Commons:National Archives and Records Administration/Categorize/US National Archives series: Anson McCook Collection of Presidential Signatures, compiled 1789 - 1975

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Category:US National Archives series: Anson McCook Collection of Presidential Signatures, compiled 1789 - 1975
No. File Categorized?
1 To the Women of the Republic.tif ✓ Done
2 To the Women of the Republic.jpg ✓ Done
3 Memorial from Hannah Stephens requesting the release of her husband from prison in Algiers.djvu ✓ Done
4 Memorial from Hannah Stephens requesting the release of her husband from prison in Algiers, page 2.tif ✓ Done
5 Memorial from Hannah Stephens requesting the release of her husband from prison in Algiers, page 1.tif ✓ Done
6 Message of President Martin Van Buren nominating Joel R. Poinsett to be Secretary of War, 03-07-1837 - NARA - 306300.tif ✓ Done
7 Message of President George Washington Requesting that the Senate Meet to Advise Him on the Terms of the Treaty to Be Ne - NARA - 306283.tif ✓ Done
8 Message of President George Washington nominating judges and his cabinet including Thomas Jefferson for Secretary of Sta - NARA - 306284.tif ✓ Done
9 Message of President George Washington nominating Oliver Ellsworth to be Chief Justice of the United States, 03-03-1796 - NARA - 306285.tif ✓ Done
10 Message of President John Adams nominating John Quincy Adams to be Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to th - NARA - 306287.tif ✓ Done
11 Message of President Martin Van Buren nominating Joel R. Poinsett to be Secretary of War, 03-07-1837 - NARA - 306300.jpg ✓ Done
12 Message of President John Adams nominating George Cabot to be Secretary of the Navy, 05-01-1798 - NARA - 306288.tif ✓ Done
13 Message of President John Adams nominating George Washington to be Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of the Armi - NARA - 306289.tif ✓ Done
14 Message of President John Adams nominating John Marshall to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 01-20-1801 - NARA - 306290.tif ✓ Done
15 Message of President Thomas Jefferson making several nominations, including Allen Bowie Duckett to be an assistant judge - NARA - 306291.tif ✓ Done
16 Letter transmitting "An Act making further Provision for the Expense Attending to Intercourse between the United States - NARA - 306292.tif ✓ Done
17 Message of President James Monroe nominating John Quincy Adams to be Secretary of State, William Crawford to be Secretar - NARA - 306295.tif ✓ Done
18 Message of President John Quincy Adams nominating his cabinet and others, including Henry Clay to be Secretary of State, - NARA - 306296.tif ✓ Done
19 Message of President Andrew Jackson nominating Roger B. Taney and Philip B. Barbour to be Justices of the Supreme Court, - NARA - 306298.tif ✓ Done
20 Message of President Martin Van Buren nominating Henry Wheaton Envoy to be Exraordinary and Minister Penipotentiary to P - NARA - 306299.tif ✓ Done
21 Message of President John Tyler nominating Philip S. Gray to be surveyor and inspector at Camden, New Jersey, 06-15-1841 - NARA - 306302.tif ✓ Done
22 Message of President James Polk nominating his cabinet, including James Buchanan as Secretary of State, Robert J. Walker - NARA - 306303.tif ✓ Done
23 Message of President Franklin Pierce nominating William L. Marcy, of New York, to be Secretary of State, 03-07-1853 - NARA - 306306.tif ✓ Done
24 Message of President Franklin Pierce nominating Major General Winfield Scot to be brevet Lieutenant General in the Army - NARA - 306307.tif ✓ Done
25 Message of President James Buchanan nominating his cabinet, including Lewis Cass as Secretary of State, Howell Cobb as S - NARA - 306308.tif ✓ Done
26 Message of President Abraham Lincoln nominating William H. Seward to be Secretary of State, 03-05-1861 - NARA - 306309.tif ✓ Done
27 Message of President Abraham Lincoln Nominating Ulysses S. Grant to Be Lieutenant General of the Army, 03-01-1864 - NARA - 306310.tif ✓ Done
28 Message of President Abraham Lincoln nominating Salmon P. Chase to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United S - NARA - 306311.tif ✓ Done
29 Message of President Abraham Lincoln nominating Hugh McCulloch to be Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, 03- - NARA - 306312.tif ✓ Done
30 Message of President Andrew Johnson nominating John Bigelow to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Penipotentiary of the - NARA - 306313.tif ✓ Done
31 Message of President Andrew Johnson nominating Ulysses S. Grant to be General of the Army of the United States, 07-25-18 - NARA - 306314.tif ✓ Done
