A general survey of Wikimedia Commons users (draft).

  • Checkboxes: can choose 0 or more options. [choice a, choice b, choice c, choice d]
  • Radio buttons: must choose exactly 1 option. [choice a/choice b/choice c/choice d]
  • Textarea: space for unstructured input. [free comment]


  1. Draft questions
  2. translate survey (at least top 10 Wikipedia languages)
  3. announce survey
  4. open survey for four/six weeks?
  5. conclude survey
  6. collate results
  7. publish collated results
  8. announce results

Introduction edit

This survey is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the way Wikimedia Commons currently operates, and to gather opinions about how it can be improved. Please submit a survey only once.

It has no official connection with the Wikimedia Foundation.

Privacy edit

The first section consists of demographics - personal information about you such as your age and where you live. The rest of the sections ask you about your opinions and beliefs about Wikimedia Commons. There are two type of responses we ask for: closed questions, where you can only choose between already-provided options, and open questions, where you are given space to write your own response.

The answers to open questions will be separated from the demographic answers.

Your demographic answers will be connected to your answers to closed questions. If you are concerned about this, please choose "Prefer not to respond" in the demographic section.

Any identifying material about specific users that is supplied in the open sections, will be removed from the finalised results.

Section 1: Demographics edit

  • Gender: I am [female|male|prefer not to respond]
  • Age: I was born in the year of [drop down list of years|prefer not to respond]
  • Location: I currently live in [drop down list of countries|prefer not to respond]
  • Language abilities: my Babel skills are [free comment] (example: "en-N" native English speaker; "ja-N, zh-2" native Japanese speaker, intermediate Chinese skills; "id-N en-N fr-1" native Indonesian speaker, native English speaker, beginner French skills"; 1=beginner, 2=intermediate, 3=advanced, 4=near-native, N=native; don't put -0 skills)
  • Education: The highest level of education I have completed is [primary school (up to 6 years)|high school (up to 13 years)|university (typically 3 years tertiary)|Masters|PhD|prefer not to respond]

Section 2: editing practice edit

  • How long have you been using the Commons? [list of times]

Section 3: Aims and goals of Commons edit


Admins edit

Uploading files edit

Finding files edit

Getting files deleted edit