Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
/* [[:en:User:Js/diffs.js]] */

(these should be set to true to override standard behaviour)
dfNoAjaxDiff: no quick next/prev loading on usual diff pages
dfNoPopups: no popups
dfNoArrowKeys : disable keyboard shortcuts (left/right arrow keys)  for  next/prev diff
dfNoWikiParsing : completely disable wikicode parsing in diffs
dfParseContext : also parse gray columns
dfNoWaitCursor : disable "wait" cursor
wikEdFullDiff: do not shorten JS Diff Engine output (seems useless)
CSS parameters
dfDiffLinksCSS: CSS for diff links, default: "font-style:italic" 
dfDiffTableCSS: extra CSS for diff table
var currentLink, currentTable // !! debugging
var diffScript = new function(){ //wrapper
var dfNoWikiParsing = window.dfNoWikiParsing, dfNoPopups = window.dfNoPopups
var curTitle, tempDiv, curStripes
var requestedPages = {} //aray of retreived diffs, used as cache
var isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1
var popupCount = 0 //, popupArray = []
this.start = function(){
 addHandler(document, 'click', onClick)
 if (!window.dfNoArrowKeys) addHandler(document, 'keyup', onKeyUp)
 if (!dfNoPopups) addCSS('a[href^="'+wgServer+'/w/index.php"][href*="diff="],\
  a[href^="/w/index.php"][href*="diff="]' + (window.dfDiffLinksCSS || '{font-style:italic}'))
 //if (isIE &&  isIE6) //no CSS3 support in IE6, should make links italic manually
 if (document.URL.indexOf('diff=') != -1){ //this is a diff page
   //find diff table
   var content = document.getElementById('content') || document.getElementById('mw_content') || document
   var i = 0, tables = content.getElementsByTagName('table')
   while (i < tables.length && tables[i].className != 'diff') i++
   if (i == tables.length) return  //then it's  div.firstrevisionheader
   currentTable = tables[i]
   //remember url and title
   currentTable.parentNode.diffURL = document.URL
   currentTable.parentNode.diffTitle = wgPageName
   //improve diff Table
   requestedPages[document.URL] = '<table class=diff>' + currentTable.innerHTML + '</table>'
   currentTable.parentNode.insertBefore(createToolbar(), currentTable.parentNode.firstChild)
function onClick(e){
 cursorWait() //cancel waiting indicator if something went wrong
 //find event and click target
 e = e || window.event
 if (e.shiftKey || e.button == 2) return // shift key or right click
 if ((isIE && e.button == 4) || (!isIE && e.button == 1)) return //middle click
 var targ = || e.srcElement
 if (!targ) return
 //clicked on diff table
 // ...
 //clicked on diff popup
 if (targ.className)
 switch (targ.className){
  case 'df-popup': closePopup(targ); return
  case 'df-caption': closePopup(targ.parentNode); return
  case 'diff-lineno': changeBlock(targ.parentNode); return
  case 'diff-addedline': case 'diff-deletedline': case 'diff-context': processCell(targ); return
 if (!dfNoPopups && targ.className){
   if (targ.className=='df-popup') return closePopup(targ)
   if (targ.className=='df-caption') return closePopup(targ.parentNode)
 if (targ.className == 'diff-lineno') return changeBlock(targ.parentNode)
 //else if (targ.className == 'diff-marker') return changeRow(targ.parentNode)
