File talk:Population Statistics Lübeck.svg

Source edit

Mark and copy the following text. Paste it into a plain text file. The text file should have an svg extension, for example mychart.svg.

You can check the result here or here.

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  This svg graphic is to edit with an text editor.
  Please do not overwrite this file by saving with an image editor.
  Population Statistics of Lübeck
  Sources:übeck and previous versions

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<!-- x axis text, modify each value -->
<g id="axistext-x" class="axistext-x-number" transform="translate(0, 14.69)" text-anchor="middle">
  <text x=  "0">1400</text>
  <text x="100">1500</text>
  <text x="200">1600</text>
  <text x="300">1700</text>
  <text x="400">1800</text>
  <text x="500">1900</text>
  <text x="600">2000</text>

<!-- y axis text, modify each value -->
<g id="axistext-y" class="axistext-y" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(-18.8, 7.2)">
  <text y=    "-0">0 000</text>
  <text y= "-42.5">25 000</text>
  <text y=   "-85">50 000</text>
  <text y="-127.5">75 000</text>
  <text y=  "-170">100 000</text>
  <text y="-212.5">125 000</text>
  <text y=  "-255">150 000</text>
  <text y="-297.5">175 000</text>
  <text y=  "-340">200 000</text>
  <text y="-382.5">225 000</text>
  <text y=  "-425">250 000</text>

