Template:Platonic, Archimedean and Catalan tilings with direction colors

Image series Platonic, Archimedean and Catalan tilings with direction colors
Red, blue and yellow in both symmetries (4-4 left, 3-6 right)

The representations of tilings in this set have corresponding elements in the same colors in the same points.

Thy are divided in the [6,3] group family, where red and yellow elements have 6- and 3-fold symmetry,
and the [4,4] group family, where both have 4-fold symmetry. (Blue points always have 2-fold symmetry.)

See: List of Euclidean uniform tilings

Polyhedra in the same color scheme: Platonic, Archimedean and Catalan solids with direction colors

This SVG was created with Inkscape, and uploaded with Commonist.
There are two slightly different styles,
see gray lines and black lines.