 //clicked on a diff link
 var url = targ.href
 if (!url || url.indexOf('diff=') == -1) return //not a diff
 if (url.indexOf(wgServer) != 0 && url.charAt(0) != '/') return //diff, but not to this server
 if (targ.parentNode.className == 't-print') return
 //check if it was nex/prev diff link
 currentLink = targ
 var isClickIntercepted = true
 if (/differences-(prev|next)link/.test( isClickIntercepted = followNextLink()
 else if (!dfNoPopups) createPopup()
 else isClickIntercepted = false
 //do not follow the link
 if (isClickIntercepted){
   if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false
   return false
   return true
function improveCurrentTable(){
 if (currentTable.innerHTML.length>70000) return
 var trs = currentTable.getElementsByTagName('tr')
 curTitle = currentTable.parentNode.diffTitle //to be used in processHTML()
 curStripes = false
 for (var i=1; i<trs.length; i++) improveRow(trs[i])
function improveRow(tr){
 var tds = tr.getElementsByTagName('td'), td
 tr.className = 'df-change' //by default, as most common case
 if (tds.length == 1){  // 'One intermediate revision not shown'
   return //plus maybe //tr.className = 'df-message'
 }else if (tds.length == 2){ // "Line xx:"
   tr.className = 'df-lineno'
 }else if (tds.length == 3 && tds[1].className == 'diff-deletedline'){
   if (tds[1].innerHTML.length==0) tds[1].innerHTML = '&nbsp;'
   expandCell(tds[1], 'df-deletedline') //new class, means the line was simply deleted, has pink background
 }else if (tds.length == 3 && tds[2].className == 'diff-addedline'){
   htm = tds[2].innerHTML
   if (htm.length==0) tds[2].innerHTML = '&nbsp;'
   if (curStripes) tr.className += ' odd'
   if (/<span class="?sig"?>/i.test(htm)) curStripes = !curStripes
   if (/^<div>==.*== *<\/div>$/i.test(htm))
      tds[2].style.cssText = 'font-weight:bold; font-size:120%; padding-top:15px'
 }else if (tds[1].className == 'diff-context') {
   tr.className = 'df-context'
   if (window.dfParseContext) processHTML(tds[1])
   curStripes = false
 //from here we're left with normal yellow/green rows with 4 cells
 tds[1].colSpan = tds[3].colSpan = 2
 //tds[1].style.borderRight = '10px solid white'
 tr.removeChild(tds[2]); tr.removeChild(tds[0])
 if (!window.dfImproveAdvanced) return
 //check for simple  diffs
 var oldline = tds[1].innerHTML
 var newline = tds[3].innerHTML
 if (oldline.length < 90 && oldline.replace(/<.+?>| |\n/g,'') == ''){ //old empty
   tds[3].className = 'diff-addedline'
   tds[3].innerHTML = newline.replace(/<span class="diffchange">/i,'').replace(/<\/span>/i,'')
 }else if (newline.length < 90 && newline.replace(/<.+?>| |\n/g,'') == ''){ //new empty
   tds[1].className = 'df-deletedline'
   tds[1].innerHTML = oldline.replace(/<span class="diffchange">/i,'').replace(/<\/span>/i,'')
 }else if (!/<span/i.test(newline)){ //simple change: something removed
   expandCell(tds[1], 'df-deletedwords')
 }else if (!/<span/i.test(oldline)){ //simple change: something added
   expandCell(tds[3], 'df-addedwords')
  }else{ //complex case
   if (window.dfOneColumn){ // separate into different rows anyway
    tds[1] = '10px solid #FBFBFB'
    tds[3] = '10px solid #FBFBFB'
    //remove + / - markers ?
