgement call over whether to upload MP3s.
    • An initial run shows 1,277 files may be suitable, so proceeding with those.
  • 10 Dec 2017 Upload run.
    • Attribution text is precisely as given at source.
    • Some categorization is automated, depending on whether genre-related categories exist.
  • 11 Dec 2017, slight fix to metadata mapping using context based findNext rather than tag counting.
NA Category:Audio files from Incompetech