Commons:Sound Logo Vote/statistics

Hello! :-)

This page details the results of community voting. The winner was VQ97.

Vote results edit

Results were calculated with the Schulze method.

2065 votes

  1. VQ97
  2. AC54
  3. UN03
  4. GX13
  5. PK62
  6. DS71
  7. FM76
  8. BY23
  9. JW08
  10. OZ85

Also see #Extended results

Vote page views edit


Pageviews for Commons:Sound Logo Vote.

Votes over time edit

These are rough counts, as it's of all editors to the votes page, not necessarily votes.



Voters edit

Summary edit

Numbers here include everyone who edited the page through the script. This double counts a few people and counts a few ineligible votes that were removed. Votes added manually by staff are also not reflected here. Numbers are not adjusted for this, and the effects are minimal.

# users: 2104

# user accounts created after voting started: 220 (10.5%)

# user accounts less than 1 year old on Commons: 490 (23.3%)

This means that 76.7% of voters have been registered on Commons for over a year!

# user accounts with one edit on Commons: 520 (24.7%)

# user accounts with 100 or fewer edits on Commons: 1,179 (56%)

Registration edit

Note that this is the account's registration timestamp on Wikimedia Commons. Many accounts with recent registrations on Wikimedia Commons have earlier registrations on other projects.

Also, some voters' accounts were created before account registrations were recorded, and thus have null values. This means that there are 2031 accounts reflected in the registration histogram and summary stats, of the 2104 accounts reflected in the edit count numbers.



Edit count edit

This is the account's edit count on Wikimedia Commons.


Extended results edit

#votes: 2066

The order of candidates in the table is in the order of Schulze ranking, from top to bottom and left to right.

Pairwise preferences matrix
[*, VQ97] [*, AC54] [*, UN03] [*, GX13] [*, PK62] [*, DS71] [*, FM76] [*, BY23] [*, JW08] [*, OZ85]
[VQ97 ,*] 0 1209 1259 1281 1294 1333 1363 1520 1664 1687
[AC54 ,*] 857 0 1085 1088 1121 1201 1252 1408 1570 1580
[UN03 ,*] 807 981 0 1045 1111 1147 1148 1385 1523 1551
[GX13 ,*] 785 978 1021 0 1095 1154 1178 1394 1542 1533
[PK62 ,*] 772 945 955 971 0 1093 1091 1306 1529 1582
[DS71,*] 733 865 919 912 973 0 1054 1318 1469 1530
[FM76,*] 703 814 918 888 975 1012 0 1272 1480 1505
[BY23 ,*] 546 658 681 672 760 748 794 0 1265 1416
[JW08,*] 402 496 543 524 537 597 586 801 0 1282
[OZ85,*] 379 486 515 533 484 536 561 650 784 0
Margin of victory matrix
[*, VQ97] [*, AC54] [*, UN03] [*, GX13] [*, PK62] [*, DS71] [*, FM76] [*, BY23] [*, JW08] [*, OZ85]
[VQ97 ,*] 0 352 452 496 522 600 660 974 1262 1308
[AC54 ,*] -352 0 104 110 176 336 438 750 1074 1094
[UN03 ,*] -452 -104 0 24 156 228 230 727 980 1036
[GX13 ,*] -496 -110 -24 0 124 242 290 722 1018 1000
[PK62 ,*] -522 -176 -156 -124 0 120 116 546 992 1098
[DS71,*] -600 -336 -228 -242 -120 0 42 570 872 994
[FM76,*] -660 -438 -230 -290 -116 -42 0 478 894 944
[BY23 ,*] -974 -750 -704 -722 -546 -570 -478 0 464 766
[JW08,*] -1262 -1074 -980 -1018 -992 -872 -894 -464 0 498
[OZ85,*] -1308 -1094 -1036 -1000 -1098 -994 -944 -766 -498 0

VQ97 is a Condorcet winner, meaning that it wins against every other candidate in pairwise comparisons.

In this result, VQ97 wins with a relatively large margin of +352 net votes over the second ranked sound AC54, which is VQ97's smallest margin of victory. For each candidate N compared to candidate N-1, where N is its Schulze ranking, the margin of victory is smaller than that of [1,2] until [7,8].

How to read... edit

Pairwise preferences matrix
[VQ97, AC54]: 1209 means that 1209 people ranked VQ97 above AC54 in their ballot.
Margin of victory matrix
[VQ97, AC54]: 352, means that a net number of 352 people ranked VQ97 over AC56.
In this case, 1209 people ranked VQ97 over AC54, and 857 ranked AC54 over VQ97.
1209 – 857 is 352, which is shown in the cell [VQ97, AC54].
Inversely, [AC54, VQ97] is the net number of people who ranked AC54 over VQ97, and the number shown in that cell is -352. This is why the margin of victory matrix is inversely symmetrical.
The margin of victory most interesting is each cell above the diagonal line of 0s: this is the net number of voters who ranked candidate N over candidate N-1, where N is the candidate’s Schulze ranking (1 being the winner). In the pairwise preferences matrix, this is the gross number.

Kendall tau distances edit

The Kendall tau distance is a measure of the distance between two ordered lists, in terms of number of disagreements. You can think of this as the number of 'mistakes' in pairwise comparisons between each individual vote and the final result. No user's vote was exactly the final result. 45 is the maximum possible distance, which would be an exact inverse ordering of the final result.

Top 16 votes by Kendall tau distance
Username Distance
PBradley-WMF 1
Q2020 2
Paulina Studniczka (WMPL) 2
JAlberto (WMF) 2
D-Kuru 2
J. Patrick Fischer 2
Stekkmen 2
FOdeleye (WMF) 3
ILikelargeFries 3
Raymond august 3
Der rausch 3
Animataru 3
Al-Muqanna 3
Gennesect 3
Wanspirit 3
Szoltys 3
Tydalamb 3

(Top 16 because 17 through 32 is all a distance of 4)