 function expandCell(td, clss){
  while (td.nextSibling) tr.removeChild(td.nextSibling)
  while (td.previousSibling) tr.removeChild(td.previousSibling)
  td.colSpan = 4
  if (clss) td.className = clss
 function splitRowsUp(tdGoesUp){
  tds[1].colSpan = 4
  tds[3].colSpan = 4
  var trnew = document.createElement('tr')
  trnew.className = 'df-change'
  tr.parentNode.insertBefore(trnew, tr)
  i++ //increment i in for loop
} //improveRow()
function changeTable(e){
 e = e || window.event
 var butt = || e.srcElement
 currentTable = getClickedTable(e)
 var dfLevel = butt.innerHTML
 if (dfImprovementSheet.disabled){
  dfImprovementSheet.disabled = false
   //butt.innerHTML = '-'
   dfImprovementSheet.disabled = true
function changeBlock(row){ //switch improvement level for this part of diff table
 var dTbody = row.parentNode, rowIdx = 1, isImproved
 //find clicked row number
 while (rowIdx < dTbody.rows.length && dTbody.rows[rowIdx] != row) rowIdx++
 if (dTbody.rows[rowIdx] != row) return
 //check if rows are improved or not
 if (row.className == 'df-lineno'){
   isImproved = true
   var origTable = createTableFromHTML(requestedPages[dTbody.parentNode.parentNode.diffURL])
   dfImprovementSheet.disabled = false
 //improve / de-improve rows
   if (isImproved) dTbody.replaceChild(origTable.rows[rowIdx].cloneNode(true), row)
   else improveRow(row) 
 }while((row=dTbody.rows[++rowIdx]) && row.cells[0].className != 'diff-lineno')
function processCell(cell){ //parse wikicode in already improved row when clicked on white border above row
 if (cell.origHTML){ //restore
   cell.innerHTML = cell.origHTML
   cell.origHTML = null
function changeRow(row){ //switch one rowl improvement level when clicked on +- marker on the left
 var dTbody = row.parentNode, rowIdx = 1
 //find clicked row number
 while (rowIdx < dTbody.rows.length && dTbody.rows[rowIdx] != row) rowIdx++
 if (dTbody.rows[rowIdx] != row) return
 //check if rows are improved or not
 if (row.className == 'df-change'){
   var origTable = createTableFromHTML(requestedPages[dTbody.parentNode.parentNode.diffURL])
   dTbody.replaceChild(origTable.rows[rowIdx].cloneNode(true), row)
   dfImprovementSheet.disabled = false
   var tds = row.cells
function createToolbar(){
 var dToolbar = document.createElement('div')
 //dToolbar.diffTable = currentTable
 dToolbar.className = 'df-toolbar'
 dToolbar.appendChild(btn(changeTable, '¤', 'Enable/disable improvements', 'df-improve-btn')) //÷
 dToolbar.appendChild(btn(highlightDiffs, 'π', 'Highlight differences with red border', 'df-highlight-btn')) 
 dToolbar.appendChild(btn(diffJSEngine, 'Δ', 'Javascript diff engine'))
 //references back and forth
 dToolbar.tableParent = currentTable.parentNode //reference so we can find table later
 return dToolbar
function btn(func, htm, tooltip, clss){ //creates <span> button
 var bt = document.createElement('span')
 bt.innerHTML = htm
 bt.onclick = func
 bt.title = tooltip
 bt.className = clss || 'df-btn'
 return bt
function getClickedTable(e){
 e = e || window.event
 var button = || e.srcElement
 return button.parentNode.tableParent.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]
function processHTML(elem){
 if (dfNoWikiParsing) return
 var html = elem.innerHTML
 elem.origHTML = html
 if (html.length == 0) return  //elem.innerHTML = '&nbsp;'
 //mark signatures
 html = html.replace(/(\[\[[^\[]{4,65})?\d\d:\d\d, \d\d? \S{3,9} 20\d\d \(UTC\)/g, '<span class=sig>$&</span>')
 html = html.replace(/\{\{unsigned[^\}]\}\}/i, '<span class=sig>$&</span>')
 html = html.replace(/\[\[([^\]><}{|]+)\|?([^\]><]*)?\]\]/g,
  if (/http:\/\//i.test(page)) return wikicode //user made a mistake
  if (/^image:|\.(jpg|png|svg|gif)$/i.test(page) && name)  name = page + name  //display full image link, including "image:"
  if (!name) name = page
  if (page.substring(0,1)=='#' || page.substring(0,1)=='/') {
    page = curTitle + page //relative link
  return outputLink(page, name, wikicode)
 // [http://...]
