User:Holly Cheng/common.js

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
window.HotCatAutoRemoveCheckCat = true;
function addTab(url, name, id, title, key){
    return mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url, name, id, title, key);

// edit section 0
$(function () {
    var x;
    if (!(x = document.getElementById('ca-edit') )) return;
    var url;
    if (!(url = x.getElementsByTagName('a')[0] )) return;
    if (!(url = url.href )) return;
    var y = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url+"&section=0", '0', 'ca-edit-0',
                    'Edit the lead section of this page', '0', x.nextSibling);

    y.className = x.className;  // steal classes from the the edit tab...
    x.className = 'istalk';     // ...and make the edit tab have no right margin

    // exception: don't steal the "selected" class unless actually editing section 0:
    if (/(^| )selected( |$)/.test(y.className)) {
        if (!document.editform || !document.editform.wpSection
            || document.editform.wpSection.value != "0") {
            y.className = y.className.replace(/(^| )selected( |$)/g, "$1");
            x.className += ' selected';


mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add(function() {
    var pname;
    for (var n=0;n<z.length;n++) { 
      if (z[n].className=="firstHeading") {
    var l=addTab("http://" + location.hostname + "/w/index.php?title=" + pname + "&diff=cur&oldid=prev", 'last', '');
    l.lastChild.title="Show most recent diff";

importScript('MediaWiki:Category from gallery.js');


function replace() {
    var s = prompt("Search regexp?");
    if(s) {
        var r = prompt("Replace regexp?");
        if(!r && r !== '') return;
        var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
        txt.value = txt.value.replace(new RegExp(s, "g"), r);

$(function () {
    if(document.forms.editform) {
        addTab('javascript:replace()', 'replace', 'ca-replace', 'Regexp replace for the edit window', '');

////////// Cat-A-Lot user preferences //////////
window.catALotPrefs = {"watchlist":"preferences","minor":false,"editpages":false,"docleanup":true,"subcatcount":50};