User talk:Orchi/archive 2017

Latest comment: 6 years ago by Orchi in topic Pterostylis mistakes

Archive: 200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016

Löschanträge, et all edit

Hallo, Bitte die Vorlage lediglich hinzufügen sonst erscheint die Kategorie in X-Wartungskategorien. Das leeren der Seite ist nicht zulässig. Danke :-). --Steinsplitter (talk) 18:47, 11 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

...danke für den Hinweis. Die vielen (Roboter-) Duplikate sind ein Graus. Grüße. Orchi (talk) 18:54, 11 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Translations edit

Hello my friend,
Could you check the german translations in Biology internationalization templates, please?
Cheers Liné1 (talk) 08:13, 13 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Salu Liné1
thanks for your perfect organisation of this Biology internationalization templates page.
I have some terms in German supplemented. Cheers. Orchi (talk) 11:13, 13 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Frage zu wikimedia edit

Guten Tag,

ich habe kürzlicherweise bei den wikimedia Einträgen beispielsweise zu Orchis morio einen Fehler gemacht und muss zugeben, dass ich die wikimedia noch nicht umfassend verstanden habe, ich versuche beim Eintragen von Bildern zutreffende Kategorien mit an zugeben, manchmal sieht es so aus, als ob es funktioniert, manchmal nicht.

Bei den wikimedia-Eintraegen haben Sie angemerkt

"Reverted edits by Joachim Lutz (talk) to last revision by Orchi)"

und meine Einträge gelöscht, wie mache ich das richtig ?

Vielen herzlichen Dank im Voraus

Joachim Lutz (talk) 19:12, 18 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Guten Tag Joachim Lutz,
im Moment bin ich leider etwas ratlos, um welche Aktion (Löschung) es sich gehandelt hat.
Ich erinnere mich, dass ich an meinem Tablet einmal einen falschen Punkt gedrückt habe; aber ich habe diesen Irrtum sofort korrigiert.
Ich weiß auch nicht mehr, um welches Bild es sich gehandelt hat.
Vielleicht kann ich noch etwas detailiertere Informationen oder einen Link zu dem Eintrag bekommen.
Vielen Dank für die schönen Bilder und beste Grüße. Orchi (talk) 15:00, 19 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Guten Tag Orchi,

es geht beispielsweise um folgende Löschung, die aber wieder aufgehoben wurde, aber vielleicht nicht ganz zu Unrecht erfolgte, ich bin mir stets nicht sicher gewesen, ob mein manueller Eintrag in diese Datei von wikimedia überhaupt so gedacht ist, denn : In der Regel trage ich die erforderliche Kategorie ein, wenn ich ein Bild einsortiere, dann wird das Bild "automatisch" in diese Kategorie aufgenommen, das funktioniert meistens, auf jeden Fall wohl mit den englischen Sammlungen, wie ich den Eindruck habe, aber ich habe nicht ermitteln können, das für eine Kategorie ich beim Bild eingeben muss, damit dieses Bild eben auch in jener Kategorie erscheint, in welche ich es dann mehr aus Unkenntniss manuell eingetragen habe :

Liebe Grüße und vielen Dank

Joachim Lutz (talk) 18:18, 22 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Guten Tag Joachim Lutz,
wie schon oben erwähnt, lag in dem Fall der Fehler bei mir.
In der Versionsgeschichte von Anacamptis morio hier: Versionsgeschichte von Anacamptis morio vom 10. April 2017 10.54 Uhr hatte ich eine falsche Taste gedrückt.
In der gleichen Minute habe ich den Fehler korrigiert, so dass keinerlei Löschung vorgenommen worden ist. Die Bilder sind in dem Artikel (und in der Kategorie) weiterhin vorhanden.
Beste Grüße. Orchi (talk) 19:27, 22 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Acianthus apprimus edit

Hello Orchi, Thanks for all your corrections to my uploads - I agree with all of them except this one. Acianthus apprimus is different from Acianthus fornicatus. There are separate articles in Wikipedia. One of the differences between them is flowering time. Yesterday I saw Acianthus apprimus in flower. Acianthus fornicatus does not flower before May. Their distributions and habitat preferences are also different - A. fornicatus does not grow at the altitude I saw A. apprimus. (I am sorry I know very little German except "danke schoen".) Danke schoen. Gderrin (talk) 21:44, 25 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hello Gderrin,
as you know, I follow in Wikispecies and Commons the taxonomy of KEW. KEW works with the world's most orchid scientists.
Here in Commons and Wikispecies it is for me the only way to get a unified uniform line.
KEW is not accepted by many scientists. I also do not edit some European genera here. (E.g. in Ophrys or in Epipactis there are many different opinions on the taxonomy.)
At the moment KEW changes again many genera to synonyms; you know (Caladenia - group, Maxillaria - group etc.).
To Acianthus apprimus I make the following suggestion: I create in Commons an article with the notice, that KEW has a different opinion.

