Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
.mw-redirect { background: Moccasin; text-decoration:overline }      /* identify links to redirects 28feb08 bug 12968 */
.mediawiki  {background-color: #c4fe66  ;}   /* base colour for left hand panel etc */

.ais523_adminrights_admin {background-color: SkyBlue !important}

.watchlist-notice { display: none; }                                 /* suppress notices in watchlist 11jul08, rm #*/

.vcard { background: Thistle }                                      /* make vcard fields obvious * */
.fn { background: PeachPuff}
.org { background: Honeydew}
.note { background: Coral }
.adr{ background: Yellow}

/* Diff enhancements 6 may 08  Mise en évidence des diffs par du gras et de la couleur. */
table.diff {padding:.5em;}
table.diff td {vertical-align:top;}
td.diff-addedline {background:#D8E4F6; }
td.diff-addedline .diffchange {background:#B0C0F0; color:#001040; font-weight:bold;}
td.diff-deletedline {background:#E4F6D8;}
td.diff-deletedline .diffchange {background:#B0E897; color:#104000; font-weight:bold;}
td.diff-context {background:#FEFEFE;}

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* colourise preview button */
#wpPreview {background-color:#22aa33; border:2px outset #aa0000;}

/* suppress help link very near to preview button 12nov08 */
#minoredit_helplink {display:none;}

/* other edit fields near to save/preview buttons */
#mw-editform-cancel  {display:none;}
.editHelp  {display:none;}

/* Messing around with page colours Nov/Dec 2011 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

div#content {background-color: #c4fe66 ;}
#mw-page-base {background-color: green ;}
#mw-head-base  {background-color: yellowgreen ;}

#p-personal  {background-color: darkkhaki;}

#div.vectorTabs  {background-color: yellowgreen ;}
div.vectorMenu  {background-color: #c4fe66;}
#pt-watchlist {background-color: #c4fe66;}                                /* hilight watchlist button */
li#pt-userpage { background: none }                                         /* suppress the person icon by your username */

/* try 30nov2011 */
#siteNotice { display: none}
#mw-watchlist-options {background-color: yellowgreen}

/* changes the background of pre areas (before article text) */
pre { background: PaleTurquoise }

ol.references {background-color: PaleGreen ; /* display: none; */}
div.reflist {background-color: LightGreen ;}

h1 {background-color: Gold !important;}

#bodyContent a[title="User:Oosoom"] { background-color: #ff7700; color: #ffffff; }      /* alter my [[User:Oosoom|Oosoom]]&nbsp;<span style="color:red"><sup>[[User talk:Oosoom|Talk]]</sup></span> 10:59 am, 17 February 2012, Friday (2 years, 2 months, 13 days ago) (UTC+0) sig when shown to me */

#mw-panel  {/*display:none;*/  background-color:  yellowgreen ;}    /* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ tools panel colour */
#catlinks { background-color:  yellowgreen ;}                       /* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */

/* #mw-navigation   { background-color:  red ;} - no effect */  /* {display:none;} - works buit does not shiftv to left */ /* left hand navigation panel - but how to move it to bottom? */