Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
**  JavaScript tool to ease problem diagnostics
**  @author Rillke, 2011

/*global jQuery:false, mediaWiki:false, VisualFileChange:false*/
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(function(mw, $) {
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window.comDiag = { out: '', $out: null, alogl: null };

var $d = window.comDiag.$out = $('<pre>', {text: '<pre>'});
var alogl = window.comDiag.alogl = function(text, html) {
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alogl('Commons Troubleshooter v.0.2');
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var c = jQuery.client.profile();

mw.loader.using('jquery.client', function() {
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alogl(' ---- AJAX INLINE TRANSLATION ----');
alogl(' AjaxTranslations: ' + typeof mw.libs.AjaxTranslations);
if (mw.libs.AjaxTranslations) alogl('  State: ' + mw.libs.AjaxTranslations.state);

alogl(' ---- AJAX QUICK DELETE ----');
alogl(' AQD: ' + typeof AjaxQuickDelete);
alogl(' AQD-ExtraButtons: ' + typeof AjaxDeleteExtraButtons);
alogl(' AQD-WatchUser: ' + typeof AjaxDeleteWatchUserTalk);
alogl(' AQD-AjaxDeleteWatchFile: ' + typeof AjaxDeleteWatchFile);
alogl(' AQD-AjaxDeleteOptOut: ' + typeof AjaxDeleteOptOut);

alogl(' ---- USER MESSAGES ----');
alogl(' PreSelect: ' + typeof AxUserMsgPreSelect);
alogl(' PreSelectIP: ' + typeof AxUserMsgPreSelectIP);
alogl(' installOldLinks: ' + typeof installOldLinks);
alogl(' fireAsYouClick: ' + typeof AxUserMsgFireAsYouClick);
alogl(' customText: ' + typeof AxUserMsgCustomText);
alogl(' noParse: ' + typeof AxUserMsgNoParse);
alogl(' maxSelect: ' + typeof AxUserMsgMaxSelect);

alogl(' ---- VISUAL FILE CHANGE ----');
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alogl(' VFC custom settings: ' + typeof vFCSettings);
if (window.AjaxMassDeleteInterval) alogl(' VFC old setting loadBatchSize detected. Please upgrade your settings using the settings wizard! Value is: ' + window.AjaxMassDeleteInterval);
if (window.AjaxMassDeleteUserNote) alogl(' VFC old setting UserNote detected. Please upgrade your settings using the settings wizard! Value is: ' + typeof AjaxMassDeleteUserNote);

alogl('---- RL MODULES ----');
$.each(mw.loader.getModuleNames(), function(i, n) {
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var l, a = [], o = {};
for (l in a) {
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for (l in o) {
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var didAppend = false;

$(function() {
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setTimeout(function() {
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