For the rest, I would like to thank you very much for your wonderful pictures. Your articles of the Australian orchids in the English Wikipedia are perfect.
This is the reason for me, to edit the orchids of your home in the Commons and Wikispecies with priority.
Best greeting. Orchi (talk) 15:31, 26 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
Thank you Orchi - you do amazing work and are very knowledgeable. The notice about Kew would be very good. Gderrin (talk) 21:35, 26 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
Now I find I have misidentified Pterostylis abrupta - I called it Pterostylis aestiva. I hope I have made the changes in Commons correctly (with the help of Wieralee). Sorry for my mistake. Gderrin (talk) 23:53, 27 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
.....I blindly trust your identification. ;-) Kind regards. Orchi (talk) 13:16, 28 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Your VFC installation method is deprecated edit

Hello Orchi, we are aware that using the old installation method of VFC (via common.js, which you are using) may not work reliably anymore and can break other scripts as well. A detailed explanation can be found here. Important: To prevent problems please remove the old VFC installation code from your common.js and instead enable the VFC gadget in your preferences. Thanks! --VFC devs (q) 16:24, 22 May 2017 (UTC)

Pterostylis chlorogramma edit

Hello my hard-working friend,

I am curious about your redirect of Pterostylis chlorogramma to P. longifolia. Kew accepts P. chlorogramma as does APNI. I am sure you have a good reason and I'm not ready to write the article yet, but interested to know your reasons. And of course, thank you for your fantastic work on the Pterostylis page in Commons (including fixing my errors and omissions). Gderrin (talk) 03:22, 28 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hello my Australian orchid friend,
of course you are right!
You see here: Pterostylis species list in commons and this article in Wikispecies Pterostylis chlorogramma exist already.
My problem in the English Wikipedia was, that I used in your article Pterostylis longifolia for the redirects of the synonyms my [1] automatic script.
Please have a look in this article. There are three synonyms. I think, only two are correct.
By the way, every day I am happy about the pictures you provide here for Wikipedia. Best regards. Orchi (talk) 12:17, 28 May 2017 (UTC)Reply
.....just I see your English WP article Pterostylis smaragdyna. Please have a look in the synonyms also. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 12:39, 28 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

I see what you mean. I must be more careful blindly copying synonyms from APNI. They list Pterosylis chlorogramma as a pro parte synonym of P. longifolia - I'll take that off the page I wrote. Bunochilus smaragdynus is listed twice because it is both a taxonomic synonym and a basionym. Silly to list it twice on a Wikipedia page. Will fix that too. Thanks for your praise - I'm looking forward to going to W.A. in September to take some photos especially of caladenias. All the best to you. Gderrin (talk) 03:23, 29 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Orchideen edit

