Predloga:Prevodi uvoda obvestilnega panela administratorjev

This page is a translated version of a page Template:Administrators' noticeboard lead translations and the translation is 100% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Template:Administrators' noticeboard lead translations and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Na tem mestu lahko uporabniki komunicirajo z administratorji in administratorji med seboj. Poročate lahko o vandalizmu, problematičnih uporabnikih ali čemer koli drugem, kar zahteva ukrepanje administratorja. Tu ne poročajte o otroški pornografiji ali drugi morebitni nezakoniti vsebini; namesto tega pošljite e-pismo na naslov V primeru grožnje sebi ali drugim prav tako pošljite e-pismo na naslov

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This template is used for the Language Select function for {{Administrators' noticeboard}}.

This page consists of the following four subpages, for the translations of the four types of noticeboards: