Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
// Gallery for subcategories
// Gives a snapshot of the content of subcategories in a category
// works with categoryTree

function activeGallery(nomCat, nfich) {
	    generator: 'categorymembers',
	    gcmtitle: 'Category:'+nomCat,
	    gcmnamespace: 6,
	    gcmlimit: 10 + nfich,
	    prop: 'imageinfo',
	    iiprop: 'url',
	    iiurlheight: 120,
	    iiurlwidth: 120,
	    format: 'json'
	function(data) {
		.find('#gall_content tr')
            var t = 0;
	    $.each(data.query.pages, function(key, val) {
	    if (t <= 6	) {
            var snapshotAdress = val.imageinfo[0].thumburl;
		$('#gall_content tr').append('<td><a href="'+val.imageinfo[0].descriptionurl+'"><img src="'+snapshotAdress+'"/></a></td>');
            t = t+1;
            if (t === 0) {
              $('#gall_content tr').append('<td>No image in this category</td>');
   return false;

function gal_stz(stra) {
    var i = parseInt(stra);
    if(isNaN(i)) {
	return 0;
    } else {
	return i;

function galleryAppendElement(elt) {
    elt.find('.CategoryTreeItem').each(function() {
        var res = $(this).children('span:eq(1)').text().match(/\(((\d+) [CK])?(, +)?((\d+) P)?(, +)?((\d+) [FD])?\)/);
	if (res && res[8] && !$(this).hasClass('commonsGalleryOK')) {
	    var nbfich = gal_stz(res[2]) + gal_stz(res[5]);
	    var elta = $(' <a href="javascript:void(0)">(G)</a>'); {
		var nomcat = $(this).parent().find('a.CategoryTreeLabel').text();
		activeGallery(nomcat, nbfich);
    var nomCat = elt.siblings('.CategoryTreeItem').first().children('a.CategoryTreeLabel').text();


$(document).ready(function() {
   if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 14) {
	   	var gt_container = $('<div id="gall_main"></div>');
	   		width: "100%",
	   		"margin-left": "160px",
	   		height: "150px",
	   		position: "fixed",
	   		bottom: "5px",
	   		left: "1px",
	   		"background-color": "black"
		    .append('<div id="gall_close" style="color:grey">x close</div>')
			.click(function() {
			.after('<table id="gall_content"><tr></tr></table>');
        $('#mw-subcategories').ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, settings) {
        	if (/rs=efCategoryTreeAjaxWrapper/.test(settings.url)) {

// END

// Check usages for the user imports page
$(document).ready(function() {
	if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').slice(0, 17) == 'Special:ListFiles') {
		var fileList = {};
		$('.TablePager_col_img_name').each(function(i, elt) {
			fileList[$(elt).find('a').attr('title')] = i;
			    prop: 'globalusage',
			    guprop: 'url',
			    gulimit: 100,
				titles: Object.keys(fileList).join('|'),
			    format: 'json'
			function(data) {
				$('table.listfiles thead tr').append('<th>Global Uses</th>');
				$.each(data.query.pages, function(k, page) {
					var li = fileList[page.title];
					var col = $('<td><ul></ul></td>');
					$.each(page.globalusage, function(i, val) {
						col.find('ul').append('<li>'+ + ': ' + '<a href="' + val.url + '">' + val.title.replace('_', ' ') + '</a></li>');
					$('table.listfiles tbody tr').eq(li).append(col);