Commons:Ethical Documentation of Living Heritage

In discussion[1] that unfolded during the Wikimania Singapore 2023 event, the Wiki Loves Folklore International Team delved into the ethical dimensions of documenting living heritage on Wikimedia Commons. This page serves as a comprehensive exploration of their insights, shedding light on the complexities and challenges inherent in preserving cultural treasures on a global scale while maintaining the principles of ethical documentation. Through a round table talk, the team has meticulously outlined their specific findings, offering a roadmap for the broader Wikimedia Commons community on the responsible and meaningful documentation of living heritage.

Respecting Ethical Documentation of Living Heritage on Commons

1. Informed Consent:

Obtain explicit consent from individuals or communities before documenting their living heritage.
Clearly communicate the purpose, use, and potential impact of the documentation.

2. Cultural Sensitivity:

Approach documentation with cultural sensitivity and respect for diverse traditions.
Seek guidance from local experts or community representatives to ensure accurate representation.

3. Attribution and Recognition:

Provide proper attribution to creators and contributors of living heritage content.
Acknowledge and respect cultural ownership and intellectual property rights.

4. Avoiding Exploitation:

Ensure that the documentation process does not exploit or harm the subjects or their cultural practices.
Be mindful of power dynamics and avoid imposing external perspectives on living heritage.

5. Contextual Information:

Include contextual information that helps users understand the cultural significance and context of the living heritage being documented.
Collaborate with local communities to gather accurate and comprehensive information.

6. Open Dialogue:

Foster open dialogue with communities to address concerns, gather insights, and incorporate feedback into the documentation process.
Encourage community members to participate in describing and contextualizing their living heritage.

7. Consent for Reproduction:

Clearly outline whether the documentation can be reproduced or used for specific purposes, and seek additional consent for such activities.

8. Ongoing Collaboration:

Consider documentation as an ongoing, collaborative process rather than a one-time event.
Encourage community members to update and contribute to the documentation over time.

9. Educational Outreach:

Use documentation as an educational resource, promoting understanding and appreciation of diverse living heritage.
Encourage educational institutions and researchers to engage ethically with living heritage content on Commons.

10. Review and Adaptation:

Periodically review and update documentation practices to align with evolving ethical standards and community expectations.
Be open to adapting processes based on feedback and changing circumstances.

By following these principles, contributors can ensure that the documentation of living heritage on Wikimedia Commons is not only ethically sound but also contributes positively to the preservation and appreciation of diverse cultures.

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