
BFG-bot (talk · contribs)

Operator: BFG (talk · contributions · Statistics · Recent activity · block log · User rights log · uploads · Global account information)

Bot's tasks for which permission is being sought: Automatically identify files which belong in (Category:Animated_GIF_files_exceeding_the_50_MP_limit), adding files to category if needed, and removing files that doesn't belong. These files are affected by the bug in [1]. May also create a second category with files greater than 50MP and affected by bug.


Edit type: one time, with potential future maintenance runs, suggested monthly until problem solved.

Maximum edit rate (e.g. edits per minute): 6 per minute.

Bot flag requested: Yes

Programming language(s): Planned pywikibot BFG (talk) 23:54, 2 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
