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카르타고 농본연합당
카르타고의 농본의 힘당
노동자 농본 행동당
독일 민주농인당



아나코 공산주의아나코 생디칼리즘
아나코 자본주의
무정부의적 여성주의
원시주의적 아나키즘녹색 아나키즘
무정부주의적 트랜스휴머니즘
아나코 평화주의
기독교 사회주의기독교 아나키즘
조아킨 페니나 자유 칼럼
전국노동자연합이베리아 아나키스트 연합
우크라이나 혁명반역군자유지구

공산주의, 사회주의, 사회민주주의


공산주의ko:사회주의ㅣ를 상징하는 홍기
The original Starry Plough flag, originally used by the Irish Citizen Army and associated with Irish socialist and nationalist movements
A modern version of the Starry Plough flag, associated with Irish socialist and nationalist movements
Christian socialism & Christian anarchism
African National Congress
Alianza País
[[Image:|border|240x60px|All India Forward Bloc]]
All India Forward Bloc
All India Youth League
All India Trinamool Congress
African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde
African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde
American Popular Revolutionary Alliance - Peruvian Aprista Party
Anti-imperialist Unitary Commissions
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party
Balochistan National Party
Bangladesh Awami League
Bhutan People's Party
Botswana Democratic Party
Broad Front (Costa Rica)
Broad Front (Uruguay)
Christian Left
Citizens' Action Party
Civic Renovation Party
Congress of Democrats
Democratic Revolutionary Party
Democratic Socialist Party (Prabodh Chandra)
Dominican Liberation Party
Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front
Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity - Broad Left Movement
Hazara Democratic Party
[[Image:|border|240x60px|Indian National Congress]]
Indian National Congress
Independent Party (Uruguay)
Korean Social Democratic Party
Kurdistan Workers' Party
People's Defence Forces, armed wing of the Kurdistan Workers Party
Free Women's Units, women's armed wing of the Kurdistan Workers Party
Madhesi Jana Adhikar Forum
Mauritian Militant Movement
Movement for Democratic Change
Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe/Social Democratic Party
Motherland All-Russian Socialist People's Party
National League for Democracy
National Liberation Front (Algeria)
National Liberation Party (Costa Rica)
National Unity Party
Nepali Congress (Democratic)
Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party
Pakistan Awami Tehrik
Pakistan Peoples Party
Patriotic Alliance
Patriotic Union (Colombia)
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
Patriots of Russia
Polisario Front
Popular Assembly
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
Popular Nasserist Organization
Popular Unitary Action Movement
Popular Unity (Uruguay)
Progressive Socialist Party
Puerto Rican Independence Party
Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor
Revolutionary Febrerista Party
[[Image:|border|240x60px|Samajwadi Party]]
Samajwadi Party
Sandinista National Liberation Front
Scottish Republican Socialist Movement
Social Democratic Front (Cameroon)
Social Democratic Party of Croatia
Social Democratic Party of India
Socialist Party of Albania
Socialist Party of Albania
Socialist Party of Chile
Socialist Party of Timor
SWAPO Party of Namibia
Toilers League
Uganda People's Congress
Workers' Party (Brazil)
Yemeni Socialist Party
Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front
Students' Federation of India
Burma Socialist Programme Party
MAPU Obrero Campesino
Sudanese Socialist Union
Workers' Party (Turkey)
International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations
Marxist–Leninist Party of Germany
Awami Tahreek
Bhutan Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist–Maoist)
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist
Marxist–Leninist Communist Party (Turkey/Northern Kurdistan)
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party
Revolutionary People's Liberation Front
Communist Party of Bangladesh
Communist Party of Brazil
United Socialist Workers' Party
Communist Party of Burma
Communist Party of China
Communist Youth League of China
Communist Party of Chile
Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)
Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic
Communist Party of Ecuador
Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
Communist Party of India
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Revolutionary Socialist Party (India)
Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist)
Raitu Coolie Sangham (Andhra Pradesh)
Communist Party of Ireland
Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist)
Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Communist Party of Peru (Shining Path)
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Communists of Russia
Communists of Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast
Communist Party of Spain (Reconstituted) & First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Groups
Marxist-Leninist Party (Communist Reconstruction)
Communist Party of Uruguay
People's Victory Party
Workers' Party (Uruguay)
Communist Party of Vietnam
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Italian Marxist–Leninist Party
Italian Marxist–Leninist Party
Jordanian Communist Party
Lao People's Revolutionary Party
Lebanese Communist Party
Movement of Workers and Peasants
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
Oromo Peoples' Democratic Organization
Collectives of Young Communists – Communist Youth, youth wing of the Party of the Communists of Catalonia
People's Progressive Party (Guyana)
People's Vanguard Party (Costa Rica)
Revolutionary Left Movement (Chile)
Revolutionary Party of Kurdistan
Communist Party of Kurdistan
Union of the Peoples of Cameroon
United People (Costa Rica)
Workers' Party of Korea
National Liberation Army
Popular Liberation Army
Hope, Peace, and Liberty
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People's Army
International Freedom Batallion
[[Image:|border|240x60px|New People's Army]]
New People's Army
Syrian Resistance
Popular Revolutionary Democratic Party & Popular Revolutionary Army
Zapatista Army of National Liberation
China Democratic Socialist Party
Democratic Force (Costa Rica)
Independent Party (Costa Rica)
National Rescue Party
New Democratic Party (Costa Rica)
Popular Democratic Action
Union for Change
Workers' Independent Party
Zimbabwe African People's Union
Flag of the Soviet Union, a symbol of Soviet Communism
Algerian Communist Party
Breton Communist Party
Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
Communist Party of Germany (obverse)
Communist Party of Germany (reverse)
Communist Party of Germany/Marxists–Leninists
Socialist Unity Party of Germany
Communist Party of Kampuchea
Communist Party of Malaya
Malayan National Liberation Army
Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist)
Communist Party of Thailand
Guatemalan Party of Labour
Hungarian Communist Party
Hungarian Communist Party (variant)
Hungarian Working People's Party
Internationalist Communist Party
Italian Communist Party
League of Communists of Yugoslavia (Cyrillic Serbo-Croatian)
League of Communists of Yugoslavia (Latin Serbo-Croatian)
League of Communists of Yugoslavia (Macedonian)
League of Communists of Croatia
League of Communists of Slovenia
Mazdoor Kisan Party
People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan
People's Revolutionary Party of Benin
Polish United Workers' Party
Romanian Communist Party
Socialist Party (Sweden)
Syria Pioneering Revolutionist Party
Workers' Party of Marxist Unification
Workers' Revolutionary Party (Argentina)
People's Revolutionary Army (Argentina), armed wing of the Workers' Revolutionary Party
Front de libération du Québec
Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, armed wing of the Communist Party of Chile
Organized Vanguard of the People
People's Revolutionary Army (Colombia)
Rebel Armed Forces
Revolutionary Left Movement (Peru)
Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
Sarawak People's Guerilla Force