User:Nichalp/Upload script/installation

Nichalp's upload script
Script information
Author Nichalp
Talk Talk
Main page Upload script
Language Perl
Version 1.0 + 1.3.1
Description Automates mass uploading of images with metadata
Licence GPLv3
Formats supported JPG/JPEG


Help files
Running the script Main page
Installation Installation
Spreadsheet information csv fields explained
CSV example upload.csv
Spreadsheet tips Spreadsheet tips

You need to have the Perl installed along with the following libraries:

  1. CSV Parser — to parse the CSV data
  2. ExifTool — to read and write Exif data
  3. Jpegtran — to rotate or flip images before uploading

The Linux part has been tested on Ubuntu, and reflects the Debian methods (apt-get) of installation. Windows help portion has been tested only on Vista. No idea about Mac.

Note: You need to have administrator permissions on both Linux and Windows to proceed.

Linux edit


Perl edit

Perl comes with your Linux distribution. You can get the latest version by: sudo apt-get install perl or sudo yum update perl.

You need to run

perl -MCPAN -e shell

and install Text/CSV/ in @INC

cspan> install Text::CSV::Encoded
cspan> install Text::CSV_XS
cspan> install Image::ExifTool

CSV parser edit

  1. Download the latest version of Text-CSV_XS from URL (117 KB). (If you get a 404 error, the package was probably upgraded. Go to the parent directory and look for the Text-CSV_XS-x.xx link. Please update this page for later users!).
  2. Open Terminal and navigate to the downloaded folder.
  3. In Terminal, type tar xvzf Text-CSV_XS-0.90.tgz (Assuming that 0.90 is the downloaded version)
  4. Type cd Text-CSV_XS-0.90.
  5. Read the README file.
  6. After reading the file, in a root shell, type the following:
  7. perl Makefile.PL
  8. make
  9. make test
  10. sudo make install

ExifTool edit

  1. Go to the ExifTool homepage and download the full version URL (2.1 MB).
  2. Open Terminal and navigate to the downloaded folder.
  3. In Terminal, type tar xvzf Image-ExifTool-8.61.tar.gz (Assuming that 8.61 is the downloaded version)
  4. Type cd Image-ExifTool-8.61.
  5. Read the README file.
  6. After reading the file, in Terminal, type the following:
  7. perl Makefile.PL
  8. make
  9. make test
  10. sudo make install

Jpegtran edit

Known as libjpeg62 on Ubuntu, libjpeg-6b on Fedora

Ubuntu edit

  • Open the Terminal and type: sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libjpeg-progs

Fedora edit

  • Open the Terminal and type: sudo dnf install libjpeg-6b libjpeg-turbo

Restart terminal edit

close the all terminals, before running the first time `perl`

Windows edit


Perl edit

You need to install Perl. Follow these steps:

  1. Download ActivePerl URL (15.4 MB).
  2. Install to the default folder (C:/Perl). You can change this if you want.
  3. In the Start menu, go to Run, and then type cmd to open the Command Prompt.
  4. In the command prompt dialog box, type perl -v.
    If Perl-related information appears, that means that ActivePerl is installed successfully.

CSV parser edit

  • This is included in the ActivePerl distribution. You do not have to do anything.
  • To get the latest version, go to: URL

ExifTool edit

  1. Go to the ExifTool homepage: URL.
  2. Download the full version, not the Windows executable (1.6 MB).
  3. Extract the zipped file by using a zip utility such as 7-zip or WinZip.
  4. Navigate to the extracted Image-Exiftool folder.
  5. In the Image-ExifTool folder, copy the contents of the lib folder to C:/Perl/lib. If asked to merge the File folder, click Yes.

Jpegtran edit

  1. Go to the JPEG for Windows homepage: URL.
  2. Download the complete package (without source) (800 KB).
  3. Install to C:\Program Files\GnuWin32
  4. After installation, go to C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin
  5. Copy these three files: jpegtran.exe, jpeg62.dll, and librle3.dll to C:\Windows