User:Fica Blok38/quickimgdelete.js

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
/* <pre><nowiki> */
/* quickimgdelete.js
 * Current version: 1.7
 * =======================================
 * Created by [[User:Howcheng|Howard Cheng]]
 * Released under the [[GNU Public License]] (GPL)
 * Full documentation at [[User talk:Howcheng/quickimgdelete.js]]
 * =======================================
// ==General configuration==
qid_autosave = true; // Should the edits be saved automatically?
// Site info
qid_path = "/w/index.php";
qid_prettypath = "/wiki/";
qid_hostname = window.location.hostname;

// ==Helper functions== 
// from [[User:Jnothman/automod.js]]
function GuessUTCDate() {
    var monthnames = new Array( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
    var today = new Date();
    return today.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' + monthnames[today.getUTCMonth()] + ' ' + today.getUTCDate();

// From [[en:User:Lupin/autoedit.js]]
function getParamValue(paramName) {
  var cmdRe=RegExp('[&?]'+paramName+'=([^&]*)');
  var h=document.location;
  var m=cmdRe.exec(h);
  if (m) {
    try {
      return decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
    } catch (someError) {}
  return null;

function qid_openWindow(url, windowName) {
  if (!windowName) windowName = 'qid_window';
  var res =, windowName);
  if (!res) alert("qid_openWindow: returned null");

function qid_getUploader() {
  // Get uploader from first point in the list under "File history"
  // Uploader is stored in second A tag in UL tag under "File history"
  // Returns title of user page (without name space) in URL form
  var el = document.getElementById('filehistory')
  if (!el) {
    alert("qid_getUploader: Cannot find filehistory ... exiting");
    return null;
  while (el.nextSibling) {
    el = el.nextSibling;
    if (el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'ul') 
  if (!el) {
    alert("qid_getUploader: Cannot find UL tag ... exiting");
    return null;
  var els = el.getElementsByTagName('li');
  if (!els) {
    alert("qid_getUploader: Cannot find LI tag ... exiting");
    return null;
  var uploaders = new Array();
  var re1 = new RegExp('http://' + (qid_hostname + qid_prettypath).replace(/\./g, '\\.') + 'User:(.*)$');
  var re2 = new RegExp('http://' + (qid_hostname + qid_path).replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\?title=User:([^&]*)');
  var re3 = /User( talk)?:(.*)$/; // this is for IE and handling Unicode characters

  var m;
  var uploader;
  var uploaderList = "";
  var count = 0;
  el = els[0];
  do {
    var as = el.childNodes;
    for (var k=0; k<as.length; k++) {
       if (as[k].tagName != 'A') continue;
       m = re3.exec(as[k].title);
       if (m) uploader = encodeURIComponent(m[2]);
       m = re1.exec(as[k].href);
       if (m) uploader = m[1];
       m = re2.exec(as[k].href);
       if (m) uploader = m[1];

    if (uploaderList.indexOf(uploader) == -1) {
      if (count > 0) uploaderList += "; ";
      uploaderList += count + " - " + uploader;
      uploaders[uploaders.length] = uploader;
      count += 1;
    el = el.nextSibling;
  } while (el);

  if (!uploaders || uploaders.length == 0) {
    alert("qid_getUploader: Cannot find uploader ... exiting");
    return null;
  if (uploaders.length == 1)
    return uploaders[0];

  var which = parseInt(window.prompt("Choose which uploader to notify: " + uploaderList));
  if (isNaN(which) || which < 0 || which > uploaders.length) {
    alert("qid_getUploader: Invalid selection ... exiting");
    return null;
  return uploaders[which];

function qid_removeTemplate(editformval, template) {
  var templatepos = editformval.indexOf('{{' + template);
  if (templatepos > -1) {
    var lastbracepos = editformval.indexOf('}}', templatepos) + 1;
    editformval = editformval.substr(0, templatepos) + editformval.substr(lastbracepos + 2);
  return editformval;

function qid_checkForRedirect(editformval, type) {
  if (editformval.toLowerCase().indexOf("#redirect") == -1)

  var re = /\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/;
  var m = re.exec(editformval);
  var redirtarget = m[1];
  var fakeaction = getParamValue("fakeaction");
  var pagename = getParamValue("target");
  var redirurl = qid_path + '?title=' + redirtarget
               + '&action=edit&fakeaction=' + fakeaction + '&target=' + pagename;
  if (type)
    redirurl += '&type=' + type;

function qid_saveEditForm(txt, summary) {
  document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = txt;
  document.editform.wpSummary.value = summary;
  if (qid_autosave);

function qid_userBeenWarned(txt, template) {
  var re = eval("/\<!-- ?Template:" + template + " ?--\>/;");
  return re.test(txt);