32 Message of President Ulysses S. Grant nominating his cabinet, including Elihu B. Washburne as Secretary of State, Alex T - NARA - 306315.tif ✓ Done
33 Message of President Ulysses S. Grant nominating William T. Sherman to be General of the Army of the United States, 03-0 - NARA - 306316.tif ✓ Done
34 Message of President Ulysses S. Grant nominating Philip H. Sheridan to be Lieutenant General of the Army of the United S - NARA - 306317.tif ✓ Done
35 Message of President Ulysses S. Grant nominating Morrison R. Warte to be Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Cour - NARA - 306318.tif ✓ Done
36 Message of President Rutherford B. Hayes nominating William M. Evarts to be Secretary of State, 03-05-1877 - NARA - 306319.tif ✓ Done
37 Message of President James A. Garfield nominating James G. Blaine to be Secretary of State, 03-04-1881 - NARA - 306320.tif ✓ Done
38 Message of President James A. Garfield nominating L. F. Prudhomme and Marshal Oliver to be Professor of Mathematics in t - NARA - 306321.tif ✓ Done
39 Message of President Chester A. Arthur nominating Frederick F. Fielinghuysen to be Secretary of State, 12-12-1881 - NARA - 306322.tif ✓ Done
40 Message of President Chester A. Arthur nominating Ulysses S. Grant to be General on the retired list of the Army, 03-03- - NARA - 306323.tif ✓ Done
41 Message of President Grover Cleveland nominating Thomas F. Bayard to be Secretary of State, 03-04-1885 - NARA - 306324.tif ✓ Done
42 Message of President Grover Cleveland nominating P.H. Sheridan to be General of the Army, 06-01-1888 - NARA - 306325.tif ✓ Done
43 Message of President Grover Cleveland nominating Melville W. Fuller to be Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Cou - NARA - 306326.tif ✓ Done
44 Message of President Benjamin Harrison nominating James G. Blaine to be Secretary of State, 03-05-1889 - NARA - 306327.tif ✓ Done
45 Message of President Benjamin Harrison nominating Thomas W. Palmer of Michigan to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pl - NARA - 306328.tif ✓ Done
46 Message of President Benjamin Harrison nominating William Windom to be Secretary of the Treasury, 03-04-1889 - NARA - 306329.tif ✓ Done
47 Message of President Benjamin Harrison nominating Stephen B. Elkins to be Secretary of War, 12-17-1891 - NARA - 306330.tif ✓ Done
48 Message of President Grover Cleveland nominating John G. Carlisle to be Secretary of the Treasury, 03-04-1893 - NARA - 306331.tif ✓ Done
49 Message of President Grover Cleveland nominating Richard Olney of Massachusetts to be Secretary of State, 12-03-1895 - NARA - 306332.tif ✓ Done
50 Message of President William McKinley nominating John Sherman to be Secretary of State, 03-04-1897 - NARA - 306333.tif ✓ Done
51 Message of President William McKinley nominating Theodore Roosevelt to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 04-06-1896 - NARA - 306334.tif ✓ Done
52 Message of President William McKinley nominating George Dewey to be Admiral of the Navy, 03-03-1899 - NARA - 306335.tif ✓ Done
53 Message of President William McKinley nominating Charles H. Allen to be Governor of Porto Rico, 04-16-1900 - NARA - 306336.tif ✓ Done
54 Message of President William McKinley nominating Sanford B. Dole to be Governor of Hawaii, 04-04-1900 - NARA - 306337.tif ✓ Done
55 Message of President Theodore Roosevelt nominating George Dewey to be Admiral of the Navy, 03-14-1903 - NARA - 306339.tif ✓ Done
56 Message of President Theodore Roosevelt nominating William H. Taft of Ohio to be Secretary of War, 01-04-1904 - NARA - 306340.tif ✓ Done
57 Message of President Theodore Roosevelt nominating William H. Moody to be Attorney General of the United States, 12-06-1 - NARA - 306341.tif ✓ Done
58 Message of President Theodore Roosevelt nominating Elihu Root to be Secretary of State, 12-06-1905 - NARA - 306342.tif ✓ Done
59 Message of President William H. Taft nominating Knox to be Secretary of State, 03-05-1909 - NARA - 306343.tif ✓ Done
60 Message of President Woodrow Wilson nominating his cabinet, including William Jennings Bryan of Nebraska to be Secretary - NARA - 306344.tif ✓ Done
61 Message of President Woodrow Wilson nominating John J. Pershing to be General of the United States Army, 09-04-1919 - NARA - 306345.tif ✓ Done
62 Message of President Warren G. Harding nominating William H. Taft of Connecticut to be Chief Justice of the United State - NARA - 306346.tif ✓ Done
63 Message of President Calvin Coolidge nominating Harlan F. Stone of New York to be Attorney General of the United States, - NARA - 306347.tif ✓ Done
