Commons:Ajuda suls contenguts multimèdia/Windows

This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Media help/Windows and the translation is 37% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Media help/Windows and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Browser support

The latest versions of all major browsers are able to play sound files and videos without any additional codecs or software.

Microsoft Edge

Playback of audio and video is supported on Edge version 18 or later

Internet Explorer

Playback of video on Internet Explorer is not supported.

Windows Phone

Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile or any earlier Windows Operating systems targeting mobile are not supported.


Avètz besonh d'un logicial per jogar aqueles fichièrs. Per defaut, vos caldriá aver lo Lector Windows Media ; una autra solucion es d'utilizar lo logicial VideoLAN que sap perfièchament jogar los fichièrs OGG.


Now you have to download a necessary extension (codec), so that your media player will be able to play sound and video files with the Ogg Vorbis file type (sound files) and with the Ogg Theora file type (video files).

  1. I pòt aver besonh de telecargar de codecs per d'autres logicials multimèdia. Per aquò, podètz utilizar los del site [1], en clicant sul ligam a drecha Windows 32/64-bit Installer.
  2. Un còp lo fichièr telecargat, dobrissètz-lo e seguissètz la procedura d'installacion.

Autras questions

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