/** ================================================================================
  * ==Automatic 'nominate for deletion/pui/imagevio' script==
  * The actions in this section do three things:
  * 1. Add a tag to the image page.
  * 2. List the image on a log page.
  * 3. Add a warning template to the uploader's talk page.
// Configuration
nfd_text = "Nominate for deletion";
nfd_tooltip = "Nominate this image for deletion";
nfd_prompt = "Why do you want to nominate this image for deletion?";
nfd_delReq = "Wikipedia:Images_and_media_for_deletion/" + GuessUTCDate().replace(' ', '_');
nfd_deleteTemplate = "ifd";
nfd_idwTemplate = "idw";
nfd_ifdTemplate = "ifd2";
nfd_glossary = new Array(
  new Array("AB", "Absent uploader"),
  new Array("AU", "Absent uploader"),
  new Array("CV", "Copyright violation"),
  new Array("OB", "Obsolete"),
  new Array("OR", "Orphaned"),
  new Array("LQ", "Low quality"),
  new Array("UE", "Unencyclopedic")

pui_text = "Possibly unfree image";
pui_tooltip = "Mark this image as possibly unfree";
pui_prompt = "Why do you think this image is possibly unfree?";
pui_delReq = "Wikipedia:Possibly_unfree_images";
pui_deleteTemplate = "PUIdisputed";
pui_idwTemplate = "idw-pui";

vio_text = "Copyright violation";
vio_tooltip = "Mark this image as a copyright violation";
vio_prompt = "Enter the URL that this image is copied from.";
vio_delReq = "Wikipedia:Copyright_problems/" + GuessUTCDate().replace(' ', '_') + "/Images";
vio_deleteTemplate = "imagevio";
vio_idwTemplate = "idw-cp";

function nfd_tagImage(which) {
  var promptTxt;
  var targetUrl;
  var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
  editlk += '&fakeaction=' + which + '_delete'

  switch (which) {
    case 'nfd':
      promptTxt = nfd_prompt;
      targetUrl = nfd_delReq;
    case 'pui':
      promptTxt = pui_prompt;
      targetUrl = pui_delReq;
    case 'vio':
      promptTxt = vio_prompt;
      targetUrl = vio_delReq;
      editlk += '&url=' + reason;

  var reason = prompt(promptTxt, '');
  if (!reason) return;

  var pagename = encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
  var uploader = qid_getUploader();
  if (!uploader) return;
  qid_openWindow(qid_path + '?title=User_talk:' + uploader
                 + '&action=edit&fakeaction=' + which + '_warn&target=' + pagename);
  qid_openWindow(qid_path + '?title=' + targetUrl + '&action=edit&fakeaction=' + which + '_add' 
                 + '&target=' + pagename + '&reason=' + encodeURIComponent(reason)
                 + '&uploader=' + uploader, 'qid_ifd_window');
  window.location = editlk;

function nfd_addDeleteTemplate(template, otherparam) {
  var txt = '{{' + template;
  var summary;
  switch (template) {
    case nfd_deleteTemplate:
      summary = 'nomination for [[WP:IFD|deletion]]';
    case pui_deleteTemplate:
      summary = 'this is a [[WP:PUI|possibly unfree image]]';
    case vio_deleteTemplate:
      summary = 'this image is suspected to be a [[WP:CP|copyright violation]]';
      txt += '|1=' + otherparam;
  txt += '}}';
  var editformval = qid_removeTemplate(document.editform.wpTextbox1.value, 'untagged');
  qid_saveEditForm(txt + '\n' + editformval, summary);

function nfd_addIdwTemplate(template, target) {
  var editformval = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;
  var txt = '{{subst:' + template + '|1=' + target + '}}';
  editformval += '\n' + txt + '\n';
  qid_saveEditForm(editformval, txt);