 html = html.replace(/\[(https?:\/\/[^ \]><]*)( [^\]]*)?\]/g, //
 function  (str,link,name){
  var output = '<a href=' + link, title, tip, nameWas = name
  if (link.indexOf(wgServer+wgScript) == 0){ //local link
    tip = tryDecodeURI(link.substring((wgServer+wgScript).length+1))
    if (!name){
      name = getTitleFromURL(link) || tip
      if (/diff=/.test(link)) name = 'diff: ' + name
      else if (tip.match(/action=history/)) name = 'hist: ' + name
      else if (tip.match(/oldid=/)) name = 'oldid: ' + name
      else name = 'wiki: ' + name
  } else { //ext link
    tip = tryDecodeURI(link.substring(7))
    output += ' class="external text"'
    if (!name) name = tip
  if (!nameWas && (name.length > 70)) name = name.substring(0,60) + '… …'
  return output + ' title="' + tip + '">[' + name + ']</a>'
 elem.innerHTML = html
function tryDecodeURI(s){ try{s=decodeURIComponent(s)}catch (e){}; return s }
function followNextLink(){ //loads next/prev diff using next/prev diff link
 //find old table
 var el = currentLink
 while (el && el.nodeName != 'TABLE') el = el.parentNode
 if (!el || el.className != 'diff') return false
 currentTable = el
 if (currentTable.parentNode.className != 'df-popup'){ //normal diff page, not a popup
   if (window.dfNoAjaxDiff) return false
   if (el=document.getElementById('t-print')) = 'none' //hide "printable" link which becomes outdated
 //replace diff with new table
 return true
function replaceCurrentTable(html){
 var oldTable = currentTable, parent = oldTable.parentNode, el
 //append new table
 currentTable = createTableFromHTML(html)
 parent.insertBefore(currentTable, oldTable)
 //remove everything below new table: old table, (now outdated) prevew, js engine diff
 while ((el=currentTable.nextSibling) && !/visualClear|df-caption/.test(el.className))
function createTableFromHTML(html){
 if (!tempDiv) tempDiv = document.createElement('div')
 tempDiv.innerHTML = html
 return tempDiv.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]
// *** POPUP ***
function createPopup(lnk){
 if (lnk) currentLink = lnk
 //unfortunately, image diffs do not work with &action=render
 if (isIE) hideAllSelectElements()
 //create popup
 var pop = document.createElement('div')
 pop.className = 'df-popup' = windowScrolled() + 30  + popupCount*10 + 'px' = 10 + popupCount*10 + 'px'
 //load diff
 document.body.appendChild(pop) //have to append now, otherwise table is broken in Safari 3 
 currentTable = document.createElement('table')
function createPopup2(){
 var pop = currentTable.parentNode = 'visible'
 //add bottom and top captions
 pop.insertBefore(createCaption(), pop.firstChild)
 return true
 //if it's too wide
 //if (elementWidth(pop) +10 > windowWidth()) scrollBy(elementWidth(pop), 0)
 function createCaption(){ //for popup
  var dCaption = document.createElement('div')
  dCaption.className = 'df-caption'
  //dCaption.onclick = captionClick
  //on special pages
  if (wgNamespaceNumber == -1){
   dCaption.appendChild( btn(function(e){neighborDiff(e,currentLink,  1)},
     '↓', 'Open next diff link on that page'))
   dCaption.appendChild( btn(function(e){neighborDiff(e,currentLink, -1)},
     '↑', 'Open previous diff link on that page'))
  //add page title
  var sp = document.createElement('span')
  var dTitle = currentTable.parentNode.diffTitle
  sp.innerHTML = '<b>'+outputLink(dTitle)+'</b>'
   + ' (' + outputLink(dTitle+'?action=history', 'h') + ')'
  //add toolbar
  dCaption.insertBefore(createToolbar(), dCaption.firstChild)
  return dCaption
function captionClick(e){  // !! obsolete?
