Template:Uploaded with Flickypedia

This photo was originally posted on Flickr by [{{{flickrUserUrl}}} {{{flickrUser}}}] at [{{{flickrPhotoUrl}}} {{{flickrPhotoUrl}}}].

It was copied to Wikimedia Commons using Flickypedia by [[:User:|{{{user}}}]] on {{{date}}}.

Template documentationview · edit · history · purge ]

Photos copied from Flickr using Commons:Flickypedia. This template provides information boxes explaining what Flickypedia is, how it was used, and when the metadata was retrieved from Wikimedia.

The template automatically sets the following categories:


{{Flickypedia |name= |date= |flickrUser= |flickrUserUrl= |flickrPhotoUrl= }}

Template parameters

nameName of the Wikimedia Commons user who used Flickypediaemptyoptional
dateDate when the photo was uploaded from Flickremptyoptional
flickrUserName of the Flickr user who originally posted the photoemptyoptional
flickrUserUrlURL to the Flickr user's profileemptyoptional
flickrPhotoUrlURL to the original photo on Flickremptyoptional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the File namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: no user group specified

See also