Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
function getMonthDays(nmonth, nyear) {
  switch (nmonth) {
    case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6: case 7: case 9: case 11:
       return 31;
    case 3: case 5: case 8: case 10:
      return 30;
    case 1:
     if (nyear%4==0)
       return 29;
       return 28;
     default: return 0;

function getAgoTime(gdate, cdate) {
var daysago=0;
var monthago = 0;
var yearago=0;

if (cdate.getMonth()<gdate.getMonth()) {
  yearago = cdate.getFullYear() - gdate.getFullYear()-1;
} else if
(cdate.getMonth()==gdate.getMonth()&&cdate.getDate()<gdate.getDate()) {
  yearago = cdate.getFullYear() - gdate.getFullYear()-1;
} else {
  yearago = cdate.getFullYear() - gdate.getFullYear();

if (cdate.getMonth()<=gdate.getMonth()&&cdate.getDate()<gdate.getDate()) {
  monthago = cdate.getMonth()-gdate.getMonth()+12-1;
} else if (cdate.getMonth()>gdate.getMonth()&&cdate.getDate()<gdate.getDate()) {
  monthago = cdate.getMonth()-gdate.getMonth()-1;
} else if (cdate.getMonth()<gdate.getMonth()) {
  monthago = cdate.getMonth()-gdate.getMonth()+12;
} else {
  monthago = cdate.getMonth()-gdate.getMonth();

if (cdate.getDate()>=gdate.getDate()) {
  daysago = cdate.getDate() - gdate.getDate();
} else {
 daysago = cdate.getDate()-gdate.getDate()+getMonthDays(gdate.getMonth(),gdate.getYear());

var agostr = "";
if (yearago==0&&monthago==0&&daysago==0) {
  agostr = "Today";
} else {
  if (yearago>1)
    agostr += yearago + " years ";
  else if (yearago==1)
    agostr += yearago + " year ";
  if (monthago>1)
    agostr += monthago+ " months ";
  else if (monthago==1)
    agostr += monthago + " month ";
  if (daysago>1)
    agostr += daysago + " days ";
  else if (daysago==1)
    agostr += daysago + " day ";
  agostr += "ago";

return agostr;

var gdate = new Date("28 February 2019");
var cdate = new Date ("27 March 2019");

alert(getAgoTime(gdate, cdate));