
This page is a translated version of a page Template:WatchlistNotice/Types and the translation is 79% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Template:WatchlistNotice/Types and have to be approved by a translation administrator.


The table is automatically read by Watchlist notice gadget. Column one must be the ID, column 2 a short human-readable and translatable name, and column 3 can be a longer, translatable description.

The page must be marked for translation before changes to the English version (the source language) are applied to the gadget.

ID 人类可读名 描述 备注
policy_new 新方针 Request for Comments about new policies, substantial changes to or the adoption of new policies
policy_change 方针变更 最近或计划的方针修正案
highly_trusted_election 重要职位的选举 Election of people requiring a high level of trust such as checkusers
technical_new 新特性 新技术特性
technical_change 技术变更 最近或进行中的技术变更
technical_issue 技术问题 Wikimedia Commons 上的技术问题
mobile 移动版 有关移动访问 Wikimedia Commons 的所有内容
bot_approval 机器人批准 If community input in a bot-approval request is required
i18n 国际化 国际化和本地化
poty 年度图片 年度图片评选
wlm 维基爱古迹 维基爱古迹评选
photo_challenge Commons:照片挑戰 The Wikimedia Commons “Photo Challenge
other_media_contests 其他评选 其他有关媒体的评选
glam GLAM Cooperation with Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM)
other_projects 看大图 影响 Wikimedia Commons 其他计划的信息
backlogs 重要的积压事务 Wikimedia Commons 中需及时处理的积压事务
meetings_photo 摄影者集会 Photo workshops, Photographer-relevant topics at general meetings like Wikimania
meetings_tech 开发与技术会议 Hackathons, IRC hours, Wikimedia Commons-relevant topics at general meetings like Wikimania