function nfd_updateDelReq(target, reason, uploader) {
  var colonPos = target.indexOf(':');
  var imageName = target.substring(colonPos + 1);
  var abbrevCount = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < nfd_glossary.length; i++) {
    var abbrev = nfd_glossary[i][0];
    var meaning = nfd_glossary[i][1];
    var re = eval("/\\b" + abbrev + "\\b/");
    if (re.test(reason))
      reason = reason.replace(re, meaning);
  var txt = '{{subst:' + nfd_ifdTemplate + '|' + imageName +
    '|Uploader=' + uploader + '|Reason=' + reason + '}}';
  var editformval = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value + '\n' + txt + ' ~~' + '~~ \n';
  var summary = 'Nominating [[:' + target + ']]';
  qid_saveEditForm(editformval, summary);

function pui_updateDelReq(target, reason) {
  var txt = '* [[:' + target + ']] - ' + reason;
  var editformval = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value + txt + ' ~~' + '~~ \n';
  var summary = document.editform.wpSummary.value + 'Adding [[:' + target + ']]';
  qid_saveEditForm(editformval, summary);

function vio_updateDelReq(target, url) {
  var txt = '* {{subst:Image-cv|' + target + '}} from [' + url + '].';
  var editformval = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value + txt + ' ~~' + '~~ \n';
  var summary = document.editform.wpSummary.value + 'Adding [[:' + target + ']]';
  qid_saveEditForm(editformval, summary);

function nfd_onload() {
  if (document.getElementById('ca-edit') == null) // not editable by non-admin
  if (wgCanonicalNamespace == "Image") {
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:nfd_tagImage(\'nfd\')', nfd_text, 'nom-for-del', nfd_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:nfd_tagImage(\'pui\')', pui_text, 'pui', pui_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:nfd_tagImage(\'vio\')', vio_text, 'imagevio', 'vio_tooltip');
  var fakeaction = getParamValue('fakeaction');
  switch (fakeaction) {
    case 'nfd_delete':
    case 'pui_delete':
    case 'vio_delete':
    case 'nfd_warn':
      nfd_addIdwTemplate(nfd_idwTemplate, decodeURIComponent(getParamValue('target')));
    case 'pui_warn':
      nfd_addIdwTemplate(pui_idwTemplate, decodeURIComponent(getParamValue('target')));
    case 'vio_warn':
      nfd_addIdwTemplate(vio_idwTemplate, decodeURIComponent(getParamValue('target')));
    case 'nfd_add':
        decodeURIComponent(getParamValue('reason')), decodeURIComponent(getParamValue('uploader')));
    case 'pui_add':
    case 'vio_add':


/** ================================================================================
  * ==Automatic 'mark no source' (mns) and 'mark no license' (mnl) script== // mnx = applies to all
  * The actions in this section do two things:
  * 1. Add a tag to the image page.
  * 2. Add a warning to the uploader's talk page.
// Configuration
mns_text = "No source";
mns_tooltip = "Mark this image as missing required source information";

mnl_text = "No license";
mnl_tooltip = "Mark this image as missing required licensing information";

mnsl_text = "No source/license";
mnsl_tooltip = "Mark this image as missing both required source and licensing information";

mnr_text = "No rationale";
mnr_tooltip = "Mark this image as missing fair use rationale";

mor_text = "Orphaned fair use";
mor_tooltip = "Mark this image as an orphaned fair use image";

mrfu_text = "Replaceable fair use";
mrfu_tooltip = "Mark this image as a replaceable fair use image";

mfud_text = "Fair use disputed";
mfud_tooltip = "Mark this image as fair use disputed";

mbsr_text = "Base URL";
mbsr_tooltip = "This image links directly to the image or is a generic base URL";

function mnx_markNo(action) {
  var pagename = encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
  var txt;
  switch (action) {
    case 'mnx_mfud':
      txt = window.prompt('Please enter the reason why you are disputing the fair use of this image:', 'the licensing requires a detailed fair use rationale for each use');
      if (txt == null) {
        alert('mnx_markNo: Action canceled.');
  var uploader = qid_getUploader();
  if (!uploader) return;
  qid_openWindow(qid_path + '?title=User_talk:' + uploader
                 + '&action=edit&fakeaction=mnx_warn&target=' + pagename
                 + '&type=' + action);
  var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
  var targetUrl = editlk + '&fakeaction=' + action
  if (txt)
    targetUrl += '&txt=' + txt;
  window.location = targetUrl;

