Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
a {color: #2939B5;}
a:visited  {color: #00008B;}
a.external {color: teal;}
a.stub {color: #2B6653;}

#siteSub {
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#p-personal {
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#pt-userpage, #pt-mytalk {
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#langselectorcontainer a {
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.lang_info {
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span.subpages {
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#userSummaryButtons {
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#userSummaryButtons a {
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.multilingual {
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.galleryfilename-truncate {
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