
[[Category:{{{1}}} in Canada by month|#]] [[Category:{{{2}}} in Canada|#{{{1}}}]] [[Category:{{{2}}} {{{1}}} in North America|Canada]] [[Category:{{{2}}} {{{1}}} by country|Canada]]

Template documentationcreate · purge ]
This documentation is transcluded from Template:Canadamonthyear/doc.

This template is similar to {{CanadaMonth}}, but with a wider wikitable and a Canadian flag.


{{Canadamonthyear |1= |2= }}

Template parameters

1The year. Example: "2013".emptyrequired
2The month. Example: "August".emptyrequired

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the Category namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users