function mnx_addTemplate(template) {
  var txt = '{{subst:' + template + '}}';
// this MUST be subst since templates are NSD, NLD
  var editformval = qid_removeTemplate(document.editform.wpTextbox1.value, 'untagged');
  var summary;
  switch (template) {
    case "nsl":
      txt = '{{subst:nsd}}\n{{subst:nld}}';
    case "nsd":
      summary = "Image is missing source information and will be deleted in seven days if it is not added.";
    case "nld":
      summary = "Image is missing license information and will be deleted in seven days if it is not added.";
    case "nrd":
      summary = "Image is missing fair use rationale and will be deleted in seven days if it is not added.";
    case "orfud":
      summary = "This fair use image is not used in any articles and will be deleted in seven days if it remains so.";
    case "rfu":
      summary = "This fair use appears to illustrate a subject for which a free image could reasonably be found or created and will be deleted in seven days.";
    case "fair use disputed":
      txt = '{{' + template + '|{{User0|' + wgUserName + '}}|' + getParamValue('txt') + '}}';
      summary = "The fair use of this image is disputed.";
    case "bsr":
      txt = '{{' + template + '}}';
      summary = "The source URL given is inadequate.";
  qid_saveEditForm(txt + '\n' + editformval, summary);

function mnx_addUserWarningTemplate(type, imagetarget) {
  qid_checkForRedirect(document.editform.wpTextbox1.value, type);
  var template;
  var editSummary;
  var hasShortNotice = false;
  switch (type) {
    case "mnx_mns":
    case "mnx_mnsl":
      template = "image source";
      editSummary = "Warning: image missing source information.";
    case "mnx_mnl":
      template = "image copyright";
      editSummary = "Warning: image missing license information.";
    case "mnx_mnr":
      template = "Missing rationale";
      editSummary = "Warning: image missing fair use rationale.";
      hasShortNotice = true;
    case "mnx_mor":
      template = "Orphaned";
      editSummary = "The fair use image you uploaded is now orphaned.";
      hasShortNotice = true;
    case "mnx_mrfu":
      template = "Replaceable";
      editSummary = "The fair use image you uploaded is replaceable by a free one.";
      imagetarget = imagetarget.substring(6); // {{replaceable|example.png}}
      hasShortNotice = true;
    case "mnx_mfud":
      template = "No fair";
      editSummary = "The use of a non-free image you uploaded is disputed.";
      hasShortNotice = true;
    case "mnx_mbsr":
      template = "bsr-user";
      editSummary = "Please provide a better source URL for your image.";
  var editformval = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;
  var useShortNotice = false;
  if (hasShortNotice)
    useShortNotice = qid_userBeenWarned(editformval, template);
  var txt = '{{subst:' + template;
  if (useShortNotice)
    txt += ' short';
  txt += '|1=' + imagetarget + '}}';
  editformval += '\n' + txt + ' ~~' + '~~\n';
  qid_saveEditForm(editformval, editSummary);

function mnx_onload() {
  if (document.getElementById('ca-edit') == null) // not editable by non-admin
  if (wgCanonicalNamespace == "Image") {
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:mnx_markNo(\'mnx_mns\')', mns_text, 'mark-no-source', mns_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:mnx_markNo(\'mnx_mnl\')', mnl_text, 'mark-no-license', mnl_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:mnx_markNo(\'mnx_mnsl\')', mnsl_text, 'mark-no-source-license', mnsl_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:mnx_markNo(\'mnx_mnr\')', mnr_text, 'mark-no-rationale', mnr_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:mnx_markNo(\'mnx_mor\')', mor_text, 'mark-orphaned', mor_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:mnx_markNo(\'mnx_mrfu\')', mrfu_text, 'mark-replaceable', mrfu_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:mnx_markNo(\'mnx_mfud\')', mfud_text, 'mark-disputed', mfud_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:mnx_markNo(\'mnx_mbsr\')', mbsr_text, 'mark-base-url', mbsr_tooltip);
  var fakeaction = getParamValue('fakeaction');

  switch (fakeaction) {
    case 'mnx_mns':
    case 'mnx_mnl':
    case 'mnx_mnsl':
    case 'mnx_mnr':
    case 'mnx_mor':
    case 'mnx_mrfu':
    case 'mnx_mfud':
      mnx_addTemplate('fair use disputed');
    case 'mnx_mbsr':
    case 'mnx_warn':
      mnx_addUserWarningTemplate(getParamValue('type'), decodeURIComponent(getParamValue('target')));


