User:Yann/Images from Gallica to be checked

Gallica-BNF files which are smaller than 4 million pixels (23,493/59,054 files or 40%) as requested by User:Yann. Files are included if they contain a link to, use {{Gallica}}, or contain "gallica" "bnf" in the source parameter. Files marked as "Text search" were found by text scanning (545 files).

Code edit

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS s52690__.gallica;
CREATE TABLE s52690__.gallica (g_title VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);
/* Using AWB's Database scanner with Regexp:
INSERT INTO  s52690__.gallica (g_title) VALUES 

-- ; date; sql commonswiki_p > gallica8.txt <<< '
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS s52690__.gallica_el;
CREATE TABLE s52690__.gallica_el AS 
SELECT DISTINCT el_from FROM externallinks WHERE el_index LIKE "http://fr.bnf.gallica./%";
ALTER TABLE s52690__.gallica_el ADD PRIMARY KEY(el_from);

SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT("* [[:File:", REPLACE(img_name, "_", " "), "]]",
  " (", img_width, "x", img_height, ", ", 
  ROUND(img_size/1024/1024,1), " MB",
  IF(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM templatelinks WHERE tl_from=page_id AND tl_namespace=10 AND tl_title="Gallica")
     OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM s52690__.gallica_el WHERE el_from=page_id),
     "", ", Text search"),
  ")") AS File
FROM image
JOIN page ON page_namespace=6 AND page_title=img_name
WHERE img_width * img_height <= 4e6 AND (
      page_id IN ( /* Uses Template:Gallica */
   SELECT tl_from FROM templatelinks WHERE tl_namespace=10 AND tl_title="Gallica"
 ) OR page_id IN ( /* Has external link */
   SELECT el_from FROM s52690__.gallica_el
 ) OR page_id IN ( /* AWB Database scan results */
   SELECT page_id FROM s52690__.gallica JOIN page ON page_namespace=6 AND page_title=g_title
ORDER BY img_timestamp ASC;
-- '; date

Files edit

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