Commons:User scripts/users namespace/reports/User:Docu/b.js

This is the report page for User:Docu/b.js. It is bot-maintained. All manual changes might be overwritten.

jshint edit

  1. ISSUE: line 65 character 40: Use '===' to compare with '0'. - Evidence: if (title.indexOf('File:') == 0 && title.indexOf('/') < 0) {
  2. ISSUE: line 74 character 46: Use '!==' to compare with 'null'. - Evidence: if (mw.util.getParamValue('title', href) != null) return mw.util.getParamValue('title', href).replace(/_/g, ' ');
  3. ISSUE: line 77 character 30: Use '!==' to compare with '0'. - Evidence: if (href.indexOf(prefix) != 0) prefix = wgServer + prefix;
  4. ISSUE: line 78 character 30: Use '===' to compare with '0'. - Evidence: if (href.indexOf(prefix) == 0) return decodeURIComponent(href.substring(prefix.length)).replace(/_/g, ' ');
  5. ISSUE: line 87 character 18: 'link' is already defined. - Evidence: var link = $('<a href="#">keep</a>');
  6. ISSUE: line 88 character 19: 'link2' is already defined. - Evidence: var link2 = $('<a href="#">del</a>');
  7. ISSUE: line 89 character 18: 'span' is already defined. - Evidence: var span = $('<span class="reqHandlerLinks"></span>');
  8. ISSUE: line 91 character 5: 'span' used out of scope. - Evidence: span.append(' [').append(link).append('] [').append(link2);
  9. ISSUE: line 91 character 30: 'link' used out of scope. - Evidence: span.append(' [').append(link).append('] [').append(link2);
  10. ISSUE: line 91 character 57: 'link2' used out of scope. - Evidence: span.append(' [').append(link).append('] [').append(link2);
  11. ISSUE: line 92 character 20: 'span' used out of scope. - Evidence: location.after(span);
  12. ISSUE: line 93 character 23: 'span' used out of scope. - Evidence: if (closeRequest) span.before(']');
  13. ISSUE: line 94 character 10: 'span' used out of scope. - Evidence: else span.append(']');
  14. ISSUE: line 95 character 5: 'link' used out of scope. - Evidence: (event) {
  15. ISSUE: line 100 character 5: 'link2' used out of scope. - Evidence: (event) {
  16. ISSUE: line 132 character 29: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. - Evidence: if (this.reason == null) return;
  17. ISSUE: line 139 character 29: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. - Evidence: if (this.reason == null) return;
  18. ISSUE: line 161 character 26: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. - Evidence: if (this.summary == null) return;
  19. ISSUE: line 200 character 46: ['timestamp'] is better written in dot notation. - Evidence: timestamp: pages[id].revisions[0]['timestamp']
  20. ISSUE: line 212 character 63: Bad or unnecessary escaping. - Evidence: text += "'''" + this.decision + "''' " + this.reason + ' \~\~\~\~ \n {{delf}}';
  21. ISSUE: line 212 character 65: Bad or unnecessary escaping. - Evidence: text += "'''" + this.decision + "''' " + this.reason + ' \~\~\~\~ \n {{delf}}';
  22. ISSUE: line 212 character 67: Bad or unnecessary escaping. - Evidence: text += "'''" + this.decision + "''' " + this.reason + ' \~\~\~\~ \n {{delf}}';
  23. ISSUE: line 212 character 69: Bad or unnecessary escaping. - Evidence: text += "'''" + this.decision + "''' " + this.reason + ' \~\~\~\~ \n {{delf}}';
  24. ISSUE: line 247 character 42: Use '===' to compare with '0'. - Evidence: while (curr < text.length && end == 0) {
  25. ISSUE: line 330 character 23: Use '===' to compare with 'false'. - Evidence: if (this.keep == false) dE[0].addClass('new');
  26. ISSUE: line 530 character 79: Script URL. - Evidence: iframeSrc: /^https/i.test(window.location.href || '') ? 'javascript:false' : 'about:blank',
  27. ISSUE: line 831 character 74: Use '===' to compare with '0'. - Evidence: return $('div.blockUI').length == 0;