 e = e || window.event
 var el = || e.srcElement
 if (el && el.className && el.className == 'df-caption') closePopup(el.parentNode)
function closePopup(div){ = 'none'
 if (isIE && (popupCount==0)) hideAllSelectElements(true) //IE  select zIndex bug
function onKeyUp(e){
 e = e || window.event
 var lnk
 if (e.keyCode == 37) lnk = document.getElementById('differences-prevlink')
 else if (e.keyCode == 39) lnk = document.getElementById('differences-nextlink')
 if (!lnk) return
 currentLink = lnk
 if (!followNextLink()) document.location.href = lnk.href
function markLink(lnk, isError){ //mark link as 'clicked'. especially useful for watchlist/RC = isError ? '#FFDDDD' :'#DDDDFF'
function hideAllSelectElements(isRestore){ //workaround for IE  <select> zIndex bug
 var sels = document.getElementsByTagName('select')
 for (var i=0; i<sels.length; i++)
   sels[i].style.visibility = isRestore ? 'visible' : 'hidden'
function neighborDiff(e, lnk, dir){
 //close old popup
 e = e || window.event
 var el = || e.srcElement
 closePopup (el.parentNode.parentNode)
 //try to find diff in neghbor TR (this happens inside expanded  section of enhanced RC/WL)
 if ((el=findParentWithTag(lnk,/TR/)) && (el=findNeighborBlock(el)) && (el=findDiffIn(el)))
 //try to find diff in neghbor LI (on contrib page and simple RC)  or TABLE (on enhanced RC and WL)
 else if ((el=findParentWithTag(lnk,/LI|TABLE/)) && (el=findNeighborBlock(el)) && (el=findDiffIn(el)))
 function findParentWithTag(el, regexp){
   while ((el=el.parentNode) && !regexp.test(el.nodeName));
   return el
 function findNeighborBlock(el){ //looks for next/prev block with the same tag
   var tag = el.nodeName
   do{ el = (dir == -1) ?  el.previousSibling : el.nextSibling } while (el && el.nodeName != tag)
   return el
 function findDiffIn(block){
   var aa = block.getElementsByTagName('a')
   for (var i=0; i<aa.length; i++)
     if (/diff=/.test(aa[i].href)) return aa[i]
// *** JS Diff Engine ***
function diffJSEngine(e){
 //create temporary table with original diff
 var dTable = getClickedTable(e)
 var curTitle = dTable.parentNode.diffTitle
 var tempTable = createTableFromHTML(requestedPages[dTable.parentNode.diffURL])
 //create "full comparison" button
 var btFull = document.createElement('input');  btFull.type = 'button'
 btFull.value = 'Perform full comparison'
 btFull.title = 'Compare full revisions, in case MediaWiki diff engine is wrong'
 btFull.onclick = diffJSFull
 //call and run JS diff engine
 if (window.WDiffString) diffJSGo()
 else importScriptAndRun('', diffJSGo)
 function diffJSGo(){
  oldVer = newVer = ''
  tds = tempTable.getElementsByTagName('td')
  var txt, isContent
  for (var i=1; i<tds.length; i++){
    txt = tds[i].innerHTML.replace(/<.+?>/g,'') + '\n'
    case 'diff-context':
      marker = '\x03' + txt + '\x04\n'
      oldVer += marker
      newVer += marker
      isContent = false
      i += 2 //skip other context cell
    case 'diff-lineno':
      //oldVer += '\n\n\n\n\n\n'
      //newVer += '\n\n\n\n\n\n'
      break  // !!!
