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2010-04-01 Media:Debussy - Dieu qu il la fait bon regarder.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Dieu qu’il la fait bon regarder (Ó jaké blaho na ni zřít) francouzského skladatele Claude Debussyho v podání komorního souboru Massachusettského technologického institutu [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-02 Media:Goa 1955 invasion.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Pochod Indů v bývalé portugalské kolonii Goa v roce 1955 (video) [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-03 Media:D-Scarlatti-Sonata-K159-C.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Sonáta v C od italského skladatele Domenica Scarlattiho [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-04 Media:Motor Surf boat.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Pobřežní motorový člun námořnictva Spojených států [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-05 Media:Brahms-waltz04.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Šestnáct waltzů pro piano pro čtyři ruce (Op. 39) číslo 4 v e moll od Johannese Brahmse [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-06 Media:Chromatic Fantasia (Bach BWV 903).ogg Info · Editovat ]

Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor (BWV 903) by Johann Sebastian Bach [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-07 Media:Helios checkout flight (kauai).ogg Info · Editovat ]

The Helios in flight over Kauai, Hawaii. [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-08 Media:Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphonie 5 c-moll - 2. Andante con moto.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Symphony No. 5 in C Minor (Opus 67), 2nd movement: Andante con moto, by Ludwig van Beethoven [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-09 Media:ResonetInLaudibus.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Resonet in laudibus od Orlanda de Lassuse [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-10 Media:Apollo 15 TandD.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Apollo 15 Lunar module docking with the Service module (video) [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-11 Media:Toreador song.ogg Info · Editovat ]

The Toreador Song by the Damrosch (New York Symphony) Orchestra [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-12 Media:Sor Op 31 No 1 Rec 2.ogg Info · Editovat ]

The first piece from Fernando Sor's Opus 31, a collection of pieces for classical guitar. Recording by Wikipedian Jujutacular. [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-13 Media:Fatty Arbuckle, The Butcher Boy, 1917.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Excerpt from the 1917 silent film The Butcher Boy (video) [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-14 Media:Handel - messiah - 04 and the glory of the lord.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Part of Handel's Messiah by the MIT Concert Choir, Cutter [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-15 Media:Woodrow Wilson video montage.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Scenes from former US president Woodrow Wilson's presidency (video) [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-16 Media:Beethoven - opus47-1 01.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Violin Sonata No. 9 in A major ("Kreutzer", Op. 47), 1st movement, by Ludwig van Beethoven [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-17 Media:Brahms-waltz13.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Sixteen Waltzes for piano, four hands (Op. 39), No. 13 in B major, by Johannes Brahms [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-18 Media:Komet.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Simulace orbitu komety (video) [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-19 Media:Gorilla gorilla gorilla3.ogg Info · Editovat ]

A gorilla eating (video) [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-20 Media:Schubert-mass in g. 2. gloria.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Mass No. 2 in G Major (D 167), 2nd movement: Gloria, by Franz Schubert [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-21 Media:Equus burchelli bohmi.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Grant's Zebra (Equus burchelli boehmi) found in Disney's Animal Kingdom (video) [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-22 Media:View on Lac Heure Belgium.ogg Info · Editovat ]

View of Lacs de l'eau d'Heure, La Platte Taille, Belgium [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-23 Media:Handel - messiah - 36 thou art gone up on high.ogg Info · Editovat ]

No. 36. "Thou art gone up on high" from Handel's Messiah [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-24 Media:USMC reelistment cermony.ogg Info · Editovat ]

A US marine taking the Oath of enlistment [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-25 Media:Skylab astronauts have fun.ogg Info · Editovat ]

The astronauts of Skylab 1 having some fun in space. [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-26 Media:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Don Giovanni - Overtüre.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Overture to Don Giovanni (K527) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-27 Media:02 - Vivaldi Spring mvt 2 Largo - John Harrison violin.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Movement 2 (Largo) of Spring, from Antonio Vivaldi's Four Seasons [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-28 Media:F-14A Tomcat supersonic flyby, 1986.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Stíhačka F-14 Tomcat překračuje rychlost zvuku. [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-29 Media:Liszt 1st concerto2.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Piano Concerto No. 1, movements 3 and 4, by Franz Liszt [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]

2010-04-30 Media:Purcell ode. 2 welcome to all the pleasures.ogg Info · Editovat ]

Ode 2 "Welcome to All" by Henry Purcell [ Editovat (cs) · (en) ]