AI art caricatures and public characters in AI art

In the 2020s it became more easily possible to create artworks using public characters due to the emergence of AI art generators like Stable Diffusion.


  • it democratized the creation of caricatures and political art (made the creation of relatively high-quality art more accessible to more people)
  • enabled problematic online misinformation
  • enabled humorous art using known characters, including fictional characters (prime example: 'Harry Spotter')

It works well with some specific public characters without any kind of extra training. Some of these are well-known to be easily generatable in realistic-looking ways such as Vladmir Putin.

Others require fine-tuning using tools and techniques like DreamBooth, the first image below is made with Stable Diffusion/Imagine without any kind of extra training and the second used DreamBooth, where the second looks much more realistic regarding Jimmy Wales' face:

The reasons for why some famous characters do not look realistic with current models without extra training are unknown and that may change over time.

It also allowed the creation of videos with public characters:

These abilities have scratched the sensitivities of some religious people and worries of political elites regarding democratized political art.

And it also enables democratized artistic depictions of historic public characters which can e.g. be used for humorous images, higher-resolution portraits, innovative/creative combinations, or realistic AI art for historical scenes:

It can also be used to create art depicting people not commonly featured in high-quality art such as specific scientists which are usually not the subject of art and fiction with an exception of e.g. the movies 'The Theory Of Everything' and 'Oppenheimer':