    case 'diff-deletedline':
      isContent = true
      oldVer += txt
    case 'diff-addedline':
      isContent = true
      newVer +=  txt
  difDiv = document.createElement('div') = 'padding:2px'
  difDiv.innerHTML = '<br><br><h3>JS Engine diff</h3><hr style="height:5px" />'
  dTable.parentNode.insertBefore(difDiv, dTable.nextSibling)
 function diffJSFull(){
  //get versions Ids
  var ma, newId, oldId
  ma = tempTable.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML.match(/oldid=(\d+)/)
  if (ma) oldId = ma[1]; else { difDiv.innerHTML += '<p class=error>Could not find oldid</p>'; return }
  ma = tempTable.rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/oldid=(\d+)/)
  if (ma) newId = ma[1]; else newId = ''
  //request versions
  difDiv.innerHTML += '<br><br><h3>Full revisions comparison</h3><hr style="height:5px" />'
  oldVer = newVer = null
  var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?action=raw&maxage=0&title=' + encodeURIComponent(curTitle)
  requestPage(url + '&oldid=' + oldId, function(txt) {
    oldVer = txt
    if (newVer) diffJSDisplay()
  requestPage(url + '&oldid=' + newId, function(txt) {
	  newVer = txt
	  if (oldVer) diffJSDisplay()
 function diffJSDisplay(){
  var txt = WDiffString(oldVer, newVer)
  //txt = txt.replace(/\x03.*?\x04/g, '<br><br><hr><br><br>')
  txt = txt.replace(/\x03|\x04/g, '')
  if (!window.wikEdFullDiff ) txt = WDiffShortenOutput(txt)
  //txt = txt.replace(/¶/g,'<br>')
  txt = txt.replace(/&amp;/g,'&')
  //txt = txt.replace(/&lt;/g,'<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
  difDiv.innerHTML += txt
// *** COMMON ***
function windowScrolled(){
if (self.pageYOffset) // all except Explorer
 return self.pageYOffset
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)	// Explorer 6 Strict
 return document.documentElement.scrollTop
else if (document.body) // all other Explorers
 return document.body.scrollTop
function scrollToElement (el){
 var yy = el.offsetTop
 while (el = el.offsetParent) yy += el.offsetTop
 scrollTo(0, yy)
function getTitleFromURL(url){
 var tt = url.match(/title=([^&>"]+)/) //"
 if (!tt) return ''
 else return decodeURIComponent(tt[1]).replace(/_/g,' ')
function outputLink(page, name, tooltip){
 if (!name) name = page
 if (!tooltip) tooltip = name //.replace(/'/g,'`')
 page = page.replace(/&amp;/gi,'&')
 var k = page.indexOf('#')
 if (k != -1) page = page.substring(0,k) + '#' + guessSectionName(page.substring(k+1))
 return '<a href="'+mw.config.get('wgServer')+mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1', page)
    +'" title="' + tooltip.replace(/"/g,'%22') + '">' + name + '</a>' //'
function guessTOCName(txt){ //make header into TOC item, will not work 100%
 txt = txt.replace(/^ */,'').replace(/ *$/,'') //trim spaces
 txt = txt.replace(/\[\[[^|]+\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1') //[[foo|bar]] -> bar
 txt = txt.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1') //[[bar]] -> bar
 txt = txt.replace(/<.*?>/g, '').replace(/ /g,'_') //strip tags, spaces -> _
 return txt
function guessSectionName(txt){ //make header into URL anchor, will not work 100%
 //should behave like like Parser.php::guessSectionNameFromWikiText() and Sanitizer.php
 txt = guessTOCName(txt)
 //... skipping step "HTML entities are turned into their proper characters"
 txt = encodeURIComponent(txt)  //maybe encodeURI(p1.replace(/\?/g,'%3F').replace(/&/g,'%26'))
 txt = txt.replace('%3A', ':').replace(/%([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/g, '.$1')
 return txt
function cursorWait(isWait){
 if (window.dfNoWaitCursor) return = isWait ? 'wait' : ''
// *** CSS/JS ***
var dfHighlightSheet, dfImprovementSheet, dfPopupSheet
function  addDiffTableCSS(){
//table.diff td {padding-left:3px}\
//td.diff-addedline, td.diff-deletedline, td.df-deletedline