64 Message of President Calvin Coolidge nominating F.B. Kellogg of Minnesota to be Secretary of State, 02-14-1925 - NARA - 306348.tif ✓ Done
65 Message of President Calvin Coolidge nominating Charles P. Summer to be General while holding the office of Chief of Sta - NARA - 306349.tif ✓ Done
66 Message of President Herbert Hoover nominating Charles Evans Hughes to be Chief Justice of the United States, 02-03-1930 - NARA - 306350.tif ✓ Done
67 Message of President Herbert Hoover nominating Charles G. Dawes to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to En - NARA - 306351.tif ✓ Done
68 Message of President Herbert Hoover nominating Andrew W. Mellon of Pennsylvania to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni - NARA - 306352.tif ✓ Done
69 Message of President Franklin Roosevelt nominating Claude A. Swanson of Virginia to be Secretary of the Navy, 03-04-1933 - NARA - 306353.tif ✓ Done
70 Message of President Franklin Roosevelt nominating Frances Perkins of New York to be Secretary of Labor, 03-04-1933 - NARA - 306354.tif ✓ Done
71 Message of President Franklin Roosevelt nominating James A. Farley to be Postmaster General, 03-04-1933 - NARA - 306355.tif ✓ Done
72 Message of President Harry S. Truman nominating James V. Forrestal of New York to be Secretary of Defense, 07-26-1947 - NARA - 306356.tif ✓ Done
73 Message of President Dwight D. Eisenhower nominating his cabinet, including John Foster Dulles to be Secretary of State, - NARA - 306357.tif ✓ Done
74 Message of President Dwight D. Eisenhower nominating Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts to be the Representative of the - NARA - 306358.tif ✓ Done
75 Message of President Dwight D. Eisenhower nominating Christian A. Herter of Massachusetss to be Under Secretary of State - NARA - 306359.tif ✓ Done
76 Message of President Dwight D. Eisenhower nominating T. Keith Glennan of Ohio to be Administrator of the National Aerona - NARA - 306360.tif ✓ Done
77 Message of President John F. Kennedy nominating his cabinet, including Robert S. McNamara to be Secretary of Defense and - NARA - 306361.tif ✓ Done
78 Message of President John F. Kennedy nominating Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois to be Representatives of the United State - NARA - 306362.tif ✓ Done
79 Message of President John F. Kennedy nominating Byron R. White to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 04-03-19 - NARA - 306363.tif ✓ Done
80 Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating John T. Connor of New Jersey to be Secretary of Commerce, 01-06-1965 - NARA - 306365.tif ✓ Done
81 Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating Arthur J. Goldberg of Illinois to be Representatives of the United Sta - NARA - 306366.tif ✓ Done
82 Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating Robert C. Weaver of New York to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Deve - NARA - 306367.tif ✓ Done
83 Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating Alan S. Boyd of Florida to be Secretary of Transportation, 01-10-1967 - NARA - 306368.tif ✓ Done
84 Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating Thurgood Marshall of New York to be an Associate Justice of the Suprem - NARA - 306369.tif ✓ Done
85 Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating Clark M. Clifford of Maryland to be Secretary of Defense, 01-22-1968 - NARA - 306370.tif ✓ Done
86 Message of President Richard M. Nixon nominating his cabinet, including William Rogers to be Secretary of State, 01-20-1 - NARA - 306371.tif ✓ Done
87 Message of President Gerald R. Ford nominating Nelson A. Rockefeller to be Vice President of the United States, 08-20-19 - NARA - 306372.tif ✓ Done
88 Message of President Gerald R. Ford nominating Carla Anderson Hills of California to be Secretary of Housing and Urban D - NARA - 306373.tif ✓ Done
89 Certification of the Constitution of Missouri signed by the President of the State Convention, David Barton, 09-27-1820 - NARA - 306383.tif ✓ Done
90 Protest of the Legislature of South Carolina against the system of protecting duties adopted by the federal... - NARA - 306390.tif ✓ Done
91 An Ordinance of the State of South Carolina to nullify an act of the Congress of the United States entitled "An Act... - NARA - 306392.tif ✓ Done
92 Constitution of Mississippi - NARA - 306379.tif ✓ Done
93 Resolution of the General Assembly of Alabama, in favor of the establishment of a land district in the Cherokee... - NARA - 306396.tif ✓ Done
94 Memorial of the American Philosophical Society in favor of an exploration of the Alaskan coast - NARA - 306402.tif ✓ Done
95 Map of New Orleans - NARA - 306381.tif ✓ Done