<!--====== graph data with origin values, you can manually copy or attach the values here ======-->
<!-- modify displacement "translate" -->
  <!-- graph 1 -->
  <polyline id="graph1-fill" stroke="none" points="
    1400       0
    1400      17.2
    1460      21.568
    1487      23.157
    1502      25.444
    1532      22.452
    1600      22.57
    1642      31.068
    1662      26.597
    1682      23.596
    1708      19.978
    1728      18.667
    1769      17.644
    1788      18.693
    1807.75   24.631
    1812      22.772
    1815.833  24.143
    1828.833  25.6
    1845.667  25.36
    1851.667  26.098
    1857.667  26.672
    1862.667  27.249
    1867.922  34.346
    1871.917  39.743
    1875.917  44.799
    1880.917  51.055
    1885.917  55.399
    1890.917  63.59
    1895.919  69.874
    1900.917  82.098
    1901.997  83.961
    1902.997  85.976
    1903.997  88.872
    1904.997  90.003
    1905.917  91.541
    1906.997  92.983
    1907.997  94.406
    1908.997  95.829
    1909.997  97.252
    1910.917  98.656
    1911.997  99.79
    1912.997 100.791
    1913.997 114.446
    1916.917 109.897
    1917.927 108.956
    1919.769 113.071
    1919.997 114.656
    1920.997 118.709
    1921.997 121.443
    1922.997 123.064
    1923.997 122.785
    1924.997 123.796
    1925.457 120.788
    1925.997 121.725
    1926.997 122.397
    1927.997 124.542
    1928.997 127.843
    1929.997 128.743
    1930.997 129.842
    1931.997 129.995
    1932.997 130.481
    1933.457 129.427
    1933.997 129.978
    1934.997 130.467
    1935.997 137.812
    1936.997 143.113
    1937.997 146.654
    1938.997 150.144
    1939.376 154.811
    1939.997 160.015
    1940.997 166.3
    1941.997 172.809
    1942.997 177.143
    1943.997 183.403
    1944.997 190.031
    1945.997 250.181
    1946.825 235.923
    1946.997 239.194
    1947.997 245.111
    1948.997 246.058
    1949.997 243.548
    1950.699 238.276
    1950.997 237.548
    1951.997 234.96
    1952.997 233.554
    1953.997 230.974
    1954.997 229.345
    1955.997 229.132
    1956.731 229.554
    1956.997 228.67
    1957.997 230.708
    1958.997 230.84
    1959.997 231.827
    1960.997 232.673
    1961.43  235.2
    1961.997 236.477
    1962.997 237.322
    1963.997 237.856
    1964.997 239.171
    1965.997 240.015
    1966.997 242.616
    1967.997 242.731
    1968.997 243.121
    1969.997 241.982
    1970.403 239.339
    1970.997 239.657
    1971.997 239.761
    1972.997 237.776
    1973.997 236.047
    1974.997 234.51
    1975.997 232.27
    1976.997 230.407
    1977.997 227.184
    1978.997 224.79
    1979.997 222.12
    1980.997 220.588
    1981.997 219.403
    1982.997 217.225
    1983.997 214.98
    1984.997 211.707
    1985.997 210.318
    1986.997 209.159
    1987.398 210.497
    1987.997 210.356
    1988.997 210.681
    1989.997 212.932
    1990.997 214.758
    1991.997 215.999
    1992.997 217.5
    1993.997 217.269
    1994.997 216.854
    1995.997 216.986
    1996.997 215.673
    1997.997 215.376
    1998.997 214.017
    1999.997 213.326
    2000.997 213.399
    2001.997 213.496
    2002.997 213.301
    2003.997 212.754
    2004.997 211.874
    2005.997 211.825
    2006.997 211.213
    2007.997 211.541
    2008.997 210.892
    2010.247 209.89
    2010.997 210.232
    2011.997 210.577
    2012.997 211.713
    2012.997   0
<g id="graph1">
  <!-- graph 1 -->
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    1400      17.2
    1460      21.568
    1487      23.157
    1502      25.444
    1532      22.452
    1600      22.57
    1642      31.068
    1662      26.597
    1682      23.596
    1708      19.978
    1728      18.667
    1769      17.644
    1788      18.693
    1807.75   24.631
    1812      22.772
    1815.833  24.143
    1828.833  25.6
    1845.667  25.36
    1851.667  26.098
    1857.667  26.672
    1862.667  27.249
    1867.922  34.346
    1871.917  39.743
    1875.917  44.799
    1880.917  51.055
    1885.917  55.399
    1890.917  63.59
    1895.919  69.874
    1900.917  82.098
    1901.997  83.961
    1902.997  85.976
    1903.997  88.872
    1904.997  90.003
    1905.917  91.541
    1906.997  92.983
    1907.997  94.406
    1908.997  95.829
    1909.997  97.252
    1910.917  98.656
    1911.997  99.79
    1912.997 100.791
    1913.997 114.446
    1916.917 109.897
    1917.927 108.956
    1919.769 113.071
    1919.997 114.656
    1920.997 118.709
    1921.997 121.443
    1922.997 123.064
    1923.997 122.785
    1924.997 123.796
    1925.457 120.788
    1925.997 121.725
    1926.997 122.397
    1927.997 124.542
    1928.997 127.843
    1929.997 128.743
    1930.997 129.842
    1931.997 129.995
    1932.997 130.481
    1933.457 129.427
    1933.997 129.978
    1934.997 130.467
    1935.997 137.812
    1936.997 143.113
    1937.997 146.654
    1938.997 150.144
    1939.376 154.811
    1939.997 160.015
    1940.997 166.3
    1941.997 172.809
    1942.997 177.143
    1943.997 183.403
    1944.997 190.031
    1945.997 250.181
    1946.825 235.923
    1946.997 239.194
    1947.997 245.111
    1948.997 246.058
    1949.997 243.548
    1950.699 238.276
    1950.997 237.548
    1951.997 234.96
    1952.997 233.554
    1953.997 230.974
    1954.997 229.345
    1955.997 229.132
    1956.731 229.554
    1956.997 228.67
    1957.997 230.708
    1958.997 230.84
    1959.997 231.827
    1960.997 232.673
    1961.43  235.2
    1961.997 236.477
    1962.997 237.322
    1963.997 237.856
    1964.997 239.171
    1965.997 240.015
    1966.997 242.616
    1967.997 242.731
    1968.997 243.121
    1969.997 241.982
    1970.403 239.339
    1970.997 239.657
    1971.997 239.761
    1972.997 237.776
    1973.997 236.047
    1974.997 234.51
    1975.997 232.27
    1976.997 230.407
    1977.997 227.184
    1978.997 224.79
    1979.997 222.12
    1980.997 220.588
    1981.997 219.403
    1982.997 217.225
    1983.997 214.98
    1984.997 211.707
    1985.997 210.318
    1986.997 209.159
    1987.398 210.497
    1987.997 210.356
    1988.997 210.681
    1989.997 212.932
    1990.997 214.758
    1991.997 215.999
    1992.997 217.5
    1993.997 217.269
    1994.997 216.854
    1995.997 216.986
    1996.997 215.673
    1997.997 215.376
    1998.997 214.017
    1999.997 213.326
    2000.997 213.399
    2001.997 213.496
    2002.997 213.301
    2003.997 212.754
    2004.997 211.874
    2005.997 211.825
    2006.997 211.213
    2007.997 211.541
    2008.997 210.892
    2010.247 209.89
    2010.997 210.232
    2011.997 210.577
    2012.997 211.713
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<!-- axes with marks -->
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