 if (dfImprovementSheet) return
div.df-toolbar {float:right}\
div.df-toolbar span\
 {cursor:pointer; padding:0 3px 0 3px; margin:0 3px 0 3px; border:1px solid #EEEEEE}\
 dfImprovementSheet = addCSS('\
table.diff {width:99%}\
table.diff td {padding-left:2px}\
table.diff, td.diff-otitle, td.diff-ntitle {background:#FBFBFB}\
table.diff td.diff-lineno {border-top: 25px solid #FBFBFB}\
td.df-deletedline {background-color:#FEC}\
table.diff td div {min-height:1em}\
td.df-deletedwords, td.df-addedwords\
 {background:white; border:1px dotted gray; padding:2px}\
td.df-deletedwords span.diffchange {background-color:#FFA}\
td.df-addedwords span.diffchange {background-color:#CFC; color:black; font-weight:normal}\
tr.odd td.diff-addedline {background-color:#BEB}\
span.sig {border:1px dotted gray; border-bottom:none; font-family:cursive; font-size:90%}\
tr.df-change td {font-size:100%}\
div.df-toolbar span.df-improve-btn {border:1px inset #EEEEEE}\
table.diff td {padding-right:8px; cursor:help}\
table.diff td div, table.diff td.diff-multi {cursor:default}' //make TD clickable (sticking out from under DIV inside)
+ (window.dfDiffTableCSS ? dfDiffTableCSS : '')) //user CSS
//different approach to make cells clickable 
//+ 'table.diff {border-spacing:0} table.diff td {border-top:4px solid #FBFBFB} table.diff td.diff-deletedline {border-right: 6px solid #FBFBFB}'
function addDiffPopupCSS(){
 if (dfPopupSheet) return
 if (document.URL.indexOf('&diff=') == -1) importCSS('/skins-1.5/common/diff.css')
 dfPopupSheet = addCSS('\
div.df-popup{position:absolute; margin-right:15px; border:1px solid #000033; z-index:50; \
 font-size:130%; background-color:white; visibility:hidden; min-width:75%}\
div.df-popup div.df-caption{float:none; background:#F0F0FF; font-size:120%;\
 border:1px outset gray; padding:2px}\
div.df-popup table.diff {width:97%; margin:0 1% 0 1% }')
//div.df-popup div.df-toolbar {}\
//div.df-popup table.diff {width:auto}\
// min-width was added for Safari
function highlightDiffs(e){
 if (!dfHighlightSheet)
   dfHighlightSheet = addCSS('span.diffchange{border:1px solid red}\
 div.df-toolbar span.df-highlight-btn {border:1px inset #EEEEEE}')
 else dfHighlightSheet.disabled = !dfHighlightSheet.disabled
function importCSS(url){
 if (document.createStyleSheet) var s = document.createStyleSheet(url) //IE
 else {
   var s = document.createElement('style')
   s.type = 'text/css'
   s.appendChild (document.createTextNode('@import "' + url + '";'))
 return s
function addCSS(text){
 var s = document.createElement('style')
 s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css')
 if (s.styleSheet) s.styleSheet.cssText = text //IE
 else s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text))
 return s.sheet || s
function importScriptAndRun(url, func) {
 var s = document.createElement('script')
 s.type = 'text/javascript'
 s.src = url + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'
 if (isIE) s.onreadystatechange = function(){
     if (this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete') func()
 else s.onload = func
// *** AJAX ***
function requestPage(url, func){
 if (requestedPages[url]) {func(requestedPages[url]); return }
 var aj = sajax_init_object()'GET', url, true)
 aj.onreadystatechange=function() {
   if (aj.readyState != 4) return
   if (aj.status == 200) {
      requestedPages[url] = aj.responseText
   }else func(null)
function loadDiff(func){ = '0.5'
 var url = currentLink.href + '&action=render&diffonly=yes'
 requestPage(url, loadDiff2)
 function loadDiff2(html){
  //remember diff url and title
  currentTable.parentNode.diffURL = url
  var td = getElementsByClassName(currentTable, 'td', 'diff-ntitle')[0]
  currentTable.parentNode.diffTitle = td ? getTitleFromURL(td.getElementsByTagName('a')[1].href) : '??'
  if (func) func()
} //wrapper
if (doneOnloadHook) diffScript.start()