This image is or was adapted from an original work created for Global Warming Art.

Provided that you do both of the following:

  1. Clearly acknowledge the authorship of Global Warming Art and/or the specific author(s) of the image.
  2. Include a reference or internet link to the original image description page, i.e.:

You may use this image in any of the following ways:

  • As a component in works that are produced and distributed in a non-commercial manner, i.e. without the intent or expectation of receiving a monetary profit.
  • As a component in works where any accompanying material — including all text, images, and other creative content — has been made into free content by either:
    • Applying one or more of the following copyleft licenses: CC-BY-SA version 2.5, GFDL version 1.2.
    • Or, arranging other licensing terms that are compatible with at least one of the above copyleft licenses.
  • To create translations and other modified versions of this image that are licensed for public use under precisely the terms described here.

For additional information please refer to the license description page at Global Warming Art.