Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
function iw2vn(){
  var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
  txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[\s*([^:][^:\|\]]+?)\s*:\s*([^\|\]]+?)\s*(\|.*?)?\]\]/g,'|$1=$2$3')

    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:iw2vn()', 'iw2vn', 'ca-iw2vn', '', '', document.getElementById('ca-history'));