Hallo Orchi, hoffe es nervt nicht, wenn ich dir so viele neue Bilder direkt in "Unidentified Orchidaceae" und nicht in eine der Gattungs-Unterkategorien rüberschiebe, selbst wenn da ein deutscher Pflanzenname dransteht. Grade eben wieder über 100 Stück. Hab einfach gemerkt, daß es in diesem Bereich ein exzellent gepflegtes Kategoriensystem gibt und du hast dadurch auch schon viele Identifizierungen korrigieren können, was wirklich super ist (bei Vogelfotos verlass ich mich zB. ähnlich auf "Unidentified birds" und MPF). Selbst hab ich leider keine Ahnung von Orchideen. Gruß Holger1959 (talk) 13:36, 30 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hallo Holger1959,
vielen Dank für Deine Erläuterung. Ich finde Deinen Weg, z.B. Orchideenbilder bei den "Unidentified Orchidaceae" zu hinterlegen, einen sehr guten Weg. Manchmal ist es schwierig, neue, gute Bilder zu finden.
Leider wird in letzter Zeit durch bots und besonders tüchtige User nach dem Motto "Masse statt Klasse" verfahren....
Die Bilder Deiner letzten Aktion sind leider nicht alle mit den richtigen deutschen Namen versehen. I'll do my best. ;-) . Grüße. Orchi (talk) 14:41, 30 May 2017 (UTC)Reply
Hallo Orchi, ich wollt ja noch antworten …die Tage vergessen. Vorhin hab ich noch ein paar der Bilder verschoben, die du identifiziert hattest. Freut mich jedenfalls, daß die Unidentified-Einsortierung tatsächlich sinnvoll, erwünscht und auch für dich ok ist. Holger1959 (talk) 16:28, 6 June 2017 (UTC)Reply
Hallo Holger1959,
vielen Dank für Deine Aktion, die korrekten Bezeichnungen der Bilder zu übernehmen. Dank auch für Deine ausgewogenen Formulierungen an anderer Stelle.
Wenn ich die "Wetter" - Bilder auf Deiner Seite richtig deute, bin ich von dort nur ca. 10 km entfernt vor vielen, vielen Jahren zur Schule gegangen.
Ich bin mir sicher, wir werden hier an einem Strang ziehen. Grüße. Orchi (talk) 16:45, 6 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Another orchid problem edit

Hello Orchi,

Today I wrote pages about Pterostylis alata and Pterostylis striata in Wikipedia. Kew Gardens recognises P. striata as a synonym of P. alata.[1] This is not the situation in Australia where the two main authorities, the herbaria at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney and Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne recognise P. alata as a Tasmanian endemic and P. striata as a mainland species. I have explained this in each article and also added P. striata to the species list in Wikipedia. Whether you follow the Australian authorities or Kew Gardens in Commons is your choice - the Pterostylis page there is "your baby" (Australian slang!) but I hope you will allow the P. striata page to remain in Wikipedia. Best wishes to you. Gderrin (talk) 05:42, 8 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hello Gderrin, ....of course I follow you. Kew is guideline, but not the only botanic pope. I hope, Pterostylis and other wonderful Australian orchids are „our babies“. Best greetings. Orchi (talk) 15:46, 8 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Unidentified Orchidaceae edit

Hi, I see that you know very well the Orchidaceae species. Can you help me? I don't know which species is on this picture. Do you know what is this one? Tournasol7 (talk) 21:41, 11 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hello Tournasol7, your photo do'nt show an orchid. This plant is member of the family Fabaceae. I suspect flowers of the genus Lathyrus. Orchi (talk) 10:33, 12 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Eine weitere Orchidee edit

Hallo Orchi,

könnte en:Phalaenopsis 'Kaleidoscope' sein. Wieder solch eine Massenhochladerei: Es sind nur 34.544 Fotos. Du hast ja etliche schon einsortiert, auch in Arbeitskategorien. Etliche Dateien haben einen falschen Dateinamen, teilweise auch Beschreibungen, dann Duplikate oder einfach schlechte Bilder. Wenigstens ist der Hochlader zur Mitarbeit bereit. Wer könnte noch mithelfen? LG Hystrix (talk) 07:12, 23 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hallo Hystrix,
Du könntest richtig liegen mit der Phalaenopsis - Hybride.
Ansonsten teile ich Deine Meinung zu dieser hemmungslosen Bilderflut von offensichtlich überaus bedeutungvollen Photografen. Ich fürchte, dass Wikipedia Commons bald daran scheitern wird, wenn nur noch Masse, aber keine Klasse an Bildmaterial zu Verfügung gestellt wird.
Einen Teil der Orchideenbilder hatte ich schon einmal in die Kategorie Category:New Orchidaceae genommen und von dort weiter sortiert. Wer bei dieser Sortierarbeit helfen könnte, weiß ich leider nicht.
Ich freue mich, dass wir offensichtlich an "einem Strag ziehen". Grüße. Orchi (talk) 17:07, 23 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Neottia cordata in Austria edit

Dear Orchi,

FYI, last week we were in the Zillertal, Tirol. In a forest of the subalpine zone I have met Neottia cordata growing on moss together with Moneses uniflora. In the neighbourhood there was also Doronicum austriacum growing.

