
Prefix u ue ux uex ut uL
Meaning navigable waterway planned/under construction
all in use other route or feature not in use main route or feature not in use none in use tunnel
Example   (uABZlf)   (ueABZlf)   (uxABZlf)   (uexABZlf)   (utABZlf)   (uLABZlf)
Prefix ug gu uxg geu g gt W
Meaning unwatered  #2CA05A  non-navigable waterway
combined with  #003399  (watered, navigable) combined with  #6281C0  (watered, not navigable) ground tunnel
Example   (ugABZgl)   (guABZmgl)   (uxgKRZu)   (geuKRZu)   (gABZlf)   (gtSTR)   (WABZgl)