English: Horses in art : Horses have appeared in works of art throughout history, frequently as depictions of the horse in battle. The horse appears less frequently in modern art partly because the horse is no longer significant either as a mode of transportation or as an implement of war. Most modern representations are of famous contemporary horses, artwork associated with horse racing, or artwork associated with the historic cowboy or Native American tradition of the American west. In the United Kingdom depictions of fox hunting and nostalgic rural scenes involving horses continue to be made. Horses often appear in artworks singly, as a mount for an important person, or in teams, hitched to a variety of horse-drawn vehicles.
Français : Cheval dans l'art : L'art occidental a toujours accordé au cheval une place de choix. Jusqu'à la récente mécanisation des activités de transport, le cheval était présent partout sur les routes, à la ferme et sur les champs de bataille. Le rôle utilitaire du cheval ne suffit cependant pas à lui seul à expliquer sa prééminence dans les œuvres majeures qui contribuent largement au patrimoine mondial de l'histoire de l'art.

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Horses in art(41 C, 1 P, 243 F)