Best regards, --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 10:31, 24 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Dear Réginald, I think you have excellent eyes. For the first time I found these little orchids over 30 years ago in Tyrol also - in the Stubaital. Best greetings. Orchi (talk) 16:03, 24 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Empty or single image galleries edit

Hi, for your information, I am checking the galleries alphabetically from this list. If you wish, you could scan this list for galleries to be fixed. If you stay ahead of me, you can prevent further deletions of empty galleries. Jcb (talk) 16:25, 13 August 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I want to try it. My goal is, to save the very time-consuming creation of the extensive botanical taxonomy here with links in wikispecies and many WPs. Unfortunately there are not many pictures of the rarest orchids. I will meet your aspirations and put more than one picture in the galleries, so that, I hope, you have no reason to delete the articles. Orchi (talk) 18:51, 13 August 2017 (UTC)Reply
Ok, thanks! I will try to stay behind you in the alphabet. Jcb (talk) 18:56, 13 August 2017 (UTC)Reply
I have to check over 6000 galleries. Orchi (talk) 18:57, 13 August 2017 (UTC)Reply

{{Interwiki from wikidata}} edit

Hello my friend,
About your modification: {{VN}} already contains {{Interwiki from wikidata}}.
Just add {{VN}}.
Cheers Liné1 (talk) 06:14, 6 September 2017 (UTC)Reply

Bonjour Liné1, j'espère que tu me pardonnes l'erreur. ;-). Amitie. Orchi (talk) 10:45, 6 September 2017 (UTC)Reply

Zygopetalum @FPC edit

Hallo Orchi,

ich bin bei dieser FPC-Kandidatur über den (vermeintlichen?) Namen "Zygopetalum hybrid (Dunklu [sic] Blüte)" gestolpert. Kommt mir in mehrerlei Hinsicht falsch vor, magst du da vielleicht mal kurz vorbei schauen? Grüße, --El Grafo (talk) 12:57, 28 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hallo El Grafo,
ich halte die Pflanze auf diesem Bild für eine gärtnerische Hybride aus der Gattung Zygopetalum. Hier sind mehr Bilder: Category:Zygopetalum cultivars. "(Dunklu [sic] Blüte)" ist wohl inzwischen zu "dunkle Blüte" geändert worden. Viele Grüße. Orchi (talk) 15:08, 28 November 2017 (UTC)Reply habe ich erst Deinen Text bei der Bewwertung gesehen. Den Kulturnamen weiß ich leider nicht. Orchi (talk) 15:14, 28 November 2017 (UTC)Reply
Naja, hätt' ja sein können … Trotzdem vielen Dank! --El Grafo (talk) 16:18, 28 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Mea culpa edit

Hello Orchi,

I am sorry, I have misidentified two orchids. I have asked for the files to be renamed. They are:

  • 1. an orchid I named Diuris alba is actually Diuris dendrobioides (according to Australian authorities) - WCSP calls it Diuris punctata var. punctata;
  • 2. an orchid I named Prasophyllum dossenum is actually Prasophyllum odoratum (or at least Prasophyllum sp. aff. odoratum). (The difference between P. dossenum and P. odoratum is in the way the lateral sepals are arranged.)
  • Fortunately, I found P. dossenum today and will upload images of it.

My apologies. Gderrin (talk) 08:22, 8 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hello Gderrin,
thanks for your newest identifications and the wonderful new pictures. I have updated the diverse Wps etc. Only Diuris dendrobioides has until now a category. Best regards. Orchi (talk) 22:26, 8 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

Merry Christmas edit

Hello my friend,
I wish you a Merry Christmas
and a lot of good contributions.
Cheers Liné1 (talk) 11:54, 25 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

Pterostylis mistakes edit

Hello Orchi,

I am sorry, but I have made some mistakes with Pterostylis furcata. All the images I have uploaded are of Pterostylis falcata. I am not the only one who is confused. The out-of-date website of the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney describes P. furcata as being found in New South Wales but it is in fact restricted to Tasmania. Also, the image I uploaded from another source is incorrectly labelled as P. furcata.

  • So we have no image of P. furcata in Wikimedia Commons. I did see some plants of P. falcata yesterday and uploaded images but have given them the wrong name. I have asked for the names to be corrected.
  • My very best wishes to you for 2018 and beyond!Gderrin (talk) 09:27, 26 December 2017 (UTC)Reply
Hello Gderrin, thanks for your info and correction. I sorted the pictures in WPs and Wikispecies. Best greetings. Orchi (talk) 20:27, 26 December 2017 (UTC)Reply
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