/** ================================================================================
  * ==Automatic speedy tagging==
  * The actions in this section do one thing:
  * 1. Add a tag to the image page.
mred_text = "Mark as redundant image";
mred_tooltip = "Mark this image as redundant (tag for speedy deletion)";

mmi_text = "Mark as missing image";
mmi_tooltip = "Mark as missing image (tag for speedy deletion)";

mmtc_text = "Mark as Move to Commons";
mmtc_tooltip = "Mark as candidate to move to Commons";

mncd_text = "Mark as Commons duplicate";
mncd_tooltip = "Mark as Commons duplicate";

function speedyi_addTemplate(template, imagetarget) {
  var summary;
  var usesubst = false;
  switch (template) {
    case 'isd':
      summary = 'Tagging for [[WP:CSD#I1|speedy deletion]]: Image is redundant to [[:Image:' + imagetarget + ']].';
    case 'missing image':
      summary = 'Tagging for [[WP:CSD#I2|speedy deletion]]: Image is missing or corrupt.';
    case 'Move to Commons':
      summary = 'Image is a candidate for moving to [[Commons:Main Page|Wikimedia Commons]].';
    case 'ncd':
      var commonsimgname = (!imagetarget) ? wgPageName : imagetarget;
      summary = 'Image is duplicate of [[Commons:Main Page|Commons]] image [[Commons:' + commonsimgname + '|]].';
      usesubst = true;

  var txt = '{{' + (usesubst ? 'subst:' : '') + template;
  if (template == 'isd' || (template == 'ncd' && imagetarget)) {
    txt += '|1=' + imagetarget;
  txt += '}}';
  var editformval = qid_removeTemplate(document.editform.wpTextbox1.value, 'untagged');
  if (template == 'ncd') { // for ncd, remove "Move to Commons" (and variations thereof) template
    var mtctemplates = new Array('Copy to Wikimedia Commons', 'Move to Commons', 'Move to commons', 'Move to Wikimedia Commons', 'Copy to commons', 'Mtc', 'MtC', 'MTC', 'CWC', 'CtWC', 'CTWC', 'Ctwc');
    for (var i = 0; i < mtctemplates.length; i++) {
      editformval = qid_removeTemplate(editformval, mtctemplates[i]);
  qid_saveEditForm(txt + '\n' + editformval, summary);

function speedyi_mark(action) {
  var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
  var xtra = '';
  switch (action) {
    case "speedyi_mred":
      var dupe = window.prompt('Please enter the name of the image this one is redundant to.', '');
      if (!dupe) {
        alert('speedyi_mark: No image name entered.');
      if (dupe.indexOf('Image:') == 0) {
        dupe = dupe.substring(6);
      xtra = '&target=' + dupe;
    case "speedyi_mncd":
      var commonsimg = window.prompt('Please enter the name of the corresponding image on Commons (leave empty if the same name).', '');
      if (commonsimg == null) {
        alert('speedyi_mark: Action canceled.');
      if (commonsimg != '') {
        xtra = '&target=' + commonsimg;
  window.location = editlk + '&fakeaction=' + action + xtra;

function speedyi_onload() {
  if (document.getElementById('ca-edit') == null) // not editable by non-admin
  if (wgCanonicalNamespace == "Image") {
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:speedyi_mark(\'speedyi_mred\')', mred_text, 'mark-redundant', mred_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:speedyi_mark(\'speedyi_mmi\')', mmi_text, 'mark-missing', mmi_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:speedyi_mark(\'speedyi_mmtc\')', mmtc_text, 'mark-movecommons', mmtc_tooltip);
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:speedyi_mark(\'speedyi_mncd\')', mncd_text, 'mark-commons', mncd_tooltip);
  var fakeaction = getParamValue('fakeaction');
  switch (fakeaction) {
    case 'speedyi_mred':
      speedyi_addTemplate('isd', decodeURIComponent(getParamValue('target')));
    case 'speedyi_mmi':
      speedyi_addTemplate('missing image');
    case 'speedyi_mmtc':
      speedyi_addTemplate('Move to Commons');
    case 'speedyi_mncd':
      var target = getParamValue('target');
      if (target) target = decodeURIComponent(target);
      speedyi_addTemplate('ncd', target);

/* </nowiki></pre> */